i felt a burning in my throat way back of my throat that i never felt before - i felt like some live enity was moving around and attempting to burn and or eat away at my throat and this wasn't harsh - it was a suttle almost undetectable feeling that lasted a few minutes as i was out for about one hour today - sunday march 27, 2011 and yesterday also - i belive this enity is nuclear radiation from japan and also the sun explosions - also my skin is like milded sun burn -
and being a very highly sensative intuitive etc. in touch with many things of life and military experinces and with toxic gases chemicals etc. in the military and all the toxic pollution in civilian life and in the "tremont gas chamber" which realneo coop points out so well -
see our posts links for more life saving information-
http://realneo.us/content/chernobyl-cleanup-survivor-natalia-manzurova-m... [1]
http://realneo.us/content/dr-john-apsley-warned-there-really-no-safe-lev... [2]
http://realneo.us/content/radiationnetworkcom-depicting-environmental-ra... [3]
http://realneo.us/content/potassium-iodide-taken-when-nuclear-reactor-ac... [4]
http://realneo.us/content/radiation-protection-natural-antidotes-nuclear... [5]
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[1] http://realneo.us/content/chernobyl-cleanup-survivor-natalia-manzurova-message-japan-run-away-quickly-possible-media--0
[2] http://realneo.us/content/dr-john-apsley-warned-there-really-no-safe-level-radiation-and-lamented-it-has-half-life-250
[3] http://realneo.us/content/radiationnetworkcom-depicting-environmental-radiation-levels-across-usa-updated-real-time-ev
[4] http://realneo.us/content/potassium-iodide-taken-when-nuclear-reactor-accident
[5] http://realneo.us/content/radiation-protection-natural-antidotes-nuclear-accident-earthquakes-or-attack
[6] http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php?v=250&username=questministries
[7] http://realneo.us/../../../../../blogs/questministries
[8] http://www.nationalwardogsmonument.org/
[9] http://www.disclosureproject.com/