Talented 19 Action News Reporter and Anchor Paul Joncich
Community Activist Valerie Robinson, who is White and a Cleveland Hts residence, told Cleveland Hts City Council that the city ordinance is nothing more that an effort to target Black children because they are "walking while being Black."
A special thanks to 19 Action News Anchor and Reporter Paul Joncich. View his video by clicking on Restrictive and Racist: Demonstrators say Coventry curfew targets blacks [3]
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Restrictive and Racist: Demonstrators say Coventry curfew targets blacks [3] | ||
Protest at Cleveland Hts over curfew law
CLEVELAND HEIGHTS, OH (WOIO) - Demonstrators gathered in front of Cleveland Heights City Hall to protest the recently adopted curfew law before taking their concerns into the meeting.
Protestors say the law is unconstitutional and racist.
Three weeks ago Cleveland Heights City Council passed a law stating that children under 18 will be arrested if caught eating or otherwise patronizing restaurants in select areas of the city of Cleveland Hts. after 6:00 PM, unless they are with a parent or guardian.
Demonstrators say the curfew targets blacks.
"It also gives police the discretion to pick and choose, meaning it's a license for potential discrimination," said one demonstrator.
Despite protests, for now the curfew will remain in place.
[1] http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-qpXrGpky1Vs/TiZrQERrATI/AAAAAAAABgo/SdgN6vxXzNA/s1600/PAUL%2BJONCICH.jpg
[2] http://www.kathywraycolemanonlinenewsblog.com/
[3] http://www.woio.com/global/video/popup/pop_playerLaunch.asp?clipId1=6063727&flvUri=&partnerclipid=&at1=News&vt1=v&h1=Restrictive%20and%20Racist%3A%20Demonstrators%20say%20Coventry%20curfew%20targets%20blacks&d1=107967&redirUrl=&activePane=info&LaunchPageAdTag=homepage&clipFormat=flv