The controversial radical Muslim group, Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR ) lost its censorship case in its attempt to silence an evening presentation about the menace of Sharia law in America that was to be presented at the auditorium at Farragut High School, part of the Knox County school district in Tennessee, RedState reported on Saturday.
Examiner (h/t Mike F) The non-profit law firm, Freedom X , along with the local ACT for America chapter headed by John Peach, along with his associate, Bill French, had filed a lawsuit in Tennessee against the Knox County School system alleging that Farragut High School officials and Superintendent Jim McIntyre withdrew an April after-hours presentation that was to center around Sharia Law.
The lawsuit was filed based on violations of the First Amendment that such an event was cancelled just because the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), who has had history of supporting terrorism, and has numerous ties to extremist Islamic organizations, complained and successfully halted the event.

Furthermore, the event was to center on the dangers of its increasing acceptance in the United States but the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) objected and had falsely labeled ACT! for America as a “hate group” and falsely characterized French as a “bigot”. They also wrongly speculated that the town hall meeting would encourage violence at the school and would disrupt the school environment.

In winning the lawsuit, Becker, president of Freedom X, a non-profit legal organization fighting discrimination against conservatives and Christians said , “This is a victory for free speech. “Sharia is incompatible with our constitutional and legal protections. That was the message Knox County School officials tried to censor. It is unfortunate we have to educate the educators about our freedoms, but we are thankful that Knox county attorneys recognized litigation would have been futile for the district.”

Concerning the lawsuit when it was first filed, Becker said in August 2014 , “Muslims in America led by CAIR, which is affiliated with Hamas, a foreign terrorist organization, are exploiting our laws to erode everyone else’s freedom of speech… it’s part and parcel of a greater plan to eventually make us into an Islamic caliphate.”
Freedom X also stated that when the county agreed to settle the lawsuit, “Peach vs. Knox County Schools”, just 21 days after it was filed, it also agreed to revising its facility use policy and that the county will pay attorney’s fees and costs.