From Eric J Brewer - and Jerry Strothers http://44112news.com/?p=11472 :
Every person living, working, walking and driving by the illegal dump site along Noble, Euclid, E. 152nd and Ivanhoe streets is breathing in dangerous air polluting toxins. Imagine Collinwood students walking along Ivanhoe next to the dump and breathing in dangerous asbestos, PCB's, volatile organic compounds and semi-volatile organic compounds. Think of the Collinwood athletes exerting their bodies and breathing heavier around this pile of life threatening shit. Think about you breathing in dump site toxins just because you're parked at a light on Noble Road and Euclid.
A friend introduced me to one of his associates, Jim Riffle, and he'll be conducting environmental tests of homes and businesses within a one mile radius of the dump site to produce a report of the dangerous pollutants that are affecting air quality in Cleveland, Cleveland Heights, South Euclid and possibly Euclid. I'm coordinating the effort. Riffle is a national environmental expert.
Once Riffle's environmental report is generated I'm sharing it widely with everyone. This is environmental racism folk and I don't give a shit if the folk who rigged East Cleveland's government to make it happen are supposed to be the Descendants of Slaves. Call 'em "sellouts" if you will but no part of "Uncle Tom" would have done to people what these traitorous political bastards did to the residents living near this hell hole.
The only ordinance East Cleveland city council passed relative to the Noble Road property authorized Arco and Red Rock owner Mike Riley to buy the land to ready it for redevelopment. The area wasn't zoned for a landfill and the state's EPA under Governor John Kasich and Mayor Frank Jackson's administrations shouldn't have signed off on a license to let him operate one. Even if Riley was supposed to operate a recycling center how the hell is he recycling if nothing's being moved off the damn property?
I'll share more soon. If WOIO's lying assed Harry Boomer wants to cover a "scandal," this is one that matters.
Comments: I would be interested in knowing how the dump was approved. Before Brancatelli* retired, we had regular Planning Commission meetings to approve/reject initiatives. I am very clear that we voted "NO" for that. So how did it happen?? That's what I really want to know.
Brandon King and Thomas Wheeler removed the landbank land sale ordinance out of Mansell D Baker's committee. They scheduled a 1:30 p.m. special meeting knowing meetings are supposed to be scheduled at 6:30 p.m. These acts were taken to circumvent the normal process, to conceal their acts and to avoid public criticism and scrutiny. King, Wheeler and Norton are all criminals.
More specifically, to modify the purpose of the landbank sale from redevelopment to a landfill required an amendment to the original ordinance. It required an application request for rezoning. It required a hearing before the BZA with notice to the r...
This whole dump situation makes me angry. Why would someone want that in our city? Why? I'm going to look for the emails and minute meetings from Brancatelli where this topic was discussed and voted on.
Why would a former mayor orchestrate two water studies to get the one he wanted that justified his desire to raise water and sewer rates by over 60 percent to pay a contractor for a piece of $300,000 a year in bribes? Oh. So he could be bribed. Who thinks it makes sense to pay a private contractor $3.2 million a year to do the same job city workers were paid $1.4 million a year to perform? Criminals in elected office think this shit makes sense. You should be angry. In my book y'all ain't angry enough. The boy only lost by 20 fucking votes.
Norton is an unindicted and unprosecuted criminal. That's why he "wanted" a dump site in the city. His girlfriend, the one who claims to have a baby by him, personally told me she was being paid $700 a week in cash by a guy earning only $40,000 a year as mayor
*(Eric J Brewer is referring to the former city engineer for East Cleveland, Ross Brankatelli - he uses the wrong spelling)