The only thing that can stop a bad kid with a gun is a good kid with a gun - or be responsibly at the front of the class with two guns with after market enlarged magazines.
America doesn't start gun training early enough in our schools. Texas actually keeps guns out of the school house. Dumb and dumber.
Home schooling can start with gun training at any young age. Constitutional right to all second graders.. Even hand grenade tossing-training can be done at home. Why not do the same in our public schools?
When I was home schooled we learned to use sling shots. They shot marbles.
Speaking of marbles lets get back to ballistic education.
So if we started our youth with gun training in pre-K then by the time the youth got to Jr. Hi and Hi School there would be almost unlimited firepower in every class room.
Open carry of Course.
We wouldn't have to pay the teachers a premium (and pension benefits) for carrying in class. Trump had a great idea with arming teachers. But the kids would just do it gratis.
Where is the political will power and leadership on this issue? Why doesn't Mr. Trump begin to open carry? Both hips. Who will set the responsible example?
At my age my hands are too shaky for pistols but I can still pull back those rubber sling shot straps. Watch out! I've still got my marbles...