We know from the Dealer (Henry Gomez) that the demolition of the Howard Johnson’s at East 55th and the interstate I 90 Shoreway was stopped by a Court Injunction. Where the Court enjoined the demolition - I take that to mean that the demolition went forward before any demolition orders and their appeal periods had lapsed.
So, if the owner prevails in the Court action, the owner will be receiving some significant cash from Cleveland for the nibbles that the Cookie Monster took out of the South West corner of the hotel.
Who encouraged the City of Cleveland to award this demo bid to Precision Environmental, a DeGironimo Company?
I have visited this site many times, but this afternoon there was a Tenable Guard at the gate. Funny, the place has been vacant and accessible for decades: now, half demo'ed, it's got a paid security detail. She wouldn't answer any questions...and called her office as if James Bond had arrived. Wonder who's paying for Tenable?