I am going to try and revisit this post to update it with information gleaned from the Sunlight Foundation. [2] First, I will say I was extremely proud that the Cleveland Public Library [3]hosted this event and that the Library Director Felton Thomas opened the session eloquently with his personal experience on how libraries are the great equalizer in society. [4]
I attended a session entitled "You Say FOIA - I Say Open Data" lead by a presenter from MuckRock.com [5] - we also discussed where cities and goverment are making strides to improve the public's access to information - I was impressed by discussion points made by Josh Kalov (Chicago) and Vyki Englert (Los Angeles) and Rahul Sinha (Washington DC) - please google them. I brought up 311 system (not FOIA, but related) - and noted that CLE is making a halfhearted attempt to implement. [6]
[6]I also attended a session led by Will Tarter (CLE-CUY http://www.cleveland.com/cuyahoga-county/index.ssf/2016/09/cuyahoga_coun... [7]) - regarding the problems inherent in open data requests, when the government and agencies release information using a pdf form. [8] I learned about Socrata https://socrata.com/ [9] and various ways agencies scrap data from government sites. I enjoyed meeting Andrew Nicklin (NY, NY) and Eamon Johnson (CLE)
Finally, I attended a session that dealt specifically with state data portals - and was thrilled to learn more about the Open Checkbook [10] project intiated by Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel. Met Frank Kohstall, Deputy Director of Public Affairs for the Treasurer of Ohio and Hans Poschman with digitaldemocracy.org [11] -
Met some amazing local CLE folks and intellectual people from all over the country. Will write more as I explore all of the great efforts being made to open data and develop smart cities of the future. I could not attend the second day - but I am shifting through the posts for more information.
[1] http://realneo.us/content/cpljpg
[2] https://sunlightfoundation.com/api/
[3] http://www.cpl.org
[4] https://web.archive.org/web/20201025081728/http://wg.wonderopolis.org/blog/free-to-be
[5] https://www.muckrock.com/
[6] http://www.city.cleveland.oh.us/CityofCleveland/Home/311
[7] http://www.cleveland.com/cuyahoga-county/index.ssf/2016/09/cuyahoga_county_hindered_by_1_billion_in_debt_report_says.html
[8] http://realneo.us/content/ginmark-demolitions-paid-out-hardest-hit-funds-cuyahoga-county-land-bank
[9] http://socrata.com/
[10] http://local.ohiocheckbook.com/
[11] https://t.co/xnxQunooV3