Got up this morning – around 8:30 a.m. – looked out of the windows – and saw snow on the ground. Took a couple of quick photographs from the second floor of our house and also from the attic.
It was 30 deg. F and the winds were howling outside.
After I got ready – I came down – went outside with my measuring scale and recorded half-an-inch of snow.
Attached photograph #1 shows Jefferson Park as viewed from street level from our house on Cooley Avenue on the morning of April 1, 2021 around 9:45 a.m. It was 30 deg. F, the snow was still falling and the winds were howling – made it look like a blizzard. It was bitterly cold.
The spring flowers along our driveway – daffodils – were all limped over and so were our neighbor’s crocuses.
In the afternoon – around 3:30 p.m. the snow had stopped. The measurements showed a total snowfall of 1.5 inches. Our flowers could have used more rain – not snow -- disastrous type of precipitation for spring flowers.
#2 shows Jefferson Park as viewed from the second floor window of our house on Cooley Avenue on the afternoon of April 1 around 3:30 p.m. It was still 30 deg. F and the winds were howling at 18 mph. It was bitterly cold. However, the snow had stopped falling, the skies started to clear – and the sun was in and out.
#3 shows before (March 30) and after (April 1) photographs of daffodils along our driveway. The spring snows can wreck havoc on the flowers. Not all of our daffodils have bloomed yet. Let us see how they do – once the weather warms up. Keeping my fingers crossed!
#4 shows before (March 30) and after (April 1) photographs of our neighbor’s field of crocuses bordering the fence along our driveway. While the flowers are tiny and on the other side – the joy they bring flows across the fence. Hope they survive once the weather improves.
#5 shows our neighbor’s star magnolia tree (not in full blossom yet) as photographed on the afternoon of April 1 from the second floor window of our house around 3:30 p.m. Some of the blossoms are hardy – let us hope they survive.
#6 shows one of our indoor geranium plants – in full bloom in our sun room on the second floor of our house as photographed on the afternoon of April 1 around 3:30 p.m. While it was 30 deg. F outside and it was bitterly cold with winds howling at 18 mph – the temperature in the unheated room was a pleasant 50 deg. F. The geranium plants will be coming down to our front porch once the spring weather stabilizes.
#7 shows Duffie the naughtiest of our three indoor cats on the window sill of our sun room on the second floor of our house as photographed on the afternoon of April 1 around 3:30 p.m. Duffie, a darling, is both very smart and naughty. Wherever she goes – she knocks everything in her wake – jumping left, right, up, and down. Follows me all over the house – from the basement to the attic. She sneaked in without my being aware of it. Took a lot of coaxing to get her to exit the sun room. She was born in our garage in the summer of 2009 with her sisters Heather, Maddie, and Kara. Both Heather and Maddie have since moved to the Rainbow Bridge. She plays with Kara and her auntie Tess.
Love Mother Nature – but please no more snow on the beautiful blossoms!
After the 1.5 inch surprise snowfall of April 1 – we have had very nice weather – with temperature climbing to the low 70’s and today (April 8) even to 82 deg. F
Our daffodils and our neighbor’s star magnolias -- not only survived the snow and the bitterly cold temperatures on April Fool’s day -- they also thrived as the photographs (taken yesterday on April 7) show.

While the snow fence around the park is still standing tall -- let us hope there are no more surprises from Mother Nature.

Enjoy the spring and the lovely blossoms!