August 2, 2022 was a Tuesday!
You guessed it right – it was primary election day in Ohio and a few other states.
In Cleveland – it was an election period without any fanfare!
No electioneering by the candidates!
No noticeable campaign literature in the mail!
And, I did vote! So did a few others – the turnout was about 10% according to the polling station officials-- much less than the turnout on May 3rd – which was around 20 to 25%.
It was a nice sunny, mid-summer day – with a high of 76 deg. F.
I walked from our house located -- on Cooley Avenue – south side of Jefferson Park at 6:15 p.m. to our local polling station located on West 130th Street – a little south of CVS Pharmacy on Lorain Avenue -- formerly a K of C facility and now a party center.
There were no campaign signs outside the polling station – see composite photograph. Of course I had my performance art sign (Welcome Jimmy Dimora Public Square) – I never leave home without it – I had to leave it outside the polling station.
I had to choose between the Democratic and Republican ballots.
There were only four listings – two for State Central Committee – man and woman – both contested and two for State offices – Senator and Representative – both uncontested.
After I had voted, I got the customary sticker.
I love these stickers (even though this time I pasted it upside down) as the composite photograph shows.
Not everyone inside the station was masked – however I continue to wear my mask in all indoor spaces.
On my way back I played an hour of solo tennis before returning home around 8:30 p.m.
Enjoy the summer and the election season!