A park on Cleveland’s west side,
with a rectangular layout,
nearly 300 feet (east-west) x 1,315 feet (north-south),
with a perimeter of 0.73 of a mile,
where every day is a fresh new day,
as the sun rises and sets bringing residents to walk, play, relax, and nurture the soul,
as the moon and the planets move in the night sky,
as the seasons roll by from winter with snow and spring-like days.
to spring with blossoming plants and trees,
to sometimes hot and sometimes pleasant summer days with shady trees,
to autumn with trees that shine like gold,
to the Christmas lights in houses around the park – that brighten the dark evenings,
in an endless cycle from January 1 to December 31 in a mysterious universe.
Note: The composite photograph shows highlights using pictures from posts made in past years – broken into four quadrants – one for each of the four seasons.
Top row, left -- Jefferson Park as seen from the second floor of our house facing Cooley Avenue on the morning of Monday, January 17, 2022 – when we got nearly 11 inches of snow,
Top row, right – Spring blossoms – daffodils, forsythia, and Cleveland Pear tree (adjoining the tennis courts),
Bottom row, left – Our house with the lighted front porch and the shining moon during a summer evening. I leave the light on in our front porch from sunset to sunrise – all year long. The color reflects the season – green for spring, blue for summer, yellow for autumn, and pink red for winter.
Bottom row, right – A composite showing Christmas lights and decorations outside 13-houses around the three sides of Jefferson Park (Cooley Avenue and West 132nd & 133rd Streets).