I don’t know about you but I live in Cleveland Heights and when I pick up my morning paper I’m interested in Cleveland, not Columbus, not Cincinnati, not Toledo, not Akron and not Dayton. But Cleveland.
So it puzzles me why pages – yes, pages – of news from Columbus, Cincinnati, Dayton and Canton greet me in my PD instead of news from Cleveland and the area.
Is the PD really trying to turn people off?
Example: Metro, Saturday June 21, page 2: two articles on the page. Both from the Cincinnati Enquirer, including a campaign to “tout downtown Cincinnati.” I’m tired of propaganda about downtown Cleveland, so now I have to read about Cincinnati piffle. Pathetic.
Same day, page B-5: Another Dispatch story and a five-column, 17-inch spread with photos from the Canton Repository about a cemetery. I certainly could do without any of that.
Example: Metro, Friday, June 20, page B-5: Four articles dominate the page. Three from the Columbus Dispatch and a fourth from the Cincinnati Inquirer. “Church offers free haircut, good influence” says headline from the Dispatch.
Surely, Ms. Goldberg you can do better than that. The only local part of the page is a photo and a short run-over from a B-1 article.
Same day, Page B-4: The entire editorial space – six-columns wide and about nine to ten inches deep – taken by a snake story out of the Columbus Dispatch. What happened yesterday in my city?
Same day, Page B-2: The entire editorial space taken by two articles, one from the Cincinnati Enquirer and the other from the Canton Repository.
Example. Wednesday, June 18, B-5. Most of the editorial space given to articles from the Columbus Dispatch, the Akron Beacon Journal and the Toledo Blade. A triple waste to me.
I could have done without any of these stories. I know what it does to me to have to see this. I get angry that I’m being deprived of local news I deserve to read.
What does it do to PD reporters, especially those who care and say that they have articles set to run in the paper that just sit there awaiting space? I would think it rather depressing to the reporters and a message that says, why work hard if what you write has to wait in line for Toledo?
So when I pay good money to have my paper delivered to me each morning, I don’t expect filler from Cincinnati and Columbus.
And that’s just one of the things that bothered me this week about the Pee Dee.
[1] http://realneo.us/content/patmon-rightly-calls-jackson-jacobs-deal
[2] http://realneo.us/content/roldo-bartimole-0
[3] http://realneo.us/content/pd-circulation-figures-are-not-good