1. eternal thanks comm. sulzer, lt. bolan, & officer, sammy cataina, joe cimperman, and others for alerting me by coming to my home on 3-12-2010, (police only) and comm. sulzer, speaking with me from sammys phone while at tremont west development corporation, "that i should post that i'm non-violent and wouldn't kill tim russo, and that i should apoligize because tim russo may want you arrested for "menacing" and in case tim russo files a police report - and guy we know you are non-violent" - and i told comm.sulzer, i will take his advice and thanked him for being our hero - and i posted said disclamier - -(see link below)
(note: i was told tim russo was in california at the time and some folks think that the good police were sent to my home to intimadate and or to provoke me - comm. sulzer came after lt. bolan by himself and knocked on the door and he or lt. bolan left a note to call comm. sulzer and when we spoke on the phone he was very respectfull and lt. bolan, came with another officer and knocked on the door and went in the back yard and left and they came seperate times in about 15 minutes and at that time sammy cataina called me at home and the call roled over to my cell and i called sammy back and sammy said comm. sulzer needs to talk with me and he's not there to arrest me - and just then comm. sulzer came back to twdc as sammy said he was there earlier to see if he had my phone no. and sammy handed his phone to him - i think their intentions were honorable - although when the police come to your home any thing can happen and things can go wrong - i would have peferred a telephone call - which comm. sulzer was attempting to do - comm. sulzer said he read my blog - but i think comm. sulzer didn't know the complete story - truth - which is here -
heres an email i sent to them-
eternal thanks keith, lt. bolen, officer, sammy, joe, all:
your a policeperson - policeperson - your a cops cop-
as fathers you know - this was good opportunity to draw attention to the most at risk from
preditors - the children.
eternal thanks for your intervention on my behalf - you all our judges, social workers, priest, etc. -
my father was policeperson - constable in parma township, in 1912 to 1916 and told me stories-
i'm we are at your service for anything - the last time i said that to law enforcement
the secret service, they used me to investigate and arrest a counterfiter - so as we are told in the
military - becarefull what you volunteer for - or better yet - never volunteer-
you folks put your life on the line every minute - and are most citizens role models - your mine.
yogi and guy
i guy templeton black & yogi are non-violent spirits and would let the hero cleveland police handle any crime that i called and witnessed or any one else called and i guy would not will not kill anyone per my previous posts that are a parody and was meant to draw attention that some other folks are NOT non-violent like me towards preditors of children.eternal thanks, yogi and guy templeton black, electronic signature questministries yogi-guy's blog Read more 257 reads
2. and this stems from tim russo and others thinking sincerly or in-sincerly that my parodys wasn't a parody on a original parody - not by me -
Would someone pay me to kill Tim Russo? Submitted by Evelyn Kiefer on July 20, 2009 - 11:14pm3. again the original parody that i did my parodys from was from this -
guys parodys -

"would someone please hire me to kill Tim Russo" in a cartoon with russo molesting children-going to the roulets home-
questministries yogi-guy's blog 1 comment
Read more 146 reads
by a mother of three children - the wife norm roulet the founder of http://realneo.us that lives in east cleveland, and the good police don't answer citizens calls for help mostly because of not enough police - and the mother posted this parody because she was afraid of tim russo, a convicted child sex abuser over the internet, coming to her home because of posts that tim russo, posted to the same blog http://realneo.us in july 09, - and his own blog -
Breaking - flame war bloggers can read blogs
Submitted by Tim Russo on February 2, 2009 - 8:10am.
Yes, it’s true, we’re GCP funded neoNazis UPDATE Written by Tim Russo . - Posted on 20 July 2009. Filed under Cleveland Blogs , Cleveland Media , What It Is . Tagged as Norm Roulet , RealNEO . Bookmark the Permalink . Subscribe to Comments RSS feed . Post a . Leave a Trackback URL .
(in part)
and this all started when jo ellen birt, - former Assistant to Councilman Joe Cimperman - posted a comment in part about "will someone pay me to kill Tim Russo?" and being critical against http://realneo.us blog and some members - including norm roulet, the husband of evelyn kiefer - and accusing norm of posting "will someone pay me to kill Tim Russo?" so i did my parodys to show jo ellen birt and others that threw humor and satire etc. - one can see the truth better and correct the lies-
"you and Norm need to be VERY careful what you put on this blog. Both what you say and what you advocate on this site can, and will, be brought up in court if you continue to cross the line of Free Speech. Your First Amendment rights are not protected if you (a) advocate for illegal action (i.e. "will someone pay me to kill Tim Russo?") or (b) if you outright lie "
5. tim russo, and i have seen each other and spoke in a polite respectfull way a few times - once last summer at the farmers market, at lincoln park, in tremont, and also joe cimperman, and nora, mrs. cimperman, was there and we all were talking - tim russo, had a booth with a female selling childrens painting stuff as i recall - something with children -
also i signed tim russo's petition for county manager, canidate as we spoke at the tremont west development corporations annual meeting at st. josephs, on 1-29-09, with some 200 folks there including comm. sulzer,
i was a canidate for the board of directors-
6. heres emails in part and full to me from and to the good city councilperson joe cimperman, d-3,- who honors me (and henry) - and me stating that " i attempt to make my points by humor - satire mostly "- and part of one my parodys where i state " i do this for theraphy so i don't kill the russos and catholic priests of life "
joe thanks - you never have to apologies to me - you know me - i attempt to make my point by humor - satire mostly even if i'm the only one laughing - i was mostly kidding - i thought i put - :) at the end but it doesn't look like - i will suggest if i was you what i would do - how you can help-
yogi and guy
"Your comments about Henry make me think about you too, Guy. Both you and Henry are community activists who put your thoughts into action. You run for the board, you come to meetings, you engage with others in a respectful, non hateful, let's get it done kind of way. I will always respect you and Henry for that. You don't anonymously tear people down, you participate and make things better. And I thank you for that."
"Have a good night. Thanks for you. joe"
" i do this for theraphy so i don't kill the russos and catholic priests of life - as one day while seeing a documentary on priests etc. that fuck childrend i grabbed yogis pennis as he was laying on the couch and i yelled out i'm a roman catholic priest and yogi pretended to kill me barking snapping growling - yogi did a parody - but yogi said if it really happens he would kill the sexual abuser-" ( this is part of one my parodys)
and in closing my humor, satire, which are parodys - are not threats to kill tim russo - they were mainly to advocate and support evelyn kiefer's family and realneo coop - and as a pastor of quest, ministries, a faith based charitable non-profit corporation and news-journalist service - realneo-coop does such a good job of helping society in general that some forces - people - that would like to destroy us because we state 'truth to power" - and mainly the children-
eternal thanks,
yogi (service k-9, partner) and guy - guy templeton black, pastor
joe thanks - you never have to apologies to me - you know me - i attempt to make my point by humor - satire mostly even if i'm the only one laughing - i was mostly kidding - i thought i put - :) at the end but it doesn't look like - i will suggest if i was you what i would do - how you can help-
"Your comments about Henry make me think about you too, Guy. Both you and Henry are community activists who put your thoughts into action. You run for the board, you come to meetings, you engage with others in a respectful, non hateful, let's get it done kind of way. I will always respect you and Henry for that. You don't anonymously tear people down, you participate and make things better. And I thank you for that."
"Have a good night. Thanks for you.
joecimperman [at] gmail [dot] com" moz-do-not-send="true wrote:
My apologies and thanks as always for your offer of help. Hoping you have a great weekend, hello to my friend Yogi.
------Original Message------
From: Guy T Black
To: Joe Cimperman
Subject: Re:
Sent: Mar 5, 2010 12:26 AM
hi joe, help on what?- or i can say " how can i help joe and the
citizens" cheers, yogi guy (joe call me guy - when you call me mr. i think you don't like as much as if you call by my first name - most folks feel that way)
you call yogi by his first name - yogi yoga bear - you don't call yogi
mr. bear :)
joecimperman [at] gmail [dot] com" moz-do-not-send="true wrote:
Mr Black
I tried returning your call twice yesterday and the answering machine never
picked up. How can I help?
JoeSent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
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