Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 07/20/2009 - 15:59.
I'm thinking the KKK or some white supremacy group, but could just be a bunch of tech people who want to disrupt the alternative media movement in town by turning Cleveland into complete garbage... could be funded by the GCP,.
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 07/22/2009 - 14:02.
I definitely think we need to find out who is funding them - look at this, from one of Adam Harvey's websites, Organic Mechanic... these are the people who demolished Frank Giglio's house and have mare real Tremonter's lives hell for years... posers:
Pretty much right after I shut down Tremonter, I was contacted by a local guy who was interested in starting a new weblog for the Cleveland area. He brought me on board for several reasons: my familiarity with Wordpress, my passion for Cleveland, my knowledge of the local blogging community and my writing ability. I’ve sort of been his point man for setting up this new site, scrounging up writers and generally making sure his vision is well translated to cyberspace.
From the mini-about us section:
BLACKHEART Cleveland brings the best and worst of Cleveland to light in order to show you what Cleveland was, is, and can be.
The BLACKHEART Manifesto is our first real post. Head on over, and take a look. I hope you enjoy it.
This entry was posted on Monday, June 22nd, 2009 at 6:23 am and is filed under Cleveland. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
said it before - Tremont has a disproportionate number of them - the generation of entitled youth.
These are the kids that were raised alongside my children. I watched their parents smother them with things, teach them to compete socially, excuse every single one of their inappropriate behaviors while simultaneously exercising braggadocio with regard to their meager benefitical traits. Basically, they were carefully turned into selfish brats.
There's not a drop of empathy running through their veins.
Already - they have hacked Ken Lanci's Facebook account and have started attacking opposition to their hand-picked CLE City council favorites (hint - pretty much everyone except Zack Reed and Mike Polensek).
Submitted by Jeff Buster on Sun, 02/05/2017 - 18:38.
Informative to re-read the decade old Tim Russo Blackheart posts... what are the potential motivations to denigrate the Nelsons? Are they considering running for office in Cleveland or Cuyahoga County?
This is Sarah from the University of Missouri School of Journalism. We are doing a study about civic journalism. Below is a letter about a survey we are doing with owners of civic journalism sites like yours (realneo dot us/) The letter explains the purpose and sponsor of the study. Thank you for reading the letter below and I hope to hear from you.
Thanks you,
Sarah Samson
Center for Advanced Social Research
University of Missouri - School of Journalism 135-D
Neff Annex Columbia, MO 65211 (573) 884-6558
April 15, 2009
Dear Website Owner,
You are cordially invited to participate in a telephones survey regarding the motivation, business model, and administration of news content of the website of which you are in charge. Thus, I would be most grateful if I could obtain your telephone number so that I could arrange a time that is convenient to you for your participation.
Your website has been identified as one of the civic journalism sources in the United States. The purpose of our study is to learn your opinions about launching and operating your website as an important source of information about local journalism. This is part of a larger study we are conducting on behalf of the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation with the guiding purpose of exploring a community news model at the School of Journalism of the University of Missouri-Columbia.
If you agree to participate in the survey, please email your telephone number to samsons [at] missouri [dot] edu, and we will set up a time that is convenient for you to be interviewed.
Your participation is very important to the success of the study! Your participation is voluntary, and I can assure you that all the information you will provide will be kept completely confidential so that you cannot be identified. You may stop or refuse the survey at any time when you do not feel comfortable with the questions. The survey only takes less than ten minutes to complete over telephone.
I thank you in advance for your participation! If you have questions about the study, please write to me at flemingk [at] missouri [dot] edu or call me at (573) 884-6563.
Kenneth Fleming, Ph.D. Associate Director of Research The Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute Director of Center for Advanced Social Research School of Journalism
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 07/20/2009 - 07:59.
It is a big complex project and we've had lots of people like you and Marc Canter cause harm along the way. So we have taken our time to get everything right, and are investing in planning.
I love the "trust fund baby" thing... my wife will be really glad to learn about that.
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 07/20/2009 - 08:18.
If you are really interested, we should get together and I'll update you.
Marc was supposed to be part of our cooperative initiatives to the County but as soon as I introduced him to a few of the usual economic development "leaders" in town they latched on to him, he smelled gold, and off they went in another direction... focused on creating content and commercial products for OneCommunity.
So Marc isn't involved in what I'm working on at all, and hasn't been from the first time he hit town in May.
For social computing consulting, we're using Acquia, the firm formed by the founder of Drupal, Bries Buytaert.
For WiFi consulting, instead of using the people at OneCommunity, we're using Sascha Meinrath.
You are not at all funny, Tim. If your intent is to fuck children, at it has been in the past, you are doing it now and it is not appreciated.
I just wish people here would work together rather than try to kill each other. I don't have a trust fund so this is my work, and I expect to be compenstated for my work, just as do you. As an entrepreneur, I don't mind working hard and taking risks, but it really pisses me off when people who have no idea what they are talking about or doing cause my family harm. I have lots of my family's money invested in helping this community, as families should do. We should not be punished for that.
In my interactions with you, Tim and my interactions with Norm - I would pick Norm ANY DAY.
I have found him reliable, kind, and intelligent.
I have found you unreliable, mean and frankly kinda stupid.
Do you remember the show I curated at Asterisk - Counting Days? Remember you were sleeping at the gallery because you didn't have a place to stay and I worked the closing day. You told me you would handle the artists' pick-up the next day so I could film the pre-election voting downtown (MY footage made DemocracyNow! btw...). Dana said you would do it because it was the least you could do.
So, the next day, after filming all afternoon I came home to phone calls from artists because you weren't at the gallery - and they couldn't pick up their work. I did go over to the gallery and I did notice all the empty fancy beer bottles you left strewn inside and on the front lawn. Nice class act, Tim.
You hang out with the cattiest, most selfish people I know (talk about a pack of trust fund babies)(Dana totally excluded). You never ever have anything nice to say about anyone (a story about a few cupcakes doesn't erase your filth). You constantly badmouth people for the same things you yourself are "guilty" of. You're a big fat hypocrite.
Submitted by Tim Russo on Mon, 07/20/2009 - 09:30.
for which you should have taken responsibility? i was there when i said i would be there. you weren't. in fact, i waited for you to show up well past the point you said you'd be there.
try again. or alternatively, glom onto norm's 10 mil from PLJ!!
you weren't - maybe you were too wasted when I asked you and had not a clue where or when you should be. I wasn't supposed to be there - that was the whole point Tim.
Be a man and take responsibility once in awhile...
Submitted by Tim Russo on Mon, 07/20/2009 - 09:44.
if it's my art show, i kinda, you know, would be there instead of having some random dude who happens to be crashing there cover for my ass. which is why all your artists called you, wondering where your ass was. maybe next time you can get norm's 10mil from PLJ to pay someone to wait around for you all day!
Awhile, back Jeff Buster got on Tricia Chaves case on using this site for self-promotion. He debated whether she was a spammer. I defended her and I have also tolerated Tim Russo on this site, because free speech is important to REALNEO. But, since this is a member supported operation and he is not contributing healthy content and not funding this site, I vote that we pull the plug on him, once and for all. Show of hands? I am posting this as a poll.
Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Mon, 07/20/2009 - 14:26.
Dear Real NEO,
I don't know very much about Tim Russo, only the idea that he has was one of the folks who pulled a petition to run in the Ward 14 election and he possibly has a criminal record. I do see many derogative posts. I did read somewhere along the line a post from him on another site that really was surprising and questionable about how "he was the victim" of the police...
In being fair to this person....could you please tell me and the rest of us new folks objectively....everything worthy of discussion before you totally disrupt his free expression? Thank you kindly.
Thats the best I can sum up, ANGEL. That and what I've posted above. He hangs with a particularly catty Tremont brat pack... My opinions are based on many encounters with him, either as above, from a short distance, through others, or on the ether. I don't find consistency in his judgements and I dont find him to be reliable. He is venomous in his "editorials" and he doesn't like to defend himself when his work is called into question, rather he quickly, if not immediately degenerates into blame game, deflection or rage. he does not practice what he preaches and in my opinion he is a hypocrite and subject to influence.
I don't think you will get a ton of response to this... Most people don't like sticking their head into a hateful meat grinder. Me? I'm just tOOpid.
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 07/20/2009 - 15:43.
I am definitely calling Tim and the Blackhearts out on this attack.
It is clear this is a stunt to get attention. I'm not in the mood to blog with any of them about this but do expect them to have the decency to meet and make whatever claims they like to my face - and Tim can video it all he likes, and we'll video tape him and Adam and the Blackhearts, and get this stupidity out of the way..
Edisons some day later this week - we need to have a real coop meeting to discuss the initiatives proposed to the county and Tim, Adam and the other Blackhearts are welcome to come, if they are realneo members.
I need to run what I am presenting to the County through the coop this week, so the more input the better.
I didn't vote to ban Tim from the coop, but I don't appreciate his attacks. And I don't trust him as a human being - I do not believe he knows right from wrong.
I don't know Adam or anyone else with the Blackhearts, and have always been supportive of Bridget Ginley and bought her art, so I don't see what these people should have against me. If they have something against realneo or real coop that should be addressed against and worked through by the coop.
Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Mon, 07/20/2009 - 23:15.
1) I am not a Senyak?
2) I am not afraid of you, your mouth, or your ways...
3) This little nagging woodpecker once told me that the bigger a tree is, the harder it falls....
4) Whatever problems you have in your online forums are yours, not mine. I asked for a formidable basis to make a vote....good, bad, and indifferent.
5) Let's agree to disagree....and to keep our distances... I am a mother & and I wouldn't hesitate to protect my child from anyone-friend, stranger, predator, or anyone who begins to make me question my motherly instincts.... YOU MADE THE COGNITIVE DECISION TO DO WHATEVER YOUR ACTIONS DID THAT GOT YOU CONVICTED.... THERE IS NO JUSTIFICATION, EXCUSE OR STORY THAT YOU COULD TELL ME THAT WOULD MAKE ME RESPECT YOUR POSITION FOR WHAT HAPPENED.... NONE....
6) Do not use this forum to start a fight that I won't hesitate to finish. I strongly advise you to keep your distance in words and physical being from my presence.... You created your existence as it is today.... your internal and external issues are yours...not mine.
7) I came to the this forum to share productive, considerate , and realistic situations in order to make a positive difference in our community....not to deal with negative people who try to project their self image on others. Although I can respectfully appreciate your "pickle of a situation in life".... I must distance myself from your rhetoric that is offensive, abusive, and self reflective of your own identity.
8) It is a shame that your knowledge, skills, and abilities are put into question due to a mistake you've made in your life that is IRREVERSIBLE. It's kind of like a drinking and driving accident that kills a sober pedestrian.... life happens... But we all make choices and we must live with the reactions that come with those choices...good, bad, and indifferent.
9) We've got a large populace of criminals in Ward 14.... Tim Russo is not the only one. I believe that we need people who have been through different dynamics such as he has in order to find measures and resolutions that perpetuate solutions, preventative actions, and educates and empowers our residents. It was not my intention to be mean to TR....but trust a mom---- who doesn't wait for my people to back me up---- I wouldn't hesitate to protect my child and the public from anyone else who is being a chronic nuisance to our community at large.
10) Point blankly Tim Russo...from what I see...this forum has been open, exceptionally tolerant, and beyond considerate of you and your postings. I think that you should take some time to sit back, calibrate your negative issues within, be happy that you woke up breathing today....and start showing these people the same courtesies that they appear to have been showing you... Perhaps a little humility, appreciation, respect, and maybe a little apology would go a long way....
I don't have a problem telling you these things politely... If you are here on REALNEO to make positive, productive changes, then let us know! But if you are only here to be hurtful, rude, disrespectful, and contemptuous-then please just leave.
As a community, we have enough to deal with on a daily basis without feeding your need for negative attention. Find some positive ways to be a part of the solutions... don't sit there and try to demotivate our best intentions here and there in the city. Why don't you use your experience to go around to schools speaking to young men about the little mistake that destroyed your life? You could empower tons of them to start using their brains to THINK BEFORE THEY DO! Everything about your existence doesn't have to be mistake.
Life is about ATTITUDE and yours is not a blessing at this time...but only YOU can change that. Life's a bowl of cherries.... It's beautiful outside... and there are thousands of reasons to be grateful.... but you continue to think that your meanness is acceptable...
REAL NEO.... in domestic violence classes....they teach us that the only thing we can change about another person is our reaction to them... Now, it's apparent that Mr. Tim Russo has been given ample opportunities to prove himself mature enough to participate in this forum without being removed. As a new participant in this forum...I will simply abstain from VOTING.... Perhaps Mr. Russo will find some way of leveling off his harsh postings and recognize that he's got a lot of positive things to offer the community at large.
I am a victim of childhood molestation from a friend of my parents who lived in our home. From the ages of 5-7 while I was in kindergarten through 2nd grade...that adult friend took advantage of my innocence... I lived in Tremont then...yes Tremont. I attended Tremont Elementary school too. You can bitch all you want about my parents and what they did or didn't do.... you can say a lot of things...but what it took me years to understand was so simple...that perpetrator violated me and my parents. He was a manipulative con artist...back in the days before everyone was telling those secrets in public...
The laws are screwy...and that guy still walks the streets and can get away with never being labeled as a sex me I tried it all to have that perp prosecuted... no photos of him are available.... he's one of the guys you all will just have to look over your shoulder wondering about forever.... the statistics are mind boggling.... particularly the cases that are not documented....the one's that will remain silenced for all too long...
You see, I am not worried about Tim's common knowledge he's a convicted person... I am worried about the one's who haven't been caught...the one's who may never get caught... So, I tell friends I have known forever to not be offended when my kid doesn't talk to them...They are ALL strangers...(STRANGER DANGER) and we just don't take chances to leave her with anyone for enough time to violate us all....
That's a tough way to live.... try never leaving your kid out of your sight or hearing distance because you know the predators lurking could destroy her innocence before you blinked... Yep...I am's a tough way to live...and yep... I wouldn't have it any other way. That's my baby...
Tim Russo.... I believe that I have been reasonable in my inclusive statements to you. You think long and hard about seeking me out.... I am just not the one to eat your crap at any degree. You be nice or don't speak to me at all.... I'll be civilized and that's the best you should expect.
I’ve rarely been busier or more interested in what I’ve been doing lately. I was telling Debbie the other day that it is nice to have so many varied things to do that in my free time all I want to do is read instead of playing video games or something else.
BLACKHEART Cleveland has been eating up most of my time; trying to schedule interviews and rustle up good and exciting information. We’re still at the heavy lifting stage, but I’ve got a good feeling about its direction and longevity. Now I just have to get out, conduct some interviews, edit them and get them online. It is nice to have a chance to do film/video work again, even amateurishly.
Through my government design blog The Design State, I’m working on a weekly video with GovLoop where I [and eventually a few other folks with areas of expertise] will answer questions or present, briefly, on a certain topic.
Abraham had his belated birthday party and we’re headed out of town for the weekend. I’ve scheduled my GRE exam, but haven’t had a chance to study yet. I’m not much worried, though I hope I’m not being too overconfident.
Throughout all of this, Debbie has been a champ. I worry that I’m neglecting her or my parental duties from time to time, but she said she’d let me know if I was slacking in that area. That’s certainly the top priority.
Design State is a weblog about government web design and its attendant subtopics: accessibility, usability, and web standards. In addition to these nuts and bolts, Design State will also focus on higher level issues and project challenges that affect government and public-sector web design.
About the Author
My name is Adam Harvey, and I’m a public sector web designer living in Cleveland, Ohio. My other personal weblog is called Organic/Mechanic. I currently have a full-time position as a web designer at Cuyahoga County. Any opinions expressed on this site are my personal opinions, and not necessarily shared by my employer.
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 07/21/2009 - 10:54.
Considering the timing of this attack, as we're preparing to present to Commissioner Jones our proposal to transform the use of information technology at Cuyahoga County, and Commissioner Jones is under attack from everyone but the FBI, and the fact one of the authors of the attack works in IT at Cuyahoga County, and IT at Cuyahoga County is under investigation by the FBI, and friends of Tim are involved in large IT initiatives that may be impacted by what we propose to Cuyahoga County, and our house was broken into this weekend and nothing was stolen, it seems the FBI should be consulted.
I am so laughing my ass off - nice work Norm! - btw Adam was theone who received a *grant* to run, censored at whim, and then shut it down because shit was hitting the fan.
Tim Russo (if you follow this link, you can learn about his sordid past trying to con the BBC) is the charming "journalist" (self-declared) who attempted to drag Jerleen and Henry through the mud for trying to organize neighbors in defense against TWDC foul policies (btw - the meeting of the new neighbor organization tonight was PACKed. Tom Cook had this reallt stupid smile on his face and it reminded me of someone.... I couldn't put my finger on it, though it was like an identical smile - when I got home it hit me - Abe Bruckman).
Good luck with those GREs Adam - and yEs... you are being too overconfident (sic).
well - here's an interesting thing about Russo - he was all supportive of TWDC, until he decided to run for council. Then all of a sudden he started a big *investigative* column about them (that went no where). go figure. apparently he'll bend with the wind, if he thinks it will somehow advantage him.
Submitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Mon, 07/20/2009 - 23:14.
Since my husband is not a "trust fund baby" and I only have a part-time job I could really use the money. Too bad fucking scum bags like you don't feel a need to get their facts right. Come over and I will show you my tax returns. I guess if you are a pervert/ pediphile it does n't matter what you do in life -- everybody will always hate you. Cleveland -- and the world would be a better place without you.
The main organizers of the site, Tim Russo and Adam Harvey - have largely retired their operative. As of today- Russo is and Adam Harvey manages the Metroparks website using Drupal.
Who is funding Blackheart? Let's get real.
Has a real hater, neonazi kinda vibe
I'm thinking the KKK or some white supremacy group, but could just be a bunch of tech people who want to disrupt the alternative media movement in town by turning Cleveland into complete garbage... could be funded by the GCP,.
uDisrupt IT
yes, it's true, i'm a Grand Wizard
Leader of the KKK, funded by GCP, white supremacist neonazi. how could i have ever thought to have fooled you!
You're good but no wizard
Just a wonk in the machine like the rest of us. Angry like the rest of us.
Disrupt IT
I'm informing Joe Roman
there goes the 10 mil!
He would probably like you...
And that's 20 mil!
Disrupt IT
oh - ANGEL
could you add reverts to tattle telling to that list of undesireable characteristics?
Who is funding Blackheart Cleveland?
I definitely think we need to find out who is funding them - look at this, from one of Adam Harvey's websites, Organic Mechanic... these are the people who demolished Frank Giglio's house and have mare real Tremonter's lives hell for years... posers:
BLACKHEART Cleveland Launch
Pretty much right after I shut down Tremonter, I was contacted by a local guy who was interested in starting a new weblog for the Cleveland area. He brought me on board for several reasons: my familiarity with Wordpress, my passion for Cleveland, my knowledge of the local blogging community and my writing ability. I’ve sort of been his point man for setting up this new site, scrounging up writers and generally making sure his vision is well translated to cyberspace.
From the mini-about us section:
The BLACKHEART Manifesto is our first real post. Head on over, and take a look. I hope you enjoy it.
Disrupt IT
This is a hate crime...
Real haters - real hate crimes.
Disrupt IT
the generation of entitled youth
said it before - Tremont has a disproportionate number of them - the generation of entitled youth.
These are the kids that were raised alongside my children. I watched their parents smother them with things, teach them to compete socially, excuse every single one of their inappropriate behaviors while simultaneously exercising braggadocio with regard to their meager benefitical traits. Basically, they were carefully turned into selfish brats.
There's not a drop of empathy running through their veins.
Frank Jackson reactivates Blackheart Trolls
Already - they have hacked Ken Lanci's Facebook account and have started attacking opposition to their hand-picked CLE City council favorites (hint - pretty much everyone except Zack Reed and Mike Polensek).
possible/potential motivation for harassing/libeling Nelsons ?
Informative to re-read the decade old Tim Russo Blackheart posts... what are the potential motivations to denigrate the Nelsons? Are they considering running for office in Cleveland or Cuyahoga County?
Nelsons worked on recall for TJ Dow
Both are active in the Hough comminity -Dow is part of Jackson machine
Your mental illness has gotten the best of you
Sorry to see this it all you have to you, Tim. Your past makes complete sense.
Disrupt IT
Here, you little psychotic asshole
Sarah Samson sent a message using the contact form at
Dear website owner of realneo dot us
This is Sarah from the University of Missouri School of Journalism. We
are doing a study about civic journalism. Below is a letter about a
survey we are doing with owners of civic journalism sites like yours
(realneo dot us/) The letter explains the purpose and sponsor of the
study. Thank you for reading the letter below and I hope to hear from
Thanks you,
Sarah Samson
Center for Advanced Social Research
University of Missouri - School of Journalism 135-D
Neff Annex Columbia, MO 65211 (573) 884-6558
April 15, 2009
Dear Website Owner,
You are cordially invited to participate in a telephones survey regarding
the motivation, business model, and administration of news content of the
website of which you are in charge. Thus, I would be most grateful if I
could obtain your telephone number so that I could arrange a time that is
convenient to you for your participation.
Your website has been identified as one of the civic journalism sources in
the United States. The purpose of our study is to learn your opinions about
launching and operating your website as an important source of information
about local journalism. This is part of a larger study we are conducting
on behalf of the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation with the guiding
purpose of exploring a community news model at the School of Journalism of
the University of Missouri-Columbia.
If you agree to participate in the survey, please email your telephone
number to samsons [at] missouri [dot] edu, and we will set up a time that is
convenient for you to be interviewed.
Your participation is very important to the success of the study! Your
participation is voluntary, and I can assure you that all the information
you will provide will be kept completely confidential so that you cannot
be identified. You may stop or refuse the survey at any time when you do
not feel comfortable with the questions. The survey only takes less than
ten minutes to complete over telephone.
I thank you in advance for your participation! If you have questions about
the study, please write to me at flemingk [at] missouri [dot] edu or call me at (573)
Kenneth Fleming, Ph.D.
Associate Director of Research
The Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute
Director of Center for Advanced Social Research
School of Journalism
Disrupt IT
where's that 10mil Norm?
wasn't that check supposed to be cut already?
I'm meeting with the County next week
It is a big complex project and we've had lots of people like you and Marc Canter cause harm along the way. So we have taken our time to get everything right, and are investing in planning.
I love the "trust fund baby" thing... my wife will be really glad to learn about that.
To think I bought you a beer...
You have lost your mind completely.
Disrupt IT
so now Marc Canter is a bad guy too?
this is so entertaining, you should charge ticket prices.
Not sure about Marc - sure about people here
If you are really interested, we should get together and I'll update you.
Marc was supposed to be part of our cooperative initiatives to the County but as soon as I introduced him to a few of the usual economic development "leaders" in town they latched on to him, he smelled gold, and off they went in another direction... focused on creating content and commercial products for OneCommunity.
So Marc isn't involved in what I'm working on at all, and hasn't been from the first time he hit town in May.
For social computing consulting, we're using Acquia, the firm formed by the founder of Drupal, Bries Buytaert.
For WiFi consulting, instead of using the people at OneCommunity, we're using Sascha Meinrath.
You are not at all funny, Tim. If your intent is to fuck children, at it has been in the past, you are doing it now and it is not appreciated.
I just wish people here would work together rather than try to kill each other. I don't have a trust fund so this is my work, and I expect to be compenstated for my work, just as do you. As an entrepreneur, I don't mind working hard and taking risks, but it really pisses me off when people who have no idea what they are talking about or doing cause my family harm. I have lots of my family's money invested in helping this community, as families should do. We should not be punished for that.
Disrupt IT
In fact, here's one of your victims
Didn't know you liked 4-year old little boys.
It sure is safer in the ghetto than hanging out with all you higly-educated folk in Tremont.
Disrupt IT
who's zoomin' who?
In my interactions with you, Tim and my interactions with Norm - I would pick Norm ANY DAY.
I have found him reliable, kind, and intelligent.
I have found you unreliable, mean and frankly kinda stupid.
Do you remember the show I curated at Asterisk - Counting Days? Remember you were sleeping at the gallery because you didn't have a place to stay and I worked the closing day. You told me you would handle the artists' pick-up the next day so I could film the pre-election voting downtown (MY footage made DemocracyNow! btw...). Dana said you would do it because it was the least you could do.
So, the next day, after filming all afternoon I came home to phone calls from artists because you weren't at the gallery - and they couldn't pick up their work. I did go over to the gallery and I did notice all the empty fancy beer bottles you left strewn inside and on the front lawn. Nice class act, Tim.
You hang out with the cattiest, most selfish people I know (talk about a pack of trust fund babies)(Dana totally excluded). You never ever have anything nice to say about anyone (a story about a few cupcakes doesn't erase your filth). You constantly badmouth people for the same things you yourself are "guilty" of. You're a big fat hypocrite.
You have a lotta nerve to bad mouth ANYbody.
wasn't that your show?
for which you should have taken responsibility? i was there when i said i would be there. you weren't. in fact, i waited for you to show up well past the point you said you'd be there.
try again. or alternatively, glom onto norm's 10 mil from PLJ!!
you weren't - maybe you were too wasted when I asked you and had not a clue where or when you should be. I wasn't supposed to be there - that was the whole point Tim.
Be a man and take responsibility once in awhile...
call me crazy, but
if it's my art show, i kinda, you know, would be there instead of having some random dude who happens to be crashing there cover for my ass. which is why all your artists called you, wondering where your ass was. maybe next time you can get norm's 10mil from PLJ to pay someone to wait around for you all day!
Fuck the little boy some more
Why are you doing this, Tim?
Leave me and my family the fuck alone!
Disrupt IT
high math
then why did you say yes?
I'm done - I don't argue with idiots.
Dana Depew
I will link from REALNEO to BlackheartCleveland--
To this work of Tim Russo--giving credit to Dana Depew.
Tim, you obviously have your bad days and good days, like any of us.
Stay focused on the reality that NEO needs a lot more folks like Dana Depew and a lot less of today's spewing.
As the site says, "The dude works hard."
Show of hands
Awhile, back Jeff Buster got on Tricia Chaves case on using this site for self-promotion. He debated whether she was a spammer. I defended her and I have also tolerated Tim Russo on this site, because free speech is important to REALNEO. But, since this is a member supported operation and he is not contributing healthy content and not funding this site, I vote that we pull the plug on him, once and for all. Show of hands? I am posting this as a poll.
the line
between hate speech and free speech aint tHAt thin...
and certainly Tim's favorite B can't complain - he used to block users all the time whe he ran Tremonter...
A new member is curious about Tim Russo's Agenda
Dear Real NEO,
I don't know very much about Tim Russo, only the idea that he has was one of the folks who pulled a petition to run in the Ward 14 election and he possibly has a criminal record. I do see many derogative posts. I did read somewhere along the line a post from him on another site that really was surprising and questionable about how "he was the victim" of the police...
In being fair to this person....could you please tell me and the rest of us new folks objectively....everything worthy of discussion before you totally disrupt his free expression? Thank you kindly.
Just google tim russo sex offender
He's a legend in his own mind and your daughter's worst nightmare.
Disrupt IT
angry little boy
Thats the best I can sum up, ANGEL. That and what I've posted above. He hangs with a particularly catty Tremont brat pack... My opinions are based on many encounters with him, either as above, from a short distance, through others, or on the ether. I don't find consistency in his judgements and I dont find him to be reliable. He is venomous in his "editorials" and he doesn't like to defend himself when his work is called into question, rather he quickly, if not immediately degenerates into blame game, deflection or rage. he does not practice what he preaches and in my opinion he is a hypocrite and subject to influence.
I don't think you will get a ton of response to this... Most people don't like sticking their head into a hateful meat grinder. Me? I'm just tOOpid.
Who wants to meet with Tim - we need a real coop meeting
I am definitely calling Tim and the Blackhearts out on this attack.
It is clear this is a stunt to get attention. I'm not in the mood to blog with any of them about this but do expect them to have the decency to meet and make whatever claims they like to my face - and Tim can video it all he likes, and we'll video tape him and Adam and the Blackhearts, and get this stupidity out of the way..
Edisons some day later this week - we need to have a real coop meeting to discuss the initiatives proposed to the county and Tim, Adam and the other Blackhearts are welcome to come, if they are realneo members.
I need to run what I am presenting to the County through the coop this week, so the more input the better.
I didn't vote to ban Tim from the coop, but I don't appreciate his attacks. And I don't trust him as a human being - I do not believe he knows right from wrong.
I don't know Adam or anyone else with the Blackhearts, and have always been supportive of Bridget Ginley and bought her art, so I don't see what these people should have against me. If they have something against realneo or real coop that should be addressed against and worked through by the coop.
What is a good day for a coop meeting?
Disrupt IT
I'm down...
any day is good for me...
I hope everyone has a healthy sense of humor through all this...
Not Russo
He seriously thinks he is worthy of a serious response...
REALNEO - the greatest public art in Cleveland
Disrupt IT
Photo of TIM RUSSO?
Please post a visual photo of this TIM RUSSO.... I want to be sure that I know what he looks like so that I can protect my kid...
you already know what i look like, senyak
but there are plenty of photos on my blog if you forgot.
oh, and you don't have a kid, henry
but who's gonna notice, anyway, right?
and i almost forgot the youtube we're both on!
bet you haven't. there's pics there too! hotness!
Tim Russo needs to stay away from ANGELnWard14
1) I am not a Senyak?
2) I am not afraid of you, your mouth, or your ways...
3) This little nagging woodpecker once told me that the bigger a tree is, the harder it falls....
4) Whatever problems you have in your online forums are yours, not mine. I asked for a formidable basis to make a vote....good, bad, and indifferent.
5) Let's agree to disagree....and to keep our distances... I am a mother & and I wouldn't hesitate to protect my child from anyone-friend, stranger, predator, or anyone who begins to make me question my motherly instincts.... YOU MADE THE COGNITIVE DECISION TO DO WHATEVER YOUR ACTIONS DID THAT GOT YOU CONVICTED.... THERE IS NO JUSTIFICATION, EXCUSE OR STORY THAT YOU COULD TELL ME THAT WOULD MAKE ME RESPECT YOUR POSITION FOR WHAT HAPPENED.... NONE....
6) Do not use this forum to start a fight that I won't hesitate to finish. I strongly advise you to keep your distance in words and physical being from my presence.... You created your existence as it is today.... your internal and external issues are yours...not mine.
7) I came to the this forum to share productive, considerate , and realistic situations in order to make a positive difference in our community....not to deal with negative people who try to project their self image on others. Although I can respectfully appreciate your "pickle of a situation in life".... I must distance myself from your rhetoric that is offensive, abusive, and self reflective of your own identity.
8) It is a shame that your knowledge, skills, and abilities are put into question due to a mistake you've made in your life that is IRREVERSIBLE. It's kind of like a drinking and driving accident that kills a sober pedestrian.... life happens... But we all make choices and we must live with the reactions that come with those choices...good, bad, and indifferent.
9) We've got a large populace of criminals in Ward 14.... Tim Russo is not the only one. I believe that we need people who have been through different dynamics such as he has in order to find measures and resolutions that perpetuate solutions, preventative actions, and educates and empowers our residents. It was not my intention to be mean to TR....but trust a mom---- who doesn't wait for my people to back me up---- I wouldn't hesitate to protect my child and the public from anyone else who is being a chronic nuisance to our community at large.
10) Point blankly Tim Russo...from what I see...this forum has been open, exceptionally tolerant, and beyond considerate of you and your postings. I think that you should take some time to sit back, calibrate your negative issues within, be happy that you woke up breathing today....and start showing these people the same courtesies that they appear to have been showing you... Perhaps a little humility, appreciation, respect, and maybe a little apology would go a long way....
I don't have a problem telling you these things politely... If you are here on REALNEO to make positive, productive changes, then let us know! But if you are only here to be hurtful, rude, disrespectful, and contemptuous-then please just leave.
As a community, we have enough to deal with on a daily basis without feeding your need for negative attention. Find some positive ways to be a part of the solutions... don't sit there and try to demotivate our best intentions here and there in the city. Why don't you use your experience to go around to schools speaking to young men about the little mistake that destroyed your life? You could empower tons of them to start using their brains to THINK BEFORE THEY DO! Everything about your existence doesn't have to be mistake.
Life is about ATTITUDE and yours is not a blessing at this time...but only YOU can change that. Life's a bowl of cherries.... It's beautiful outside... and there are thousands of reasons to be grateful.... but you continue to think that your meanness is acceptable...
REAL NEO.... in domestic violence classes....they teach us that the only thing we can change about another person is our reaction to them... Now, it's apparent that Mr. Tim Russo has been given ample opportunities to prove himself mature enough to participate in this forum without being removed. As a new participant in this forum...I will simply abstain from VOTING.... Perhaps Mr. Russo will find some way of leveling off his harsh postings and recognize that he's got a lot of positive things to offer the community at large.
I am a victim of childhood molestation from a friend of my parents who lived in our home. From the ages of 5-7 while I was in kindergarten through 2nd grade...that adult friend took advantage of my innocence... I lived in Tremont then...yes Tremont. I attended Tremont Elementary school too. You can bitch all you want about my parents and what they did or didn't do.... you can say a lot of things...but what it took me years to understand was so simple...that perpetrator violated me and my parents. He was a manipulative con artist...back in the days before everyone was telling those secrets in public...
The laws are screwy...and that guy still walks the streets and can get away with never being labeled as a sex me I tried it all to have that perp prosecuted... no photos of him are available.... he's one of the guys you all will just have to look over your shoulder wondering about forever.... the statistics are mind boggling.... particularly the cases that are not documented....the one's that will remain silenced for all too long...
You see, I am not worried about Tim's common knowledge he's a convicted person... I am worried about the one's who haven't been caught...the one's who may never get caught... So, I tell friends I have known forever to not be offended when my kid doesn't talk to them...They are ALL strangers...(STRANGER DANGER) and we just don't take chances to leave her with anyone for enough time to violate us all....
That's a tough way to live.... try never leaving your kid out of your sight or hearing distance because you know the predators lurking could destroy her innocence before you blinked... Yep...I am's a tough way to live...and yep... I wouldn't have it any other way. That's my baby...
Tim Russo.... I believe that I have been reasonable in my inclusive statements to you. You think long and hard about seeking me out.... I am just not the one to eat your crap at any degree. You be nice or don't speak to me at all.... I'll be civilized and that's the best you should expect.
Respectfully Submitted,
Here is a link that has a
Here is a link that has a photo of him….it includes a 'visual photo'.
So this isn't from Tim, it is from someone named Adam Harvey
Monday, June 29th, 2009
I’ve rarely been busier or more interested in what I’ve been doing lately. I was telling Debbie the other day that it is nice to have so many varied things to do that in my free time all I want to do is read instead of playing video games or something else.
BLACKHEART Cleveland has been eating up most of my time; trying to schedule interviews and rustle up good and exciting information. We’re still at the heavy lifting stage, but I’ve got a good feeling about its direction and longevity. Now I just have to get out, conduct some interviews, edit them and get them online. It is nice to have a chance to do film/video work again, even amateurishly.
Through my government design blog The Design State, I’m working on a weekly video with GovLoop where I [and eventually a few other folks with areas of expertise] will answer questions or present, briefly, on a certain topic.
Abraham had his belated birthday party and we’re headed out of town for the weekend. I’ve scheduled my GRE exam, but haven’t had a chance to study yet. I’m not much worried, though I hope I’m not being too overconfident.
I’ve been in another video as The Face of Solid Waste:
Throughout all of this, Debbie has been a champ. I worry that I’m neglecting her or my parental duties from time to time, but she said she’d let me know if I was slacking in that area. That’s certainly the top priority.
Posted in Journal on 29 June 2009 | 6 Comments;
Disrupt IT
About Adam Harvey... this place is too wierd
About Design State
About the Site
Design State is a weblog about government web design and its attendant subtopics: accessibility, usability, and web standards. In addition to these nuts and bolts, Design State will also focus on higher level issues and project challenges that affect government and public-sector web design.
About the Author
My name is Adam Harvey, and I’m a public sector web designer living in Cleveland, Ohio. My other personal weblog is called Organic/Mechanic. I currently have a full-time position as a web designer at Cuyahoga County. Any opinions expressed on this site are my personal opinions, and not necessarily shared by my employer.
Disrupt IT
I think it is time to call the FBI
Considering the timing of this attack, as we're preparing to present to Commissioner Jones our proposal to transform the use of information technology at Cuyahoga County, and Commissioner Jones is under attack from everyone but the FBI, and the fact one of the authors of the attack works in IT at Cuyahoga County, and IT at Cuyahoga County is under investigation by the FBI, and friends of Tim are involved in large IT initiatives that may be impacted by what we propose to Cuyahoga County, and our house was broken into this weekend and nothing was stolen, it seems the FBI should be consulted.
Disrupt IT
Gee, I hope Debbie and the kids are swell...
Don't neglect all those big duties, with all your busy work with Blackheart... "I’ve got a good feeling about its direction and longevity"
Disrupt IT
........ and then there is this
I currently have a fulltime position as a web designer @ Cuy cty
I am so laughing my ass off - nice work Norm! - btw Adam was theone who received a *grant* to run, censored at whim, and then shut it down because shit was hitting the fan.
Tim Russo
(if you follow this link, you can learn about his sordid past trying to con the BBC) is the charming "journalist" (self-declared) who attempted to drag Jerleen and Henry through the mud for trying to organize neighbors in defense against TWDC foul policies (btw - the meeting of the new neighbor organization tonight was PACKed. Tom Cook had this reallt stupid smile on his face and it reminded me of someone.... I couldn't put my finger on it, though it was like an identical smile - when I got home it hit me - Abe Bruckman).
Good luck with those GREs Adam - and yEs... you are being too overconfident (sic).
They seem to be connected to TWDC
And they got all the money... and such class
Disrupt IT
ooops - Labour Party
not BBC...
well - here's an interesting thing about Russo - he was all supportive of TWDC, until he decided to run for council. Then all of a sudden he started a big *investigative* column about them (that went no where). go figure. apparently he'll bend with the wind, if he thinks it will somehow advantage him.
And Some Stranger Named Amy Weahry
From Facebook - -
So Tim Russo claims he endorses an attack on me but it is from the other Blackhearts, who are Amy Weahry and Adam Harvey.
It is time we meet.
Amy Weahry
Here are some of Amy Weahry's friends:
Disrupt IT
Would someone pay me to kill Tim Russo?
Since my husband is not a "trust fund baby" and I only have a part-time job I could really use the money. Too bad fucking scum bags like you don't feel a need to get their facts right. Come over and I will show you my tax returns. I guess if you are a pervert/ pediphile it does n't matter what you do in life -- everybody will always hate you. Cleveland -- and the world would be a better place without you.
Blackheart Cleveland -who funded??
Here is the web archive - trending at REALNEO today:
The main organizers of the site, Tim Russo and Adam Harvey - have largely retired their operative. As of today- Russo is and Adam Harvey manages the Metroparks website using Drupal.
Tim Russo Aug 23, 1967 - Oct 18, 2023