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Legislative FUCKSSubmitted by lmcshane on Sun, 01/31/2021 - 12:20.
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Follow the money - Basheer Jones EJB TY!
Demos for developers (and friends of county officials) | REALNEO for all
Eaton’s “Global Cleveland” continues Logan Act, Espionage Act and FARA v...
Ordinance No.1514-2019Council Member(s)KelleyAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCEAuthorizing the Clerk of Councilto enter into an agreement with Western Reserve Land Conservancy d/b/a Thriving Communities Instituteto provideprofessional services regarding the Vacant and Abandoned Property Action Council (VAPAC), reforestation, demolition funding, rehabilitation,code enforcement, greenspace, and property information.WHEREAS, this ordinance constitutes an emergency measure providing for the usual daily operation of a municipal department; now, therefore,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLEVELAND:Section 1.That the Clerk of Councilis authorized to enter into anagreementwith Western Reserve Land Conservancy d/b/a Thriving Communities Institute to provide professional servicesregarding the Vacant and Abandoned Property Action Council (VAPAC), reforestation, demolition funding, rehabilitation,code enforcement, greenspace, and property information,for a one year period beginningJanuary1,2020and concluding December 31,2020.Section 2.That the cost of said contract shall not exceed $150,000and shall be certifiedfrom Fund 01, Dept. 0101, Subfund001, Object Code6320.Section 3.That this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and, provided it receives the affirmative vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to Council, it shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and approval by the Mayor; otherwise it shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.Jho11-25-19For: Council Member Kelley
Follow up today from Eric J Brewer:
Here’s Jones’ reason for hestitancy in being a warrior and the reason he’s politically ineffective. The incident report confirms “residency” crimes he’s committed against the City of Cleveland as a non-resident when he campaigned in 2017. It also reveals issues with his Ohio Drivers License. Too much to hide on top of the campaign finance law violations I pointed out in 2018; as Sam Allard of Cleveland Scene recently confirmed he’s still violating them.
Full story:
Neighborhood Solutions Inc -TY Citizen Reporter Stacy Long
In March 2020 - Basheer Jones "bought" a house on 1898 E 66 St Cleveland,OH 44103 E 66th St from Neighborhood Solutions Inc. - a nonprofit registered by Mansfield Frazier. Dave and Marva "Collins" are the Pattersons that show up in the transfer. Why did a bank hand off the property to Mansfield Frazier?
Neighborhood Solutions Inc
Cleveland, OH|EIN: 20-1345703
990 filings stop in 2017
Real Estate CHEAP - the Tony Viola cxn? Land Bank
Cleveland-area homes can be yours for $1 each -- 133 of them, at least
UPDATE: 6/12/2021 - Just learned that Tony Viola will be suing the Cuyahoga County Land Bank re: Viola property transferred to Land Bank. Stay Tuned.
Famicos connection - EAST Cleveland and Ashbury
FB exchange* Eric Brewer and Shanelle Whigham Smith:
They took all the $350,000 from the 15 homes and spent it on one and sold it to an employee for $68,000. HUD's secretary told me the type of profits the non-profits are making on home sales with federal money is illegal.
You got a house George Warren bought for $9800 in 1989 at 11116 Ashbury. I've written that I've known Famicos' director for the last 33 years. You just got here.
What I know about Famicos is its practices. Warren bought the house in an arms length sale for $9800. His taxes should haven't risen much beyond it.
Homeowners like Warren were anonymously and illegally "cited" out of their homes by being forced into housing court by Famicos' employees. I'm not saying this is the case with Warren but I know the practice.
What we're seeing in the FBI and Inspector General investigations are people "connected" to these non-profits getting sweet heart deals on homes. One landbank employee got 5 homes. Two for free from HUD that were taken from poor homeowners who needed block grant money to stay out of housing court that went to renovate homes like the one you own.
I see you're connected to Jim Rokakis' Western Conservancy after moving here from Lima. You're promoting his organization on your Twitter page.He's a criminal to us. He's cool with you.
In your case a $9800 home purchased in 1989 has a sales price of $215.000 in a neighborhood of $40,000 to $50,000 homes. So now the residents who live around you have to deal with your inflated property that was renovated with federal money earmarked for them to paint their homes, fix their gutters, porches and sidewalks to address their housing code violations. That's what the HUD money is for ... in the United States Code and the Code of Federal Regulations and the Office of Management & Budget circulars. It wasn't to benefit you.
You're not low-income if you're living in a $215,000 home and about to create inflation that makes it harder for real low-income people in the area to afford their's.
My late aunt left her home to my cousins around the corner on E. 110th Street. I know lots of people in the area who could have used some of the money Famicos spent to renovate the home you bought to repair their's as HUD money was intended.
So while you got a great deal your great deal came at the expense of the residents whose poverty generated the money that Famicos got to fix a home for you to get a sweetheart deal to buy. Did you really pay $215,000 for it?
To top it off, the next time property valuations are done by that asshole Dennis Kennedy he's going to use your $215,000 to value my aunt's $53,000 home to $80,000 or $100,000. You ain't helping nobody.
Great for you. Sorry for us. Had Famicos' board consisted of two-thirds low income residents from the area, two thirds residents of the area like it's supposed to by law, I guarantee the real residents of the area you live now would not have allowed Famicos to use their money to benefit you.
*note FB Mark Zuckerberg deleted Eric J Brewer's account - he writes at
Republicans and Democrats are complicit
Mitchell Paul on FB:
East Cleveland - both parties are complicit but Dems hatched it
Ex-US Attorney Herdman needed mortgage fraud felon Darryl Moore’s $2.8
million in restitution; so the USDOJ said nothing while he stole it from East
Cleveland in no bid HUD demolition contracts with King’s help
Lawyers operating in the US Attorney's office for the Northern District of Ohio should be criminally investigated by HUD and the FBI's inspector generals for allowing an "excluded" felon to steal block grant funds from the already impoverished city of East Cleveland
Tony Viola is paying restitution, too.
Just how far do local officials in the controlling Democrat PARTY go to protect their own swindling evil people? Republican Attorney General has one of the crooks in his office.
Thank you to national coverage by Rachel Alexander there is much more to unravel here involving federal dollars, but the bottom line - African American families - AGAIN - have their property stolen from them and their families torn apart by lying, thieving politicians of both parties - but predominantly : DEMOCRATS.
Thank you Michiel Wackers for publishing:
FBI pulls subpoenas on Basheer Jones
3News asked for a copy of the subpoena on Tuesday. The city has acknowledged having the subpoena and said Thursday it is still reviewing the request.
Among the entities named in the subpoena, sources tell 3News, is Northeast Ohio Neighborhood Health Services (NEON), a financially struggling nonprofit on the city’s East Side that Jones championed while on council.
Council voted last year to give $2 million from the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to NEON. (The spokeswoman for the nonprofit at the time was Ebony Webster, who was also Jones’ campaign spokeswoman. Webster was also a press secretary for short time for Congresswoman Shontel Brown.)
The city has not yet released any ARPA funds to NEON, which has several major debts. According to records obtained by 3News, it owed Cleveland Public Power more than $118,000 as of December 2021.
Clevlot BS and sell off of CLE lots
This is not another plan: The final outcome of this process will be a collaboratively-built, open-source database and planning tool to guide vacant land reuse projects and management strategies for the advancement of environmental justice, public health, and quality of life for Cleveland’s overburdened communities. We are calling this tool the Cleveland Vacant Land Opportunity Tool, CLEVLOT.
Western Reserve Land Conservancy is behind the bullsh_t Clevlot sell off of Cleveland land lots. Rokakis proxy Zone in this role...
Tessa Jackson was fired because she called out the wholesale delivery of vacant lots to Cimperman buddies like Bo Knez and Cleveland Bricks for $200 a pop. Now Bibb has instituted some transparency by pricing the lots - look them up. A useless postage stamp on my street is listed for $1064.
All Municipalities BY LAW should be auctioning lots held over 15 years but expect SCUMBAGS at Cuyahoga County Land Bank to get those transferred.
Express your interest in a lot by going to and completing a preliminary form.