I just received this message from New American Dream [1] - follow that link for a nice webpage on spring cleaning. One of the great disasters of our consumer economy is the proliferation of dangerous household construction practices, lifestyles and cleaning processes, and harmful products in use in and around our homes on a daily basis. In renovating our historic house in East Cleveland, Evelyn and I have made all living spaces as toxin-free as possible, and we certainly intend to keep it that way in maintaining it. I think the following message offers some good advice - I don't endorse any of the products mentioned, as I don't know anything about them...the make-your-own approach mentioned here is more my style.
Spring cleaning doesn't have to be a monumental task. And it doesn't have to involve toxic chemicals. While you may associate the chemical smell of harsh cleaning products with a job well done, the fact is those chemicals linger in your household air [1]. And if you think reading the label is enough, it's not--manufacturers are not required to disclose all ingredients.
Look it up. How can you get your porcelain sparkling white AND keep a green house? The Conscious Consumer Marketplace [1] features information for finding non-toxic cleaners [2] as well as easy guides to a room-by-room spring overhaul of your house [1]. [3]
Bag it up/Give it away. Most of us have closets or garages full of stuff we can't bear to part with...not because of its usefulness but because we can't face throwing it away. The good news is, more of this stuff can be recycled than you think. Read our tips on recycling [5] or transitioning your junk into a new, useful life [5] with a new owner.
Now go clean green! One solution to tackling those spring cleaning chores while protecting your health and the environment is Mrs. Meyers Clean Day [3]. They offer nontoxic, preferably made cleaning products that work great, smell great and keep your family safe.
Visit our Conscious Consumer Marketplace at www.consciousconsumer.org [4] and get connected with healthier choices for you and the planet – today.
[1] http://www.newdream.org/consumer/springcleaning.php
[2] http://www.newdream.org/consumer/cleaners.php
[3] http://www.newdream.org/consumer/mrsmeyers.html
[4] http://www.consciousconsumer.org/
[5] http://www.newdream.org/consumer/springcleaning2.php