There has been a great deal of anti-community if not illegal Troll activity on realNEO, since it's beginning. What Internet activity is "illegal" and what are the consequences are increasingly being defined by new terms in society and the courts, like cyber-sex crimes, cyber-harassment, cyber-terrorism, and cyber-stalking, as early cases of attacks over the Internet against individuals and society are working their ways up the legal systems in America, and around the world, to supreme levels.
Attacks on realNEO that are clearly intended to harm me and my family have accelerated in the past two years, as the exceptional value of realNEO and ICEarth have become clear to the world .

Over the past year, as I am deploying the ICEarth conceptual framework and Bigbang technologies we are developing here, the attacks against my family have pushed us to the point we are asking proper authorities to investigate.
Most of the attacks against my family - and any attack against me and my workproducts are attacks against the well being of my family - are clearly related to the success of realNEO, and now ICEarth.
Tim Russo's "It's On Bitches", "Blackheart Cleveland" and ongoing slip-fall cyber-terrorism are examples of such assaults on me, my family and my work that my family must now address with authorities.
As my local ICEarth team is revolutionizing open source value in the world, with ICEarth Linux and Bigbang technologies - all open source and "Co-Op" owned - my family is attacked more... more people try to use realNEO against my family.
I have a situation right now where one or many people are trying to entrap me as author of inflammatory content on realNEO, posted with fictitious accounts that I did not create. This is a time-bomb set weeks ago to go off yesterday. The explosion is suspended in time right now, before any impact may harm anyone, and I am contacting a lawyer and authorities to investigate, before these Trolls on realNEO blow my family to pieces...
Some say these attacks are a compliment to my success. All I say in response is these attacks have made my children physically ill. There are permanent consequences to bad business practices in a community.
In July of 2009, a "realNEO member" called Oengus - who since made his account "None" ... - made inflammatory claims on realNEO that caused Cuyahoga County Treasurer Jim Rokakis to contact Roldo Bartimole, who contacted me asking me to contact Rokakis, which I did. Rokakis told me the claims made by Oengus on realNEO were illegal lies and Rokakis would take immediate legal action against ME if Oengus' claims were not removed. I was the target of a "None"-to-legal set-up, and my family was to suffer the consequences.
At that time, as now, I was not supported by a competent realNEO "organization" - active board and officers - to allow real-coop and/or realNEO to take responsibility for problems with realNEO, and make decisions as an entity. I shared details of the situation with an ad hoc group of active members - myself, Roldo and Susan Miller, Real Coop Treasurer - and we made the decision to remove the offending posting... and I was then attacked by the absentee realNEO "leader" Jeff Buster, for that, when he surfaced a week after the incident went down.
In agreeing to Rokakis that I would remove the Oengus posting - edit another member's posting, which is not our policy - I made Rokakis promise that he would contact the Attorney General or some other proper state or federal authority THE NEXT DAY to investigate Oengus and his claims against Rokakis, on realNEO, and to investigate any misuse of realNEO by anyone. I posted about the incident on realNEO here (it is now hidden - string is reproduced below) - everyone has been on public notice about that situation and the seriousness of apparent illegal activity on realNEO.
Oengus has fled the community, since... leaving a mile-wide trail of breadcrumbs behind.
An "Oengus" fled December 13, 2009... here are his breadcrumbs there .
I now intend to determine what if any investigation Rokakis initiated regarding the Oengus incident, and the results. If the investigation has not begun, we shall determine why, and begin it this week.
And I intend to seek investigations into the activity of all others who are actively using realNEO to harm others, including those seeking to harm my family.
Real, good realNEO members have nothing to worry about, and should feel free to carry on legally as they like, as always.... better than always.
I do not recommend anyone do anything they believe may be remotely illegal on realNEO, ever. Illegal activity includes setting-up an account that is or is not authentic to you with the intent to do harm to realNEO or any members here. I will investigate and prosecute as appropriate.
Here is some of the evidence on realNEO related to the incident with Oengus and Rokakis - Real Coop now needs to take appropriate action.
Ther is more to it, the nail hit on the head.
Submitted by
None on July 22, 2009 - 6:05pm.
This post was about my PC and it being hacked….
The other post ( that was censured) stated what another person had told me, and what they told me was true.
If what Norman say is true…then I will have to tell everyone who said it. Won’t I, have to reveal my sources?
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I do not (and I speak for myself) wish to propagate unsubstantiated defamation of anyone, public or private. I may not like a politician's actions and I may find their character unpleasant, but I feel that publishing unsubstantiated libelous claims is rude and unnecessary. I support Norm's action.
Posters have many options open to them. Realneo does not need to be a repository for hatefulness and bad behavior in the civic space. Clearly Oengus was publishing "bullshit" as he does not even know how to spell the name of the person he accused. I believe that those involved with maintaining Realneo as an open space for civic dialogue have been tolerant to a fault. We have allowed the flame wars to remain because we acknowledge the innate negativity engendered by a repressed public who seems to get the short end of every tax-funded stick. But before Rokakis's email made it to Norm, I was considering suggesting that we remove this post by Oengus. His timing and Roldo's were quicker than mine.
I believe that it is always a good idea to count to ten before you click submit. Oh, yes and there are those among us who would appreciate a thorough proofreading and spell checking as well.
Oengus, I received a message from Rokakis about you [11]
County Treasurer Rokakis emailed me and asked me to contact him about your posting on REALNEO. I called Rokakis and he made clear your claims are lies and he will take legal action if your claims are not removed from REALNEO. I told him I would remove the posting but wanted a complete investigation of what has been happening with REALNEO, including your claims against Rokakis. He assured me he will contact the Attorney General in the morning to determine who should investigate.
I have deleted your posting.
Here is the email I received from Rokakis.
I have also refered him to Jeff Buster, as a member of the REAL COOP Board.
We really need bylaws, and that is in the budget for our initiatives to the County.
Oengus, you've proved the need!
On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 7:39 PM
Dear Norm,
I just saw the following post at Real NEO: [13]
It is outrageous, slander and I will take legal action is this is not removed, and not next week, not tomorrow, but now.
Please call me on my cell at XXX-XXX-XXXX.
Somebody has to take responsibility for this bullshit--and I am told you are the person I need to contact.
Jim Rokakis
Disrupt IT