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15 CHN CLUSTER HOMES ON ONE LOT with NO ADDRESSSubmitted by mabeldog on Wed, 08/30/2017 - 13:55.
One of the World Famous Cleveland Housing Network's many partners, Cleveland Construction Limited Partnership III...whew.."owns' the property at E 90 parcel number #10803012. There are 15 cluster homes on the property along EAST 88, Sam Miller Park and East 90. They have made up addresses over the doorways that bear NO RELATIONSHIP to the actual addresses on East 88 and that DON'T exist on the fiscal office page. Like 7751 who knows what? on East 88 and 76511 who knows where? facing Sam Miller Park. On the County fiscal office website the parcel is classified as ONE 2 story apartment building with 8 units! So quite naturally with no address and THAT kind of description (which is totally fraudulent), one of CHN's "partners" (whose tax bills go to CNH headquarters at 2999 Payne) pays very reduced taxes. Like $3442 PER YEAR! It's not like they haven't had time to notify the fiscal office. It was completed in 2007. With MANY new FOR PROFIT LLCs including CHN Partner Services and CHN AFFORDABLE Housing Services (who will market to MIDDLE income buyers, the POOR are SO last year) AND CHN Real Estate Services and CHN SLP, ALL set up this year through the Ohio Secretary of State, The World Famous Cleveland Housing Network is moving on to the lucrative world of FOR PROFIT real estate development! BUT NOT WITHOUT slyly maintaining their NON-PROFIT status AND STILL USING YOUR TAX DOLLARS TO FINANCE THEIR FOR PROFIT VENTURES! With NO RISK ( to them or their "partners"), because it's not their money it's OURS! The best of BOTH worlds. As they redefine their mission as a PROPERTY DEVELOPER, they are also eager to unload their HUD homes which were given to them for FREE by Andrew Cuomo and rehabbed with massive amounts of our tax dollars that Hurricane Andrew threw their way, CHN now sees no upside to keeping them. They are all completely trashed and no one pays the rent. So step right up. Seize the moment!! These so called Lease Purchase properties are available in "pre-existing condition", much like the used cars for sale at tax refund time. But of ALL CHN Housing Partners partners their VERY MOST FAVORITEST BESTEST partner of ALL is the Emerald Development and Economic Network. EDEN could show The World Famous Cleveland Housing Network a thing or two about gaming the system. For some mysterious reason EDEN has decided to cut CHN in on their enormous wealth consisting SOLELY of millions and millions of OUR TAX DOLLARS, by granting CHN 51% ownership in the 10 fraudulently PROPERTY TAX EXEMPT Heroin Hotels they scammed the taxpayer to the tune of $294,343 per 400 square foot "apartment" to build. EDEN'S abuse of OUR tax dollars makes CHN look like rank amateurs. EDEN has mastered the art of funneling federal funds AND fraudulently pays NO property taxes AT ALL on the over 1200 rental units AND COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS they own, classified fraudulently as "private hospitals". They pay THEMSELVES FIRST out of the 2557 HUD Section 8 vouchers they are "awarded" each year. They pay for NO social service or medical staff out of the $27 million per year of HUD $$$$$$$$ they receive EVERY YEAR from HUD. And they house SINGLE PEOPLE in 2 AND 3 bedroom apartments THEY OWN AND ONLY 61% are ACTUALLY disabled! A WHOPPING 47% of EDEN's tenants are"OVERHOUSED". This means that SINGLE ADULTS are living in units that SHOULD be given to MORE than one person. LIKE HOMELESS FAMILIES! NO ONE WORKS the federal funds racket better than EDEN. And 93% of the tenants get a "disability" check! And remember ONLY 61% are ACTUALLY DISABLED! How GREAT is THAT?? So there are NO WORRIES about rent collection for EDEN with ALL the rent coming directly into their (offshore?) account from UNCLE SAM. You know CHN HAS TO BE very jealous. OVERHOUSING is the NEW BLACK, a hugely lucrative venture between The World Famous Cleveland Housing Network and the Long Green $$$$ Economic Network aka EDEN. They are the Heroin Hotels financed with your tax dollars. The last 2 applications for LIHTC for 2 MORE Heroin Hotels, fraudulently property tax EXEMPT like the other 8, that sailed through at OHFA, IN SPITE OF MASSIVE WRITTEN OPPOSITION TO OHFA FROM THE RESIDENTS OF BROOKLYN CENTRE WHICH WAS COMPLETELY IGNORED, are NOW offering fully furnished ONE BEDROOM apartments for homeless INDIVIDUALS. Individuals qualify for efficiency apartment NOT one bedrooms. And just look at the application for Heroin Hotel number XI. Promising....JOB SEARCH from FrontLine Service (isn't it cool how they have a capital L in the middle of their one word recently rebranded name changed from Mental Health Services for the Homeless). Whatever they're called they DO NOT AND NEVER HAVE offered job search assistance. And Kathy Urban Montebank HGIC at CHN and ESPECIALLY IRENE COLLINS at EDEN are WELL AWARE of that. JOBS is a four letter word to EDEN. After all ONLY 4% of EDEN'S 2557 tenants are employed. CHN/EDEN have NEVER mentioned Job Search Assistance on OHFA applications in the past. SO THEY FLAT OUT LIED ON THEIR 2017 OHFA APPLICATION And really. EDEN has NEVER sought employed tenants. They don't want to mess up that guaranteed 27 million $$$$$$$ direct from HUD and SSI.
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THE NEW Cleveland Housing Network
UNBELIEVABLE fraud and corruption
FrontLine does NOT provide JOB Assistance
Founding Year
Susan Neth
Eric Morse
Main Address
1744 Payne Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44114 USA
Show More Contacts
homeless assistance, emergency shelter, suicide prevention, psychiatric crisis intervention, permanent housing for persons with disabilities, mental health recovery, Housing First, Trauma services
Cause Area (NTEE Code)
Community Mental Health Center (F32)
Group Home, Residential Treatment Facility - Mental Health Related (F33)
Hot Line, Crisis Intervention (F40)