Submitted by Satinder P S Puri on Sat, 03/27/2021 - 13:44.

Today, Saturday, March 27, 2021 on a pleasant and sunny 45 deg. morning – I got my first shot of the two-dose Moderna Covid-19 vaccine.
The shot was administered at a Covid-19 Vaccine Clinic organized by the Neighborhood Family Practice at the St. Paul A.M.E. Church, adjoining Emory Park, at 4118 Brookside Blvd.
I received notification of the clinic yesterday, via an e-mail, from BPDC (Bellaire Puritas Development Corporation). I clicked on the link, filled a short form, selected a time slot and I was informed that I had been accepted for vaccination between 10:40 to 10:50 a.m. on March 27.
I received confirmation of the time and location – both via e-mail and also on my landline messaging system. I was cautioned not to arrive more than 5-minutes prior to the appointed time.
A neighbor drove me to the site. When I arrived at the scheduled time – I was asked to fill a form, then directed to the basement, and promptly at 10:40 a.m. I received the first shot.
I received a card confirming the vaccination and stating that I have to come back, same time, -- four weeks later on April 24 for the second shot.
I also got a sticker saying “I GOT MY COVID-19 VACCINE” which I promptly pasted on my forehead and took multiple selfies to record the momentous occasion!
I was asked to take a seat for the mandatory 15-minute observation.
I complied – and left at 11:00 a.m.
I came home – so far – three-hours after the first shot – I am o.k.
I read on the Internet – that drinking water helps tide over the side effects – so I have my water bottle beside me.
Many of my neighbors (senior citizens like me) – got their shots in February. I was waiting for the weather to improve – and today was a perfect day.
Many thanks to the Neighborhood Family Practice for organizing the vaccination clinic– and to BPDC for spreading the word.
Receiving the vaccination was a very pleasant experience.
Hoping for an early return to normal living – if there is going to be any such thing!
04-09-21 UPDATE:
Here is a link to the Nextdoor website -- a west side neighborhood group where I shared my REALNEO POST.
This site contains comments made by neighbors who got shots of Covid-19 vaccine -- and how they reacted -- some no reactions, some mild reactions, and some severe reactions.
04-24-21 UPDATE:

On Saturday, April 24, 2021 – four weeks after I got my first shot of the two-dose Moderna Covid-19 vaccine -- I got the second shot at the same location -- St. Paul A.M.E. Church, adjoining Emory Park, at 4118 Brookside Blvd.
It was a nice day – and I walked from home to the church and back -- a good 45-minutes each way. I enjoy walking – sometimes for miles on end.
The shot was administered, at 11.03 a.m., in the main church, by a young medical student from Case Western Reserve University.
I had to sit in the church for the mandatory 15-minutes of observation.
After I got the first shot – I was mentally prepared for the dreaded side effects of the second shot – fever, chills, nausea, muscle pain, tiredness, and headaches – total torture -- spread over two to three days.
My old digital fever thermometer had conked out – so I got a new one via ebay. I also had an analog thermometer – but its reading was literally frozen at 98.4 deg. F – even keeping it in the refrigerator for a few hours did not change the reading.
Not being a religious person, I did not want to invoke higher powers for help – even though I was in the perfect setting.
After 15 minutes – I gathered my belongings, thanked the medical staff, and walked out.
Once outside – I took out a container filled with 28 fl. oz. of a fluid mix of roughly 1 part of a sport's drink (Powerade with electrolytes) and 9 parts of filtered Cleveland water. I immediately drank half the contents – felt good -- and was on my way home.
On the way, I passed by a pizza joint – and said to myself – that having got the two shots – of the Covid-19 vaccine – and having survived so far -- called for a celebration. So I ordered a medium sized plain cheese pizza pie.
While waiting outside for the 6-minutes it took to cook – I got hold of the container and drank the remaining 14 fl. oz. of the fluid mix. Again, it really felt good.
I got hold of the pie in one hand, my Welcome Jimmy Dimora Public Square sign in the other hand, my belongings in a Marc's bag on my arm, and I was literally dancing on the western sidewalk along West 130th Street on my way home.
Once home – I heated half of the pizza pie -- 4 slices -- and using my own vegetarian toppings – sweet onions, sweet peppers, cucumbers, and two hot cayenne peppers – I had a meal topped with half a bottle of the fluid mix.
After I got my first shot on March 27 – I had read about the dreaded side effects from the second shot (same dosage as the first shot). Some folks had no side effects – they could not explain why -- some folks had terrible side effects -- and they also had no explanation. In fact the CDC has guidelines for drinking plenty of fluids (water) to counter the side effects. One west side resident had suggested to stock up on Gatorade -- it had helped her get through the fever and body aches.
So I made my own fluid mix – 9 parts of filtered Cleveland water – the gold standard in water quality (in my opinion) -- and 1 part of a sport's drink (I used Powerade) to provide a touch of electrolytes – electrically charged minerals -- sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium, and chlorides from salt.)
Well for the next 2-days – I kept myself fully hydrated – drinking on the average about 6 fl. oz. of fluids every hour. I had to make frequent trips to the bathroom and after I got back – a reminder to take another drink.
And not a touch of any of the dreaded second dose side effects – no fever, no chills, no nausea, no muscle pain, no tiredness, and no headaches.
After the first shot (with very little fluid intake) – the soreness in my left arm lasted for about four days -- the second time – the soreness went away after the second day.
While the body is 60-70% full of water – after 2-days of drinking fluids – I felt my body was literally swimming in water.
I thought the electrolytes would make me sprint all around the neighborhood – they did energize my body – and instead of sleeping I was doing daily yard work and enjoying it.
While I attribute dispensation of the dreaded side effects from the second shot to having consumed plenty of fluids – the fact that the second shot was given in a solemn setting and the consumption of heavenly pizza with vegetarian toppings should not be discounted in countering the side effects.
I enjoyed the experience of the two-shot vaccination and am ready (with my 9-1 fluid mix) for any boosters that may be needed!
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