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Behold the Lamb of God, in a McCainald's worldSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 08/26/2008 - 08:54.
Last Sunday, at St. Ann's Catholic Church, in Cleveland Heights, I saw the first McCain bumper sticker I can recall. Perhaps I've simply overlooked the tiny, militaristic, white-on-black branding on all those massive suburban Suburbans and Hummers. But this one star general caught my eye. Seeing this brought me understanding... so this is where the McCain community lives... although I didn't see any other McCain stickers in the lot, which mostly contained simple, spartan, sensible, socially conscious vehicles. I thought, "at least one bible-thumping Republican practices the preach". Then The General left the service long before it was over... before anyone else left the church... and I realized The General had been in church not for a shared community experience but drive-through religious self-service. Probably escaped right before the offerings basket was passed. Perhaps The General was off to the real McCain headquarters - The Country Club or some rich Republican's estate in Gates Mills - but he sure wasn't spending a real Sunday connecting with the Lamb of God. And, it seems, no other admitted McCain supporters go to St. Ann's catholic house of God in Cleveland Heights. Have you ever seen a McCain yard sign...? What does such lack of conviction say about those living McCainalds lives, in the McCainalds world that is, which is not as the world should be.
Kucinich invigorates DNC
Submitted by Susan Miller on Wed, 08/27/2008 - 11:02.
Dennis gives us a wake up call at Democratic National Convention. Right on!
Tubbs Jones District
Submitted by lmcshane on Wed, 08/27/2008 - 12:47.
Norm--you are in Stephanie Tubbs Jones district. Now, let's be civil.
Under our terms of use, we must be real, and over 18
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 08/27/2008 - 16:26.
From the terms of use, "If you are under the age of 18, do not submit your Postings to this website or view this website without the permission of your parent / or guardian." Where I live, in the absolute epicenter of Stephanie Tubbs Jones district, "fuck" is probably the second most common word spoken... it is shouted daily, all day, from neighbor to neighbor, on my street. To say to this community that is unacceptable or not civil is unacceptable. The most common word spoken in my neighborhood, in the heart of Stephanie Tubbs Jones district, is the "N" word, which I do not use, because it is not a word white people should use. Like the word Indian, to describe native Americans or a racist-identity baseball team, which is celebrated 1,000,000s of times each day by an entire community of racists here, too self-centered to be civil toward a race murdered on this land. We must be real. Disrupt IT
We need discussion
Submitted by lmcshane on Thu, 08/28/2008 - 07:23.
Four letter words are killing us--HATE, FUCK, RAPE, FEAR. Believe me, Norm--your kids will get enough of those four words in their lifetime. Let's use these four-letter words instead--TALK, LOVE, HOPE, VOTE.
Talk about love and hope pointless - VOTE
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 08/28/2008 - 08:43.
The most important thing that can happen right now, for the world, is registering good people to vote - then, they must be pushed to actually vote. Browns Market/the Star will be a center for that, and all people with public lives should use their public presence and public places to help drive the vote as well. Disrupt IT
Then let's get serious about the motherf**king Joke
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 08/28/2008 - 08:40.
This all started on the concept Stephanie Tubbs Jones and Hillary Clinton are harmless if not good by making a joke of replacing the rapist Bush with McCain. In this day and age, that is not a joke... yet look at all the jokers playing games about the future of the mother planet and all people on it. Disrupt IT
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McSame...No country for old the ridicule factor will be hauled out to divide the kids in the playground along team lines for the final game of dodge ball. The rest of the world wants to pretend that they have moved beyond such childishness. It never ends.
Don't ever forget the McCainland Hummer ads for kids
I think the rest of the world thinks Americans are a bunch of fools, and I agree. My experience wih people from other nations, here in America and in the over 50 countries I've visited, is that no people are as fucked up as we (although we have fucked up most people of the world in many ways, for centuries). Most of the rest of the world has evolved far beyond America... a good example being the elimination of lead from national environments in so many countries so many decades - nearly a century - before America. The only nations suffering more than America now are the nations so harmed by America and other "developed" nations over the centuries that they are slaves to us... and I don't think any of those pretend to have moved beyond our adult and childish burdens.
One thing that has really stuck with me about America... one of those "I know why non-Americans want to blow our country to smitherines" moments... is remembering how Hummers were advertised to our people, and sold like hot cakes. The ads showed a wimpy white kid ridding with his trophy-peroxide mom to school in a Hummer, and the mom said something like "do you want me to drop you off on the side of the school" and the kid was like "no, drop me off in front of all the other kids, in my Hummer". That was to sell Hummers to American adults with the brains and dicks of 8 year-olds... typical Hummer buyers... who surely have been taught by more developed humans that Hummers are for fools. How long before all the Hummers are stuck in the hands of the second-class, second-hand poor, while the Trophy Americans buy the latest penis-subsitututes, now hybrids.
When mom and dad show their family pictures to their polluted grandchildren, or starving people across our wall in Mexico, do you think WE will leave in the photos from the good-old bummer-Hummer days? How proud will self-and-globally-destructive Americans be of the sprawl they caused, in times of Global Warming?
Disrupt IT
Okay, okay...but lay off the f-word. We need to civilize our society, not hit each over the head with wooden clubs :)
Wake up mother-fucking America
There is not civility in America today, and it is the least of society's problems. Wake up America - Up with Peace. Kucinich makes the best speach I've seen from an American, I ever recall! Proud to have him as my representative.
I'm mad as hell, too, and I am doing something about it!
Disrupt IT
Wikipedia on Cilivity, Civic Society, and Fuck
Think about Civility, from this outstanding demonstration and definition in wikipedia...
Civil society is composed of the totality of voluntary civic and social organizations and institutions that form the basis of a functioning society as opposed to the force-backed structures of a state (regardless of that state's political system) and commercial institutions.
REALNEO is certainly one of those voluntary civic and social organizations and institutions that form the basis of a functioning NEO society... and I personally don't believe our language should be determined by force-backed structures of our state or commercial institutions, like censors of the federal government and TV networks.
In my immediate community, and throughout the free world, using the word "fuck" in outrage and disgust is important for the success of the community, as a meaningful word and demonstration of free speech above all else. Being committed to personal freedom is one of the most important character traits that constitutes civic virtue in my society.
And, on top of all that, if you read the history of the word Fuck you will realize it is one of the most fascinating, powerful and important words in the English language, and you will be certain to keep it handy at all times... for fucking in Wikipedia:
An Anglo-Saxon charter[4][5] granted by Offa, king of Mercia, dated AD 772, granting land at Bexhill, Sussex to a bishop, includes the text:
The placename Fuccerham looks like either "the home (hām) of the fucker or fuckers" or "the enclosed pasture (hamm) of the fucker or fuckers", who may have been a once-notorious man, or a locally well-known stud male animal, or a group of such.[citation needed]
Older etymology
Via Germanic
The word fuck has probable cognates in other Germanic languages, such as German ficken (to fuck); Dutch fokken (to strike, to beget); dialectal Norwegian fukka (to copulate), and dialectal Swedish fokka (to strike, to copulate) and fock (penis).[6]
This points to a possible etymology where Common Germanic fuk–, by reverse application of Grimm's law, would have as its most likely Indo-European ancestor *pug–, which appears in Latin and Greek words meaning "fight" and "fist" (cf. the Latin-derived English words pugnacious = "combative", and pugilist = "fighter, boxer"). In early Proto-Germanic the word was likely used at first as a slang or euphemistic replacement for an older word for intercourse, and then became the usual word for intercourse.[citation needed]
The original Indo-European root for to copulate is likely to be *h3yebh– or *h3eybh–, which is attested in Sanskrit यभति (yabhati), Russian ебать (yebat'), Polish jebać, and Serbian jebati, among others: compare the Greek verb οἴφω (oíphō) = "I have sex with", and the Greek noun Ζέφυρος (Zéphyros) (which references a Greek belief that the west wind Zephyrus caused pregnancy).
Possible Latin origins
Possible Greek origins
Greek phyō (φυω) has various meanings, including (of a man) "to beget", or (of a woman), "to give birth to".[7] Its perfect tense pephyka (πεφυκα) has been likened to "fuck" and its equivalents in other Germanic languages.[citation needed]
False etymologies
One reason that the word fuck is so hard to trace etymologically is that it was used far more extensively in common speech than in easily traceable written forms.
There are several urban-legend false etymologies postulating an acronymic origin for the word. None of these acronyms was ever heard before the 1960s, according to the authoritative lexicographical work, The F-Word, and thus are backronyms. In any event, the word fuck has been in use far too long for some of these supposed origins to be possible. Some of these urban legends are:
Usage history
Early usage
Its first known use as a verb meaning to have sexual intercourse is in "Flen flyys", written around 1475.
William Dunbar's 1503 poem "Brash of Wowing" includes the lines: "Yit be his feiris he wald haue fukkit: / Ye brek my hairt, my bony ane" (ll. 13–14).
Some time around 1600, before the term acquired its current meaning, windfucker was an acceptable name for the bird now known as the kestrel[citation needed].
While Shakespeare never used the term explicitly; he hinted at it in comic scenes in several plays. The Merry Wives of Windsor (IV.i) contains the expression focative case (see vocative case). In Henry V (IV.iv), Pistol threatens to firk (strike) a soldier, a euphemism for fuck. A Midsummer Night's Dream uses the word "foot" to pun on the French equivalent, "foutre".
Rise of modern usage
Though it appeared in John Ash's 1775 A New and Complete Dictionary, listed as "low" and "vulgar", and appearing with several definitions[8], Fuck did not appear in any widely-consulted dictionary of the English language from 1795 to 1965. Its first appearance in the Oxford English Dictionary (along with the word cunt) was in 1972. There is anecdotal evidence of its use during the American Civil War.[citation needed]
In 1928, D. H. Lawrence's novel Lady Chatterley's Lover gained notoriety for its frequent use of the words fuck, fucked, and fucking.
Perhaps the earliest usage of the word in popular music was the 1938 Eddy Duchin release of the Louis Armstrong song "Ol' Man Mose". The words created a scandal at the time, resulting in sales of 170,000 copies during the Great Depression years when sales of 20,000 were considered blockbuster. The verse reads:
The liberal usage of the word (and other vulgarisms) by certain artists (such as James Joyce, Henry Miller, Lenny Bruce, Peter Cook and Dudley Moore, in their Derek and Clive personas) has led to the banning of their works and criminal charges of obscenity.
After Norman Mailer's publishers convinced him to bowdlerize fuck as fug in his work The Naked and the Dead (1948), Tallulah Bankhead supposedly greeted him with the quip, "So you're the young man who can't spell fuck." In fact, according to Mailer, the quip was devised by Bankhead's PR man. He and Bankhead didn't meet until 1966 and did not discuss the word then. The rock group The Fugs named themselves after the Mailer euphemism.
The science fiction novel That Hideous Strength (1945), by C.S. Lewis, includes lines of dialog with the word bucking used the same way as fugging would be in Mailer's novel, published three years later.
In his novel Ulysses (1922), James Joyce used a sly spelling pun for fuck (and cunt as well) with the doggerel verse:
Memphis Slim had a melancholy blues about lost love entitled "If You See Kay".
The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger featured an early use of fuck you in print. First published in the United States in 1951, the novel remains controversial to this day due to its use of the word, standing at number 13 for the most banned books from 1990–2000 according to the American Library Association.[9] The book offers a blunt portrayal of the main character's reaction to the existence of the word, and all that it means.
The Australian vaudeville comedian Roy Rene once had a comedy 'skit' where he would act with another person and would write the letter 'F' on a blackboard (on stage) and then ask his co-actor: 'What letter do you see' to which he would reply: 'K'. Mo would then say: 'Why is it that whenever I write F you see K?'
One of the earliest mainstream Hollywood movies to use the word fuck was director Robert Altman's irreverent antiwar film, MASH, released in 1970 at the height of the Vietnam War. During the football game sequence about three-quarters of the way through the film, one of the MASH linemen says to an 8063rd offensive player, "All right, bud, your fuckin' head is coming right off." Also, former Beatle John Lennon's 1971 release "Working Class Hero" featured use of the word, which was rare in music at the time and caused it to, at most, be played only in segments on the radio. In 2007, some 36 years later, Green Day did a cover of Lennon's song, which was censored for radio airplay, with the "Ph.." sound being audible but then phased out.
Former Saturday Night Live cast member Charles Rocket uttered the vulgarity in one of the earliest instances of its use on television, during a 1980 episode of the show, for which he was subsequently fired.[10] [11]
The word was used in the 2003 film Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World by a fictional whaler describing pirates who burned his ship in 1802. The word is used occasionally in the Aubrey–Maturin series of novels of Patrick O'Brian, on which the film is based.[12]
Comedian George Carlin once commented that the word fuck ought to be considered more appropriate, because of its implications of love and reproduction, than the violence exhibited in many movies. He humorously suggested replacing the word kill with the word fuck in his comedy routine, such as in an old movie western: "Okay, sheriff, we're gonna fuck you, now. But we're gonna fuck you slow..." Or, perhaps in reference to a murderer:"Mad Fucker on the Loose," or even the murderer himself:"Stop me before I fuck again!" More popularly published is his famous "Filthy Words" routine, better known as "Seven Words You Can Never Say On Television."
Use in politics
Please help improve this article by adding reliable references. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (July 2007)
Fuck is not widely used in politics, and because of this[citation needed], any use by notable politicians tends to produce controversy. Some events of this nature include:
Use in marketing
In April 1997, clothing retailer French Connection began branding their clothes "fcuk" (usually written in lowercase). Though they insisted it was an acronym for French Connection United Kingdom, its similarity to the word "fuck" caused controversy.[21] French Connection fully exploited this and produced an extremely popular range of t-shirts with messages such as "fcuk this", "hot as fcuk", "mile high fcuk", "fcuk me", "too busy to fcuk", "fcuk football", "fcuk fashion", "fcuk fear", "fcuk on the beach", "the joy of fcuk", etc.
Freedom of expression
In 1971, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that the mere public display of fuck is protected under the First and Fourteenth Amendments and cannot be made a criminal offense. In 1968, Paul Robert Cohen had been convicted of "disturbing the peace" for wearing a jacket with "FUCK THE DRAFT" on it (in reference to conscription in the Vietnam War). The conviction was upheld by the Court of Appeals and overturned by the Supreme Court. Cohen v. California, 403 U.S. 15 (1971).
In 1983, pornographer Larry Flynt, representing himself before the U.S. Supreme Court in a libel case, shouted, "Fuck this court!" during the proceedings, and then called the justices "nothing but eight assholes and a token cunt" (referring to Justice Sandra Day O'Connor). Chief Justice Warren E. Burger had him arrested for contempt of court, but the charge was later dismissed on a technicality.[22]
Popular usage
In the United States, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) fines stations for the broadcast of "indecent language", but in 2003 the agency's enforcement bureau ruled that the airing of the statement "This is really, really fucking brilliant!" by U2 member Bono after receiving a Golden Globe Award was neither obscene nor indecent. As U.S. broadcast indecency regulation only extends to depictions or descriptions of sexual or excretory functions, Bono's use of the word as a mere intensifier was not covered.
In early 2004, the full Commission reversed the bureau ruling, in an order that stated that "the F-word is one of the most vulgar, graphic and explicit descriptions of sexual activity in the English language"; a fine, however, has yet to result. Notwithstanding widespread usage and linguistic analysis to the contrary, the reversal was premised on the conclusion that the word fuck has always referred to sexual activity, a claim that the FCC neither explained nor supported with evidence. Even on cable television, which is not regulated by the FCC, few channels in the United States will broadcast the word fuck due to fear of backlash from advertisers or the FCC.
The first occurrence of "fuck" being spoken on British television was on 13 November 1965 when Kenneth Tynan said, during a live debate on the satirical BBC show BBC3, "I doubt if there are any rational people to whom the word 'fuck' would be particularly diabolical, revolting or totally forbidden." This resulted in the BBC having to make a formal apology. It also instigated four House of Commons motions and a letter to the Queen signed by 133 Labour and Tory MPs. It also prompted morality campaigner, Mary Whitehouse, to comment that Tynan "ought to have his bottom smacked".[23][24]
The British television show T.F.I Friday officially stood for "Thank Four It's Friday" (the reference to Four being Channel Four on which the show was broadcast). However, it was widely understood in fact to stand for "Thank Fuck It's Friday"; it has been suggested that it would have been broadcast with that title had it not been decided to broadcast it before the watershed. The show also holds the record for the most frequent use of the word fuck to a pre-watershed audience, owing to guest Shaun Ryder using the word 9 times whilst impersonating the Sex Pistols' Johnny Rotten, despite the best efforts of Channel 4. Ryder is now the only person to appear by name in the Channel 4 policy document.[25] The show inspired another show named O.F.I Sunday, or "Oh Fuck It's Sunday". Although for decades the word was widely considered taboo on British television, at most only appearing in late night programmes and films on secondary channels BBC Two and Channel Four, and even then edited or faded out on occasion; by 2006 there appear to be few limitations on the use of the word after the 9pm watershed, and it is commonly used.
In 2004, the word reached a musical milestone when the song "Fuck It (I Don't Want You Back)" by pop singer Eamon became the first song with an expletive in its title to enter the top 20 on the Billboard charts.
Band names
The word "fuck" has been used in a number of band names, generally based on common compounds. Although most of these bands are in the aggressive, non-mainstream genres of punk and metal, e.g. Fucked Up, Fuck... I'm Dead, Fuck the Facts, and The Fucking Champs; bands like Holy Fuck, Fuck, and the Fuck Buttons fall into the categories of more accessible forms of electronic rock and pop.[26]
Holy fuck
"Holy fuck" is a widely used example of 'liturgical profanity' used interjectionally to express anger, contempt, disgust, or amazement. Usually vulgar.[27] Noted by academics [28][29] and used in literature [30][31][32], deriving its power from a combination of the sacred, holy, and the profane, fuck. An exclamation, similar to "holy shit!", but more offensive, also used informally for sex within a religious context.[dubious – discuss] [33]
It is notably used for its shock value in the mainstream movie Notting Hill (film) starring Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant [34][35]
Occurrence in machine mistranslations
The word fuck occurs sometimes in Chinese/English bilingual public notices in China as a machine translation of the Simplified Chinese character 干 which can also mean "dry" and "do", e.g. "spread to fuck the fruit" for "loose dried fruit" and "fuck the certain price of goods" for "dry foods price counter". The fault occurred in some versions of commonly-used Chinese to English machine translators, for example Jinshan (金山 = "Gold Mountain") and Kingsoft.[36]
Common alternatives
In conversation or writing, reference to or use of the word fuck may be replaced by any of a large list of alternative words or phrases, including "the F-word" or "the F-Bomb" (a play on A-Bomb / H-Bomb), or simply, "eff" (as in "What the eff!" or "You eff-ing fool!"). In addition, there are many commonly used substitutes, such as flipping, frigging, fricking, freaking, fire-truck or any of a number of similar sounding nonsense words. In print, there are alternatives such as, "F***", "F – – k", etc.; or the use of a string of non-alphanumeric characters, for example, "@$#*%!" (especially favored in comic books).
Fuck may even be replaced by phonetically unrelated words. The science fiction series Red Dwarf uses smeg, and in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, the characters' usage of fuck is rendered as zark. In the U.S. version of Life, the Universe and Everything the word fuck is replaced with Belgium.[37]
Characters in the Irish sitcom Father Ted regularly used the acceptable slang feck. The highly popular comedy Meet the Parents spawned a 2004 sequel with the title, Meet the Fockers — one of the characters being named "Martha Focker," which is an allusion to "motherfucker."
A common replacement word used mainly on the internet is fsck, derived from the name of the Unix file system checking utility.[citation needed]
Other languages
The word fuck is touted to be one of the few 'universal' words that can be uttered in any country in the world and yet be understood by anyone[citation needed]. Even so, different countries do have their own versions.
In Afrikaans, the slang word fok has been adopted as an Afrikaans equivalent of fuck (and fokkof as "fuck off"), due to the influence of English media and language in South Africa. Coincidentally, the Afrikaans word neuk, which resembles the Dutch neuken, is used in the context of to strike.
The pronunciation of the word fuck literally means jaw in Arabic. Arabs use a few words that have the same meaning as fuck, with most of them being country or region specific and not widely used by all Arabs or even the official Arabic language at all."Yoaasher" or "Yodaej" are official Arabic words that literally mean "to fuck with", as in "to have sex with someone".
The translation for "fuck" in Catalan, the verb fotre, could allow a Catalan speaker to use few more verbs and still be understood. It can replace up to thirty verbs, including fer (do),[38] which followed by the proper noun can replace even more verbs, for example: fer/fotre un dibuix can be used instead of dibuixar (draw).
Chinese languages
The Shanghainese verb and adjective 发格 fage is derived from the English "fuck" and is used in the exasperated context of things or people "fucking up" or "being difficult." Although fage is often used pejoratively, the term has lost its sexual connotations. In Cantonese, the slang word 屌 diu2 is used in a similar way as the English word "fuck." Similar terms in Mandarin are 肏 cào (sometimes written 操), 幹 (simplified 干) gàn, and 搞 gǎo, the latter used more commonly in Taiwan.
In Dutch, the cognate fokken means "to breed". In the past fokken was sometimes used to indicate sexual intercourse, but this is no longer the case. The literal translation of English "fuck" is neuken, and naaien (literally, "to sew") is a milder form roughly equivalent to "screw". The equivalent of "fucking" used as an all-purpose meaningless expletive is kut (kut can be translated as cunt ).
Recently a slang word "modderfokker" (literally: "one who breeds mud") has developed in imitation of English "motherfucker".
In French, the word for seal (the animal) is phoque; the word for foresail is foc. Their pronunciation in French resembles that of the word fuck in English. In France, phoque or foc sounds like the British pronunciation of fuck while in Quebec French, they sound like the North American English pronunciation, due to regional influences (although this actually is coincidental, and neither term has any relation to the English word). As well, the English term has been adopted as the adjective fucké, a slang term commonly used in Quebec French to describe something that is broken or off-kilter, or someone who is not in their right mind. It is not considered particularly offensive.
In Quebec, the French word tabernacle, meaning the church tabernacle, is often used in the same way as fuck in English, except in sexual-related usage. It is only used as interjection, noun or adverb. Other Québécois-French swear words (which are pretty much all of clergical origin) such as Christ, calice (chalice) and hostie (communion wafer or host) are much more versatile, particularly when used in combination. Although commonly used, these terms are considered much worse since they are blasphemous, rather than merely vulgar (the words would be comparable to the use of goddammit in the English language). They are widely used as the only remaining part of the backlash against the domination of Quebec society by the Roman Catholic church, which lasted until the "Quiet Revolution" of the 1960s.
Note that in Quebec French, English swearwords such as "shit" (or the French equivalent, merde) and "fuck" are considered to be much less offensive than if used in the same context for an English speaking person, since they are merely vulgar, or crude, and not blasphemous.
The French word foutre is an approximate translation to "fuck". It was commonly used as an interjection during the French Revolution, and often printed in some newspapers of this period. It is now mainly used in the passive participle adjectival form foutu(e) = "fucked".
The word "to fuck" literally translates as ficken, but the force of "fuck" usually equates with Scheiße (shit), or Mist (crap or manure). Nonetheless the exclamation "fuck" itself has been borrowed into German as a swear word and is in occasional to frequent use among some (especially younger) Germans. Ficken is used much in the same way to fuck is used in English and has a pronounced vulgar meaning for other (especially older) speakers.
Official censorship for language or voluntary "self-censorship" is far less common in German. The using of alternative expressions like "the F word" is virtually unknown. In addition, geographical regions differ with respect to usage and perceived profanity of swear words.[citation needed]
In the German language there are germanized forms of the word, like the pseudo-anglicism abgefuckt "fucked up". German as a language, especially in colloquial and often young slang, borrows deeply from English, including a limited number of English swear words; the two most common examples are fuck and shit (although North German Schiete also means "shit," but is not a loan word). Scheiße is fairly well understood as an expletive among English speakers, although often mis-pronounced with medial [z] instead of [s].
The verb ficken is historically used also in a non-sexual context, but still is related to friction. Examples include:
More recently, the abbreviation FAQ has been used on German websites and forums, for example on the German wikipedia subsite. The pronunciation is not clearly defined: each letter can be pronounced separately or as one syllable (, which is similar to the English pronunciation of fuck). To avoid confusion regarding the abbreviation in itself, the acronym FAQ is often changed into the full term "Frequently Asked Questions" or into the literal German translation "Häufig gestellte Fragen" in formal everyday speech.
The English fuck can be used in Interlingua, given its widespread, international use. The actual Interlingua words for to fuck, however, are fottar and futuer.
Japanese has the word fakku (ファック, fakku?). The term is a foreign loan from English, but the pronunciation has been adapted to the Japanese phonology. Semantic usage is not as broad as English as it is only used as a slang term for sexual intercourse.[39]
The Korean Language has the word ssibal (씨발), ssipal (씨팔) which loosely means "to have sexual intercourse with".
In Norwegian, the word fokk means either foresail or something that gets blown in strong wind; drifting snow (snøfokk), or streaks of foam and spray at sea.[40] A Norwegian expletive which is somewhat analogous to the English fuck is the word faen. This is short for fanden, a Norwegian word for the devil.[41] Knulle or pule is the most vulgar Norwegian colloquialism describing sexual intercourse.
In Swedish, the morpheme fack is pronounced almost identically to the English fuck, and means a box or compartment, for example a letterbox for internal mail. As a prefix, the morpheme fack refers to something pertaining to a certain trade or profession, for example in the words facklitteratur (literature pertaining to a certain profession) and fackförening (trade union, colloquially referred to as facket (= "the fack")).
Fuck can also be used in colloquial Swedish as an English loan word, with basically the same meanings as in English.[42]
In the Welsh language fuck has been transliterated as ffwc or ffwcio which is basically pronounced the same and has the same meaning as in English.
Disrupt IT
determination, deterrents, detergent mouth
for fsck's sake, Norm, can't you just link to the wikipedia page instead of reprinting the entire thing?
Agreed, and-but Laura's suggestion is neither state, commercial, nor force-backed. More like a functioning society self-determining its manner of conversing.
Yes, but-and commitments to individual freedoms over the greater good, (ie, it's my right to boundlessly pollute, consume, etc.,) have proven really destructive.
I'm starting to think "individual freedom" should never be uttered without "personal responsibility" in the same breath.
Massage the Message
"Personal responsibility" - that's an excellent point, Jeff.
Also, it seems to me that if our purpose is to converse and possibly win others over to what we each think is our brilliant, cogent personal reasoning, then we won't do well by right off alienating them with either extreme behavior or speech.
Once a punk. always a punk
Sorry, but the brilliant, cogent, personal reasoning I bring to the world from my culture is punk. Once a punk, always a punk. Anarchy in the USA, and real NEO
Disrupt IT
Which of those definitions do you prefer?
You left out the middle section, though:
Young, Loud and Snotty
"Absence or non-recognition of authority and order in any given sphere."
Disrupt IT