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Judge Lynn McLaughlin-Murray, tremont west development board treasure Allegedly Corrupt, Anti-Black, Anti-Female, = f.b.i.Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Sun, 03/06/2011 - 05:07.
Imperial Women Seek Resignation Of Judge Lynn McLaughlin-Murray, Claim She's Allegedly Corrupt, Anti-Black, Anti-Female, Violates The LawFrom the Metro Desk of the DeterminerWeekly.Com and the Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com (www.kathywraycolemanonlinenewsblog.com and www.determinerweekly.com) The Imperial Women are calling for the resignation of Cleveland Municipal Court Judge Lynn McLaughlin-Murray, who replaced Kathleen Ann Keough on the bench in Jan. pursuant to an appointment by former Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland. A former Cleveland Municipal Court magistrate and assistant law director for the City of Cleveland, McLaughlin-Murray must run for the seat this year to hold on to it. “We want her immediate resignation and we urge the Black community, grassroots factions and others not to vote for Judge McLaughlin-Murray either relative to the May primary or in November where research reveals that she is seemingly corrupt, anti-Black and anti-female,” said Coleman, a leader of the grassroots group dubbed the Imperial Women. “And we can freely take a position since columnists and reporters for the Cleveland Plain Dealer Newspaper and other newspapers have no problem branding targeted Black judges crazy and unfit via the free speech clause of the First Amendment.” Coleman said that research reveals that McLaughlin-Murray is revoking bonds and issuing warrants against Blacks and women without the bond forfeiture hearing required to be scheduled before a neutral magistrate by Cleveland Municipal Clerk of Court Earle Turner per the local rules of the Cleveland Municipal Court. Additionally, said Coleman, the judge is scheduling hearings and not telling Black defendants what type of hearing it is to trick them into appearing for the wrong reason so that she can illegally jail them. She is also, said Coleman, usurping the role of the magistrate to hold bond forfeiture hearings allegedly so that she can deny them and target Blacks that political operatives and corrupt non-Black judges want her to target, allegedly in exchange for judicial support for her upcoming run to hold on to the seat. “I was told that the judge is also to allegedly receive an endorsement from the Cleveland Police Patrolman's Association and from corrupt and racist Cleveland Law Director Robert Triozzi if she harasses Blacks and others that have complained about police misconduct," said Coleman “We hope that that is not true.” The judge is currently presiding over the case of Collinwood High School graduate Destini Bronaugh, 19, who is facing misdemeanor criminal charges of obstruction of official business and resisting arrest in retaliation for participating in a peaceful student protest at the school last May around Cleveland public schools layoffs and school closings. Triozzi, a former Cleveland Municipal Court Judge appointed by Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson who usurps the role of Cleveland Chief Prosecutor Victor Perez to bring charges to target Blacks and women for his political friends, brought the charges on behalf of the City of Cleveland and McLaughlin-Murray was personally handed the case in violation of the required due process random draw mechanism, allegedly to dictate its outcome, community activists say. The relatively unknown McLaughlin-Murray faces opposition from several people this year in an effort to hold on to her seat including Cuyahoga County assistant prosecutor Pinkey Carr, who is Black and has been endorsed by several Black leaders including Cleveland Ward 8 Councilman Jeff Johnson. Coleman said that the Imperial Women are tired of corrupt White judges like Keough and McLaughlin-Murray undermining the Black community and disregarding the rules of court and relevant law. “We call on Black and other leaders to follow our lead and to vote this woman off the bench before she can wreak further havoc on the Black community,” said Coleman. “Cleveland is a predominantly Black major metropolitan city and Blacks should not tolerate the likes of Judges Keough and McLaughlin-Murray where data show explicitly that neither has any respect for either the law or for Black people." Coleman said that the Imperial Women will be watching to see if Jackson and Cleveland NAACP President George Forbes endorse an unfair White judge like McLaughlin-Murray while refusing to endorse qualified Black women in this year's upcoming judicial elections as both did relative to the elections for judges held last year where all three Black women that sought judge ships lost. 0 comments:Links to this posthttp://www.kathywraycolemanonlinenewsblog.com/2011/02/imperial-women-see... __________________________________________________ From the Metro Desk of the DeterminerWeekly.Com and the Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com (www.kathywraycolemanonlinenewsblog.com and www.determinerweekly.com) Dear Cleveland FBI: This is to request an investigation of Cleveland Municipal Clerk of Court Earl B. Turner for documented malfeasance and possible constitutional infractions against Blacks and women subjected to malicious prosecutions by the predominantly Black city of Cleveland at the hands of White male Cleveland Law Director Robert Triozzi, who usurps the role of Cleveland Chief Prosecutor Victor Perez to do this. Previously I provided you with case docket data that reveals tampering with records and other questionable activity by Turner. The data as to Turner's actions are again as follows: -Documenting dates of case filings passed the due date to illegally denote lateness in criminal cases to hurt appeals of criminal convictions when such deadlines pertain to requests for extensions to file motions for new trials and dismissals of cases where Turner knows that on appeal it is important for a party to t o show that an extension request is timely. -Refiling motions filed on behalf of criminal defendants when prosecutors fail to timely respond within the 10 day deadline to assist the prosecution to the detriment of criminal defendants, a disproportionate number of whom are Black. -Literally falsifying online case docket data and falsely denoting criminal convictions of Blacks and women in the Cleveland Municipal Court to defame them for politicians of the city of Cleveland and to harss them with intentional infliction of emotional distress. -Ignoring the local rules of the Cleveland Municipal Court as to the requirement for the clerk to schedule a bond forfeiture hearing before revoking a bond and issuing a warrant and upon reinstatement lying saying it is a personal bond to steal the moneys put up for the bond with the help of recently appointed Cleveland Municipal Court Judge Lynn McLaughlin-Murray -Placing holds on car license registrations for city camera tickets for alleged speeding when state law allows it only for parking tickets in access of three. Turner is a Black man and a detriment to the Black community and others. Please initiate an immediate investigation of him, and have him prosecuted for documented tampering with court records and online case docket data, not to mention the civi infraction of potential defamation of character in publicly lying on the online criminal case docket and saying people have criminal convictions that they have been acquitted of. I would at your request be glad to sign an affidavit and again submit data that confirms the aforementioned. I have be threatened and fear both McLaughlin-Murray and Turner. However, I find it more important that the FBI intervenes for the betterment of Black women and others, and in the interest of justice. The data relative to Turner's malfeasance speaks for itself. Kathy Wray Coleman, the Imperial Women http://www.kathywraycolemanonlinenewsblog.com/ __________________________________________________
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From the Metro Desk of the DeterminerWeekly.Com and the Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com (www.kathywraycolemanonlinenewsblog.com and www.determinerweekly.com)
The Imperial Women are calling for the resignation of Cleveland Municipal Court Judge Lynn McLaughlin-Murray, who replaced Kathleen Ann Keough on the bench in Jan. pursuant to an appointment by former Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland. A former Cleveland Municipal Court magistrate and assistant law director for the City of Cleveland, McLaughlin-Murray must run for the seat this year to hold on to it.
“We want her immediate resignation and we urge the Black community, grassroots factions and others not to vote for Judge McLaughlin-Murray either relative to the May primary or in November where research reveals that she is seemingly corrupt, anti-Black and anti-female,” said Coleman, a leader of the grassroots group dubbed the Imperial Women. “And we can freely take a position since columnists and reporters for the Cleveland Plain Dealer Newspaper and other newspapers have no problem branding targeted Black judges crazy and unfit via the free speech clause of the First Amendment.”
Coleman said that research reveals that McLaughlin-Murray is revoking bonds and issuing warrants against Blacks and women without the bond forfeiture hearing required to be scheduled before a neutral magistrate by Cleveland Municipal Clerk of Court Earle Turner per the local rules of the Cleveland Municipal Court. Additionally, said Coleman, the judge is scheduling hearings and not telling Black defendants what type of hearing it is to trick them into appearing for the wrong reason so that she can illegally jail them. She is also, said Coleman, usurping the role of the magistrate to hold bond forfeiture hearings allegedly so that she can deny them and target Blacks that political operatives and corrupt non-Black judges want her to target, allegedly in exchange for judicial support for her upcoming run to hold on to the seat.
“I was told that the judge is also to allegedly receive an endorsement from the Cleveland Police Patrolman's Association and from corrupt and racist Cleveland Law Director Robert Triozzi if she harasses Blacks and others that have complained about police misconduct," said Coleman “We hope that that is not true.”
The judge is currently presiding over the case of Collinwood High School graduate Destini Bronaugh, 19, who is facing misdemeanor criminal charges of obstruction of official business and resisting arrest in retaliation for participating in a peaceful student protest at the school last May around Cleveland public schools layoffs and school closings.
Triozzi, a former Cleveland Municipal Court Judge appointed by Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson who usurps the role of Cleveland Chief Prosecutor Victor Perez to bring charges to target Blacks and women for his political friends, brought the charges on behalf of the City of Cleveland and McLaughlin-Murray was personally handed the case in violation of the required due process random draw mechanism, allegedly to dictate its outcome, community activists say.
The relatively unknown McLaughlin-Murray faces opposition from several people this year in an effort to hold on to her seat including Cuyahoga County assistant prosecutor Pinkey Carr, who is Black and has been endorsed by several Black leaders including Cleveland Ward 8 Councilman Jeff Johnson.
Coleman said that the Imperial Women are tired of corrupt White judges like Keough and McLaughlin-Murray undermining the Black community and disregarding the rules of court and relevant law.
“We call on Black and other leaders to follow our lead and to vote this woman off the bench before she can wreak further havoc on the Black community,” said Coleman. “Cleveland is a predominantly Black major metropolitan city and Blacks should not tolerate the likes of Judges Keough and McLaughlin-Murray where data show explicitly that neither has any respect for either the law or for Black people."
Coleman said that the Imperial Women will be watching to see if Jackson and Cleveland NAACP President George Forbes endorse an unfair White judge like McLaughlin-Murray while refusing to endorse qualified Black women in this year's upcoming judicial elections as both did relative to the elections for judges held last year where all three Black women that sought judge ships lost.
From the Metro Desk of the DeterminerWeekly.Com and the Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com (www.kathywraycolemanonlinenewsblog.com and www.determinerweekly.com)
Dear Cleveland FBI:
This is to request an investigation of Cleveland Municipal Clerk of Court Earl B. Turner for documented malfeasance and possible constitutional infractions against Blacks and women subjected to malicious prosecutions by the predominantly Black city of Cleveland at the hands of White male Cleveland Law Director Robert Triozzi, who usurps the role of Cleveland Chief Prosecutor Victor Perez to do this.
Previously I provided you with case docket data that reveals tampering with records and other questionable activity by Turner. The data as to Turner's actions are again as follows:
-Documenting dates of case filings passed the due date to illegally denote lateness in criminal cases to hurt appeals of criminal convictions when such deadlines pertain to requests for extensions to file motions for new trials and dismissals of cases where Turner knows that on appeal it is important for a party to t o show that an extension request is timely.
-Refiling motions filed on behalf of criminal defendants when prosecutors fail to timely respond within the 10 day deadline to assist the prosecution to the detriment of criminal defendants, a disproportionate number of whom are Black.
-Literally falsifying online case docket data and falsely denoting criminal convictions of Blacks and women in the Cleveland Municipal Court to defame them for politicians of the city of Cleveland and to harss them with intentional infliction of emotional distress.
-Ignoring the local rules of the Cleveland Municipal Court as to the requirement for the clerk to schedule a bond forfeiture hearing before revoking a bond and issuing a warrant and upon reinstatement lying saying it is a personal bond to steal the moneys put up for the bond with the help of recently appointed Cleveland Municipal Court Judge Lynn McLaughlin-Murray
-Placing holds on car license registrations for city camera tickets for alleged speeding when state law allows it only for parking tickets in access of three.
Turner is a Black man and a detriment to the Black community and others. Please initiate an immediate investigation of him, and have him prosecuted for documented tampering with court records and online case docket data, not to mention the civi infraction of potential defamation of character in publicly lying on the online criminal case docket and saying people have criminal convictions that they have been acquitted of.
I would at your request be glad to sign an affidavit and again submit data that confirms the aforementioned. I have be threatened and fear both McLaughlin-Murray and Turner. However, I find it more important that the FBI intervenes for the betterment of Black women and others, and in the interest of justice. The data relative to Turner's malfeasance speaks for itself.
Kathy Wray Coleman, the Imperial Women
For more articles go to www.determinerweekly.com. For speaking requests, etc. use: Phone: (216) 932-3114, Fax: (216) 932-3114 Email: KTCOLEMAN8 [at] AOL [dot] COM Coleman is a former biology teacher and an investigative reporter and journalist of 16 years. She has completed all coursework toward a doctorate at the University of Akron, Akron, Ohio. She covered the 2008 Democratic primary and general elections for the Call & Post, Ohio's Black press with distributions in Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati. This includes a one-on-one interview with now U.S. President Barack Obama. Coleman's articles address a wide array of issues from a Black perspective, including politics, urban education, legal news, and the legal system. In 2008 she was dragged to the Cuyahoga County jail, threatened over her articles and investigations, given a knockout drug, held naked under the supervision of a disgruntled male employee, and released four days later without charges. Coleman is a journalist who believes in equal opportunity for all people, regardless of race, gender, religion or socioeconomic status. All rights reserved.
Does Barack Obama's presence as president of the United States of America change the definition of racism, which has been defined as "the inequitable distribution of resources based on the majority power structure?" Is it true that Blacks in America cannot be racist because they do not have the collective power?"
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I have been missing you both...now, behave...I read your posts...sometimes, you do... get a little "carried away"... but, I believe, everyone has the right to read what they want or don't read it ...just, follow the rules here, so, you and Yogi don't get them "charged up" and everything should be ok. Best wishes, mytown55. Spring is coming and I can't wait till you really get ACTIVATED! HA...HA...HA
Stay tuned to Realneo later this evening for a story regarding Lynn Murray and her husband Glen Murray, Chief Architect for the Department of Building and Housing.
I am putting the finishing touches on this story right now.