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A Look-Coming-Why We Need To Prepare NOW-Why U Want To Be Where Everyone Isn't in CRISIS-RIOT-GREECE WINDOW INTO AMERICA FUTURESubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Sun, 07/05/2015 - 15:01.
I want everyone to take a good, hard look at the picture above and those seen throughout this article. Those are not homeless people scavenging in garbage bins for food and clothes and anything they may need to survive, they are Greek citizens "rooting through rubbish to grab discarded items they can sell or eat." [Update] In response to this piece, Steve Quayle emailed in a quote, added to the headline "THIS IS WHY YOU WANT TO BE WHERE EVERYONE ELSE ISN'T DURING A MELTDOWN, CRISIS, OR RIOT" Anneliese Sterry, from Gloucester Foodbank, said: 'This is not a surprise to us at all. It is not uncommon for this to happen. History tells us that not only can it happen here, it will.
GREECE: A WINDOW INTO AMERICA'S FUTURE When a country goes bankrupt because they spend more than they take in, they borrow money from other countries. When they can no longer make payments on those loans the economy collapses. That is where Greece is at now. Without anther bail-out (borrowing more money they cannot afford to pay back) total collapse is imminent. Banks are closed, ATM withdrawals are limited and once again they are planning to raid depositors' money to pay for necessities. Excellent read on Society's Five Stages of Economic Collapse can be found over at Target of Opportunity.... the similarities of what we are seeing right here in America will astound you. Greece is already in Stage Four: ".....Now the economy collapses. There is a rush for everything and the shelves go empty in a matter of hours. Society falls into chaos. The control of urban areas shifts when violent gangs takeover control of the streets and urban neighborhoods. The government issues restrictive measures in an attempt to control the economy. Everything is in short supply and heavily rationed. Food and gasoline is very expensive and there are very long lines to get them when they are available....."
After reading the Five Stages, ask yourself what stage best describes America now? A LOOK AT WHAT IS COMING TO AMERICA America's debt is over $18,112,975,000,000, that is the last reported number, but it has been frozen at that number for 15 weeks, so no one truly knows how much it has risen in the last 15 weeks. America is showing signs of partial stage two and three of Economic Collapse: STAGE 2 signs seen in the U.S. now include; "Ever increasing numbers of people receive government assistance in one form or another. People are paid not to work." STAGE 3 signs seen in the U.S. include; Foreclosed houses sit vacant and deteriorating by the tens of thousands. Middle class neighborhoods begin to look like slums. The government begins to print currency to pay its bills and support the tens of millions on public assistance." Warnings are coming from all directions, financial experts, stock market experts, traders, investors... the warnings have been coming for years but are increasing in frequency and urgency. Despite these warnings, people keep burying their head in the sand and repeating the same themed answers... " it is fear mongering,"... "it hasn't happened yet,".... and the favorite "it can't happen here." The only reason America is not Greece right this second is because the U.S. Dollar is still the world's reserve currency... Period. This means the FED can continue to print money with nothing to back it up, but that is about over as can be seen by the history of world reserve currencies, shown in the chart below. Countries that have held the world reserve currency status ranged from 80 years to 110 years. Portugal (1450 - 1530) 80 years - Spain (1530 - 1640) 110 years - Netherlands (1640 -1720) 80 years - France (1720 - 1815) 95 years and - Britain (1815 - 1920) 105 years.... for an average of 94 years that any country maintains the world reserve currency. The U.S. has held tht staus since 1920 until present day, 2015..... 95 years. Any questions? STAGE 4 AND STAGE 5 Back to the Society's Five Stages of Economic Collapse, here are the last two stages: STAGE 4. The Grab for Power The collapse can transition to this stage at any time after Stage 3. Most of the middle class have lost everything. What used to be well manicured middle class neighborhoods are filled with the carcasses of empty houses damaged and destroyed by vandals. The nation’s infrastructure has been seriously neglected and is in need of a major overhaul. The power grid becomes unreliable. Rolling blackouts are a daily occurrence. You can no longer buy or sell gold or own foreign currency. Inflation is out of control. Now the economy collapses. There is a rush for everything and the shelves go empty in a matter of hours. Society falls into chaos. The control of urban areas shifts when violent gangs takeover control of the streets and urban neighborhoods. The government issues restrictive measures in an attempt to control the economy. Everything is in short supply and heavily rationed. Food and gasoline is very expensive and there are very long lines to get them when they are available. Affordable quality health care is non-existent and your job is a distant memory. You will do without what you are unable to provide for yourself. You will discover what it is to live in a third world country. STAGE 5. Freedom, Liberty, and Independence are Lost The government implements martial law. Fighting between civilians and government forces break out nationwide. Maintaining more than a 30 day supply of food is considered hoarding food and is illegal. Severe poverty and starvation become a common sight. The government offers marginally acceptable food, water and shelter in exchange for your Freedom, Liberty, and Independence. Democracy ends and a Socialist form of government takes over under the guise of fixing society’s problems with the false promise that peace and prosperity will return better than it was just a few years ago. A Totalitarian regime assumes power and the individual freedoms and liberties once enjoyed by the people are completely eliminated. Stage five is why so many people are worried about exercises like Jade Helm 15... whether a collapse happens during the months the military training exercises is scheduled to take place or whether the exercise is to make sure the military is preppared for a future event, doesn't matter. "THEY" ARE PREPARED.... ARE YOU? We have been warned, told to prepare, stock up on necessities like food, water, canned goods, medical supplies, batteries, etc..... but people keep putting it off ather than taking a few dollars each week and buying things to store for emergencies, because the MSM keeps telling us the economy is getting better, despite the fact that 93,626,000 are not even in the labor force! "Those not in the labor force has increased by 1,512,000 in the past year." (Source) Tell us, do you have more money to spend each week? Do your neighbors? Are your savings increasing or descreasing? Are you having to budget more or budget less each month? If things are better for you, your family, your neighbors, then keep listening to the MSM.... if things are worse, act accordingly. PREPARE... it is better to be prepared and not need it then to need it and not be prepared! As has been reported before, multiple times, the super-rich are scared and buying up bolt-holes with private airstrips to "escape if the poor rise up," andDoomsday lairs and bunkers are being stockpiled by the elite as "they" prepare for what is coming..... the only people not preparing it seems are those poor saps that still believe the MSM. They are already fully prepared for what is coming... are you? What good is having money in the bank if you will not be able to access it when the economy collapses? What good is having the money, in hand, to buy necessities if the shelves are all empty? What are you waiting for? By the time the MSM tells you about it, it will be too late. [Update] In response to this piece, Steve Quayle emailed in a quote, added to the headline "THIS IS WHY YOU WANT TO BE WHERE EVERYONE ELSE ISN'T DURING A MELTDOWN, CRISIS, OR RIOT"
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