Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Sat, 03/06/2010 - 16:32.

Has anyone had STONE SOUP lately? 

Perhaps we can all enjoy some this year....ridding our community of the Lucifer Effects.... and enjoying the prosperity of working together towards nourishing ourselves within the community....

We shall start with a pot of water and a Stone over a small fire.... Instead of our individual offerings being scarce...we shall join them together to cook a plentiful pot of nourishment which will feed the community at large...For those who are too unneighborly to contribute...or too afraid to partake...I simply hope that we are able to share the results with you anyhow! 

'When we live out of a place of love rather than fear, we see opportunities for loving action whenever they arise. We find ourselves in the right place at the right time and we seize the opportunity. After that night of Stone Soup, the villagers love themselves a bit more; they have a bit more confidence that acting to help others is also good for themselves. If they can remember those feelings, they can live from the neighborly place in their hearts, that part that says: “Giving is good for us all.”'

What offerings shall each of us contribute in this event???? 




( categories: )

love your neighbor

This is what I am offering and this is what I am practicing. Basic ingredient, last forever, and when stirred a little, sends a delightful aroma into the air.