Submitted by Susan Miller on Fri, 04/03/2009 - 12:16.
Where's Ray Shepardson? It's time to restage Jacques Brel! Or maybe some depression era plays.

“I don’t agree with Schwarz that protest is futile. I think that every voice that is raised has its effect. My opinion is that if you have convictions, you shouldn’t be afraid to express them” (Elmer Price, We, the People: A Play in Twenty Scenes [New York: Coward-McCann, 1933], 138).
More: Lakewood Observer story with images. How about some Furious Improvisation?
Litt's article states "The urban core is hollowing out." OK all you exurban GCP, Clevelandplussers - here's a reasonably sized project for you. It's a real "opportunity" for creativity.
Note that Cleveland Restoration Society is not mentioned anywhere in the article. Did Dobush contact them? Did he get a busy signal? A call back?
Beck Center? Shoulda woulda coulda...
Stimulus funds for arts or theater projects? Not yet.