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Tomorrow-tuesday june 30 - You Will See Star Of Bethlehem A Sign Christ’s Second Coming Around Corner -joy or suffering or bothSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Tue, 06/30/2015 - 11:44.
So lets start. It is crucial to note that The Star of Bethlehem, which signaled Christ’s birth is not only mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 2, but in Numbers 24 as well regarding cataclysmic events. When it comes to tomorrow, Christians need to think while watching the Star of Bethlehem which will appear after an absence of roughly 2000 years. Tomorrow (June 30th, 2015) the Star of Bethlehem will be making a return. Will this mean that the signs of the end is beginning to unfold? And what did this sign mean? Is it a time of joy or suffering or both? So lets start. It is crucial to note that The Star of Bethlehem, which signaled Christ’s birth is not only mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 2, but in Numbers 24 as well regarding cataclysmic events. So lets start first in Matthew 2, it speaks of when Christ was a threat to the Edomite king and the Anti-Messiah of his day, Herod:
But this star was foretold in the Old Testament Numbers regarding Messiah’s first coming and also included another major incident to take place regarding His second coming as well:
To understand the Star of Bethlehem, we need to think like the three wise men. Motivated by this “star in the east,” they first traveled to Jerusalem and told King Herod the prophecy that a new ruler of the people of Israel would be born. King Herod was alarmed at this star and worried about Christ’s first coming and was seeking to kill him and defeat God’s plan by persecuting God’s little children where Rachel wept all the way to Ramah:
Few think, and it is time they do as the wise men. While the beginning signs of the star was joy for the wise men and shepherds in my village near Bethlehem in the Shepherd’s Fields (today is called Beit Sahour where I was born and raised), it was also tears for the children of God. And so will it be when the star appears again, tomorrow, two millennium later, it says that soon, the children born of Idumea will seek to destroy the children born of spiritual Israel. Such persecution is also recorded in detail by St. John who saw how the woman (Mary) “she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron” (Revelation 12:5), this is no doubt Christ, and therefore is this woman John speaks of signifies the hatred of Mary (the woman), the Church and also to be redeemed, Israel:
The beginning of the prophecy by both Jeremiah and John was great persecution where in Jeremiah the children of God were massacred with the new born Israelites. ![]() King Herod’s Fortress It is time therefore to embrace ourselves for the wave of persecution against the Church first, then just as after Mary’s birth pangs came, the Messiah was delivered, and so it will be, that after the coming birth pangs, the Star will come and defeat Idumea and Messiah shall “possess Idumea” as foretold in Numbers 24. Most fail to focus, the references to Mount Seir and the land of Seir (or Idumea) are real places and not some pie in the sky allegory. These references to the land where Esau and his descendants, the Edomites, made their home. This would embrace a great part of Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of not just Islam, but the Antichrist it produced: Muhammad, the world’s leading heresiarch. Ezekiel stresses that the whole of Idumea (“all Idumea, even all of it”) will be caught up in this massive conflict and will be made desolate by the Messiah which will stretch from Teman, in today’s Yemen, to Dedan, an ancient city in central Saudi Arabia:
And what do we see today? The stage is set where Iran is set against Saudi Arabia (see Isaiah 21) and in Yemen a revolution is brewing. Everything is working in accordance to the clock of God which even His cosmos reminded the wise men long ago and it reminds the wise men of today, embrace yourselves and be ready. Note that Ezekiel 35 mentions their “perpetual hatred” against Israel. This hatred of the Church and the Jewish people, which is so characteristic of Islam, extends back to the earliest times – a truly perpetual hatred. The Messiah will eventually come to slaughter vast numbers of the army of the Antichrist in this region because they tried to take “these two nations” or “these two countries” which belonged to the LORD, a reference to Israel (northern kingdom) and Judah (southern kingdom). Ezekiel says also that the LORD heard all the blasphemies that the people of Idumea had directed against Him, how they had “multiplied” their blasphemies and their boasts against the LORD. Such endless stream of blasphemies came in particular from one city in Saudi Arabia – Mecca, the city where the black stone is worshipped by millions of Muslims from around the world and from which endless invective is poured out upon Israel. It is the city of seven towers which was constructed this decade while the Bible every time mentions Babylon in end times context, it gives the names of cities and vicinities within Arabia, not Iraq. This is truly amazing. For folks who want to examine the difficult to refute argument and read more (see below at the end I included a whole study Why Is Arabia Mystery Babylon) There is no place on earth today where stands the largest structure in the world, used for a religious purpose, all worshipping in one tongue regardless of pilgrims mother tongues, they all babel in Arabic in Mecca which is holy to more than 1.5 billion people on earth. The seven structure towers are built upon what is literally called Mount Babel Isaiah takes up this theme, the total destruction of Saudi Arabia, in a remarkable passage in chapter 63:
Bozrah is south east of the Dead Sea, a town one would normally pass through when travelling from Saudi Arabia into Judea. Isaiah depicts the Messiah coming north out of Saudi Arabia, his clothes drenched with the blood of his victims, whom he has trodden down in his “anger” and “fury.” The modern born-again Christians have focused so much on God’s love that they have largely forgotten that it is bound up with his judgment and righteousness. The LORD has stated categorically that he will come and defend his people. The church is uncomfortable with the Messiah in his role as King and Conqueror. They confuse the meekness of Christ in his First Coming with the judgment of Christ in his Second Coming. They find it hard to accept that the Lamb will dispense bloody judgment on a truly grand scale. As a result they fail to see what ought to be obvious, that the intense anti-semitism and hatred by the Islamic nations, the descendants of Ishmael and Esau, will ultimately culminate in the appalling attempt on the destruction of Israel which they have long promised to carry out. Everything I write here is consistent in what we know is happening in the Middle East. The other part of Christ’s campaign against the confederacy of the Antichrist will be conducted in Egypt.
These passages from Isaiah suggest that the Israeli airforce, led by the Messiah, will fly over Gaza (“the shoulders of the Philistines”) and attack Egypt, where they will wreak devastation. The chaos will be so great that the Egyptians will even turn upon themselves. Isaiah also includes in his description a reference to the Nile delta which will all dry up. The Euphrates River and the Nile, both on the news and both are predicted to dry up causing cataclysmic events on the nations that depend on them. The Bible predicts that the Euphrates will stop the flow of water so that 200 million man army enters to make its way to invade Jerusalem and how the Aswan Dam in Egypt will be completely destroyed. We have written on a coming major drought and hunger that will also take place. Also, expect Lebanon to fall and the Christians there to nearly be annihilated. The following passages from Isaiah show that the Antichrist will invade Lebanon and deal savagely with the Christian population of that country. The references to “after the manner of Egypt” and the slaughter of Midan would suggest that the attack upon Lebanon takes place after the above-mentioned events in Saudi Arabia and Egypt:
So it is persecution first (yet a very little while, and the indignation shall cease), then the second coming where this “mighty one” in verse 34 is a reference to the Messiah as King, vanquishing the enemies of the Church. Similar references may be found elsewhere in Isaiah:
The Muslims will eat the flesh of other Muslims and turn into cannibals out of hunger. It should be remembered that the slaughter that the Messiah will visit upon these various Muslim nations is in recompense for the awful crimes which they will have committed against the Jews of Israel and the Christians of Egypt and Lebanon. For example, Joel says:
Note that Tyre, Zidon (Lebanon) and Philistia (Gaza) are the very places where Hezbollah and Hamas are based today. Jeremiah 25 and Ezekiel 28-32 gives a chilling inventory of the nations which the Messiah, in person, will either destroy or subjugate in these cataclysmic End Time events and they are all Muslim. So remember tomorrow, to go outside as instructed: Tomorrow, Christians need to reflect, right after the sun sets (9:26pm eastern time, 8:26pm Central Time and 7:26 Mountain Time) head outside and look west. Just above the horizon, you’ll see a bright object in the night sky as Jupiter and Venus come within 1/3 of a degree of each other. This is what they call “The Star of Bethlehem” conjunction because Jupiter and Venus did something similar near the star Regulus in 3/2 BC, more than 2000 years ago. Many astronomers say that this ancient celestial event is the one recorded in the Bible’s Gospel of Matthew. On the evening of June 19–21, Venus and Jupiter — already close together in the evening sky — are joined by a thin crescent Moon. Click on this image for a high-definition version, or click here for a version without labels. Sky & Telescope diagram On the evening of June 30th, all eyes will be on Venus and Jupiter as they create a dramatic “double star” in the western sky after sunset. Click on this image for a high-definition version, or click here for a version without labels. Sky & Telescope diagram Indeed, Jesus’s second coming is around the corner. How many years from now, no one can tell for certain, but it seems to be getting closer by the day. Until then, embrace yourselves and have joy for persecution is at hand. SOURCES ABC Chanel 13 Special thanks to in summarizing my analysis (here) WHY ARABIA IS MYSTERY BABYLON The reference “Babylon is fallen, is fallen” is not only in Revelation, but is also in Isaiah: “The burden against Dumah” (Isaiah 21:11) These are all in Arabia, which is destroyed by Iran “Elam” (Isaiah 21:2). And again, a few chapters before, the destruction of Babylon is described as being absolute. Isaiah speaks of this event:
The broom of destruction! Anyone who has seen footage of a nuclear explosion has seen the fury and the power of the ominous cloud that sweeps up everything in its path and is why we have been correct the last two decades; Iran will gain the nuke and everyone else wrong. So why do folks skip the name “Arabia” in Isaiah 21 when they read Scripture? To mythically superimpose an imaginative “Rome” on top of the text says one thing; prejudice is more powerful in the heart of a sinner than truth and no matter how much they say that they “love Jesus”, they don’t. Why has there been an immense oversight by many in the field of biblical eschatology; that when it comes to the destruction of end-days Babylon, Scripture makes no mention of any of the ancient Babylonian cities: Nineveh, Ur, Babel, Erech, Accad, Sumer, Assur, Calneh, Mari, Karana, Ellpi, Eridu, Kish, or Tikrit. All of the literal references in Scripture are in Arabia? Why is it that they still insist on accusing Rome, regardless that the use “MOTHER OF HARLOTS”, while it is commonly attributed to the Vatican’s Mariology with the worship of Ishtar, they ignore that history records that the worship of Ishtar “Kilili”, or “Queen of Harlots” originated from Arabia, not Rome? In fact, when Muslims roam roundabout the black stone, it is a throwback to the worship of Ishtar, whom they called Athtar and Allat. (see Patricia Turner and Charles Russell Coulter, Dictionary of Ancient Deities, Page 242, Ishtar, Oxford University Press US, 2001.) When it comes to the Harlot woman, the Kaaba is a perfect match. The black tarp is considered by Muslims to be a woman’s dress (Kiswa) as Edward Gibbons elaborated:
Everything that the harlot is described it fits the Ka’ba; dress, pearls, jewels, gold, silver and even the blasphemies etched in silver threads with golden inlays across her attire. Just the doors of the Ka’ba alone has 280 kilograms of pure gold. The reference to a prostitute in Revelation 17 regarding the “Whore of Babylon” is no coincidence:
…resembles the near copulating with the Ka’ba’s Black Stone, which historically was dedicated to Aphrodite, the prostitute goddess that was called “Aphrodite Porne” (Aphrodite the Prostitute), “the goddess adorned in purple”, similar to the depictions given in Revelation 17:4, which the Ka’ba has a scarlet-colored inner garment. John of Damascus notes:
Muslim tradition even perpetuates the blasphemy that:
Francis Burton writes regarding the Ka’ba:
Even today during their Hajj pilgrimage, Muslims kiss, rub and caress the Black Rock. Furthermore, it is impossible to even consider that Isaiah 21 was referring to an historic battle between Persia and ancient Babylon since the multiple references throughout are not connected to ancient Iraq but to Kedar, Tema, Dedan and Dumah (all referenced prophetically), which are all in Saudi Arabia near Yathrib (Medina), and today is known as “Dumat el-Jandal.” Dumah, one of the sons of Ishmael, is also associated with Edom and Seir in Isaiah 21:11. It is believed by many that Kedar, Ishmael’s son, is the line from which Muhammad descended. Even Muslims recognize when they read Isaiah 21, they see Isaiah 21:14-15 as the story of Muhammad when the Muslims emigrated from Mecca to Medina (Tema) in which they were fed and rescued from the sword. No westerner was able to interpret:
The Bible depicts that in this time, it will not be like the time when Muhammad fled; all Arabia – including the Glory of Kedar (Mecca) – will be destroyed. How else can anyone interpret:
Arabs pitch tents in Arabia, not Rome. The ultimate fulfillment of this verse is the destruction of the Last-Days Babylon. We know this because the passage speaks about: “the day of the Lord” (v. 9) with the “heavens not giving light” (v. 10). This is not historical, but End-Times related. Then we have the Red Sea:
The Red Sea is a geographic indicator as to where the Last-Days Babylon will be located. Look at Mecca on any map and you will see that it sits near the Red Sea. Some may object, saying that Jeremiah 49 is speaking about Edom, which was primarily located in modern day Jordan. Yet, in Ezekiel 25, “Edom” stretches from Teman (Yemen) to Dedan (Saudi Arabia)” (v. 13). Greater Edom included all of the west coast of the Arabian Peninsula. Notice the description of her destruction:
It is no surprise that Iran is focused on Saudi Arabia, since the Bible predicted that the harlot is destroyed by the beast she rides, that is, the nations she deceieved with her spiritual harlotry—Islam. Our latest finding here is infinitesimal. We have gathered much to shed a new light to show the differences between Vatican and Mecca; the evidence is overwhelming, Mecca fits biblical Babylon and Vatican doesn’t. For example (out of hundreds), where in Vatican do we have “Mount Babel” which is also an observatory to monitor the movement of the moon and is called “Seven Towers of the House” reminiscent to the ancient name of Babel, which was called “The house of the seven lights of the earth”? Where in the Vatican did they erect the largest tower on earth topped with a crescent and has observatories to monitor the planets and the moon? Where on Vatican hill, do they have an edifice decked with gold and silver, littered with statements that are biblically considered blasphemous, treated as if it was a woman, and has a massive gate made of pure gold that is literally called Bab-Illah (Babel) “The Gate to God”? There is no place on earth that matches such requirements than Mecca. Bab-Illah (The Gate of Allah) is the Gate to the Ka’ba (made of pure gold) In what is probably the least examined sources in Islam by westerners, that discusses the Ka’ba as Babel “The Gate to God,” or Bab-Illah in Arabic, and is mentioned in the highest authority in Islam, the Hadith:
Babel, the English pronunciation, and Bab-Illah are identical in meaning. The difference is simply in the accent. This Bab-Illah (Babel) is also depicted as a woman in Islam, exactly as John stated in Revelation 17:3. One Muslim writes a poem depicting as if the Ka’ba is a lover and is literally Bab-Illah (Babel) “the Gate to Allah”. He titles it “Look at my lover and your lover as she changes her dress”:
Another Muslim describes a Turkish pilgrim’s experience in the Hajj:
The most famous of Muhammadan poetry by Al-Bosayri in the eleventh century and then the most prominent poet in Arab history, Ahmad Shawqi, who is considered the Prince of poetry, describes Muhammad as “owning the key to Bab-Illah (the gate of Allah)”. Muslim scholar Muhammad Said Ramadan Al-Buti, prior to his assassination by the Free Syrian Army explained the Hajj Pilgrimage as following:
For years, I had to endure listening to lectures on why Rome is the Harlot since it sits on seven hills, when truth is that Vatican City—the city where the Catholic Church is headquartered—is not built on seven hills, but on a hill separate from the seven hills of Rome: Vatican Hill, which is not even one of the seven upon which ancient Rome was built. Those hills are on the east side of the Tiber river; Vatican Hill is on the west. Other cities are known for having been built on seven hills as well. Istanbul is known as the City on the Seven Hills, which – consciously following the model of Rome – was built on seven hills too. There are about seventy cities that claim to be on seven hills, some of which are Jerusalem, Amman, Tehran, Brussels, Kiev, Moscow and Madrid. The Bible is also precise and pinpoints a geographic location for this “Babylon” as was predicted in Jeremiah 49:21, literally, “the Red Sea” which confirms Arabia’s destruction. This is also confirmed in Revelation 18 regarding the harlot city:
And once one studies Isaiah 34, there should be no doubt. In nearly identical language concerning Mystery Babylon in Revelation 17, 18:
Incredibly, almost three millennia before the discovery of fuel oil, Isaiah predicted the burning of the very thing that was used in Babel to build a name for the rebellious ones – the pitch. Pitch is bitumen and tar, which technically is simply crude oil. This judgment is not against Rome but “Edom” which extends from Teman to Dedan:
The Lord vindicates Rome, but does that mean she will not be chastised? It is likely just as Israel will or even the United States. But one cannot use the Scripture and twist it just to sell books. Here on we explain it free of charge. God has made the geographical location of Mystery Babylon quite clear for anyone who would seek it out.
Apart from Sodom and Gomarrah, this type of utter destruction has never been seen in any other city, including Hiroshima and Nagasaki. “After her destruction, Babylon will merely be a home for demons, evil spirits, and scavenging desert creatures” (Revelation 18:1-2). This is in line with the ancient Eastern perception that desolate desert wastelands were the dwelling place of demons and unclean spirits. The point being emphasized is that after Babylon is destroyed, there will be absolutely no human life ever found there again. Jeremiah agrees; he describes this:
To read more on how Mecca is destroyed, please read: REFERENCES
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