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TREES in TREMONT to be MURDERED?-Is this another "Frank Giglio Process?"-this is the stupidiest move ever on the part of TWDCSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Sat, 04/13/2013 - 16:50.
![]() If the engineer and designer would've earned his 200 thousand dollar fee he would've been able to incorporate the existing trees with all the new trees and Plantings. We have talented landscape architects and engineers and also contractors in the tremont neighborhood . Knowing them I know they would incorporate the existing trees . Once again we are paying $1 million for something that should've cost 500,000
Subj: Re: Meeting regarding Professor Streetscape - Elm and Cleveland Select Pair I...Thanks Mike. You're right I have been complaining for years about other neighborhoods receiving significant funds while we are left with nothing. W. 25th St. Corridor has received $200 million in investments over the last 10
Years . Detroit Shoreway 500 million. The so-called $1 million project going on in our neighborhood is long-overdue. Unfortunately we are only getting a couple hundred thousand dollars for our so-called million-dollar investment . $200,000 of this project is going for design and engineering . Could've been done for 50,000. I could do the same work in these four intersections for 100,000 a intersection . The rest is profit for the engineer and the contractor . If the engineer and designer would've earned his 200 thousand dollar fee he would've been able to incorporate the existing trees with all the new trees and Plantings. We have talented landscape architects and engineers and also contractors in the tremont neighborhood . Knowing them I know they would incorporate the existing trees . Once again we are paying $1 million for something that should've cost 500,000. And we are getting an inferior product at the end of the day . Henry could you send this out to the rest the email group? I'm having a problem with my server and will not allow me to send it to all. Thanks Tom
Sent from my iPhone
Tom Leneghan has asked me to forward this again to limited number of emails he can send it to from his ISP.
From: tomleneghan [at] yahoo [dot] com
Taking into consideration everyone's thoughts and opinions, I am not sure that there is much of an issue with the trees named as replacement trees. The trees that currently hold ground on Professor are blooming mature trees that have been there for quite awhile . They are part of the community, have character and charm. Through age and grace, they enhance the neighborhood. What is it that they say: "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."
The other aspect of this streetscape project is that no one seems to have been involved in the ghostly outreach process. Clearly, someone whould have heard about it.
Further, the trees have been referred to as diseased, damaged and nearly dead. Yet, there are no records, reports from experts supporting the diagnosis. Decisions and trees were selected on the basis of visual inspection - no actual testing.
Food for thought is - if 20 out of 50 plus trees on Professor are elderly and/or ill, it is a bit questionable that it is only the trees in way of construction are marked for death? Is it reasonable to believe that the other 30 plus trees are all happy, healthy specimens?
Is this another "Frank Giglio Process?"
I am in agreement with Elizabeth and others - this is the stupidiest move ever on the part of TWDC, although I have witnessed some doozies.
Jerleen Justus
Jerleen Justus <jerleenjustus [at] yahoo [dot] com>
Subject: Re: Meeting regarding Professor Streetscape - Elm and Cleveland Select Pair I...
Thank you Dan for spending the time to research these tree types. My opinion is that a plan should be developed for the entire landscape design from Fairfield / West 10th all the way straight through to Starkweather on Professor. Including a report from the City lead arborist. I think that can give everyone more informed data to rationalize support or non-support.
I spent a good bit of time last night on reviewing the original site plans from years back to see if there was any details of tree removal. No specific language of removal was used nor was there any details within the legend. But what was clear albeit rudimentary was that you could tell that old trees were staying past a certain point and green circles were drawn close in to the intersections.
In the funding needed breakdown it speaks about landscaping restoration, plantings. etc. The only statements for removal pavement and curbs, and fencing. This was listed under Demolition. It did not list trees for demolition.
I feel when this was originally put to the community via Jim Mcknight this was not a topic and most stakeholders really did not know the removal was happening and it became very reactionary.
I am linking the TWDC web site for people to download the two pages for the TLCI plan (bicycle and ped)
but also review the detailed plans for the ODOT Vegetative Screening it shows in detail and within the legend what tree areas needed to be removed.
Lack of detail here and strong concern of the business stakeholders involved need to be taken seriously here no matter what was decided 5 years ago or five months ago because generally they do not participate in a planning process because of having to run their businesses and night time committees or block clubs, and public meetings are hard for them to attend.
I was called by councilman Cimperman last night, I look forward to hearing about the outcome on Monday's meeting about this matter at City Hall. I am hopeful that TWDC staff in representing the community will express the concerns raised at the public meeting this past Thursday.
Again I have supported this plan from day one, loosing the opportunity and the funding really is not a option, but again it seems until recent outreach to the majority of stakeholders did not have a clear picture regarding this matter of tree removal.
The main issue here from the start was the realistic turning radius's but I also felt and communicated this in the public meetings years ago was the detail of the p[lacing of strategic mid block valet zones to allow for the turning areas to be clear of backed up cars especially during busy times. It this was designed thoughtfully I felt it could rectify traffic jams and unsafe conditions for pedestrians.
One other thing that has come to mind with the existing height of the trees now is that these trees also provide as noise buffers to the neighborhood for the patio noise from the bars and restaurants.
Henry P. Senayk
In a message dated 4/13/2013 8:51:31 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, dleamon [at] altercareonline [dot] net writes:
Cleveland Select Pear
Perfectly uniform tree... great for front yards. Your neighbors will think that you get ladders out in the middle of the night and prune this tree.
It naturally grows in a tight, symmetrical shape. A semi-perfect oval. One of those miracles of nature. Its leaves fill in any gaps creating a near flawless surface area. You often see these as a featured front yard tree or planted to line roads and entryways. Best of all… every spring you’ll witness a long-lasting explosion of pure white flowers. An exciting development in flowering pear trees – Cleveland Pears are a great improvement over Bradford Pears and Aristocrat Pears. You get that perfect, symmetrical oval shape in a much hardier, stronger tree. The Cleveland Pear hybrid resists damage from extreme snow, ice and wind. Quickly grows to 30-40 ft. ideal size for small and medium sized yards. They are very pest resistant as well, so there’s never any maintenance. In the fall, the leaves turn from a deep summer green to a dark scarlet red. If you’ve always wanted a flowering pear for your lawn and landscape, the Cleveland Pear is by far the best variety. Scientific Name: Ulmus x Frontier
Common Name(s): Frontier Elm
One of the most unique varieties I have seen recently is the Frontier Elm. The Frontier Elm appears to be a small to intermediate size tree, maybe reaching 40' and possibly as wide, although early growth appears to be narrower. It has small leaves, with a moderately strong central leader and upright, pyramidal growth. Of most interest is its reddish purple fall color, a striking change from the more typical fall yellow color of most elms. In the nursery, this is a fast growing tree with great visual appeal. It is easy to transplant, but unlike most elms, does not appear to be as drought tolerant.
The literature claims this hybrid elm exhibits a high level of disease tolerance to the fungus that causes Dutch Elm Disease, and moderate resistance to the Elm Leaf Beetle in laboratory and field tests. In addition, the Frontier Elm appears highly tolerant to natural infections of elm yellows. This is an elm cultivar, released in 1990, with spring flowering (Ulmus carpinifolia) and fall flowering (Ulmus parvifolia) parents. So far no seed production has occurred.
This tree is a sleeper. It has good vigor, tolerates poor soils, grows fast, but does not get big. It also has small leaves and no seed, resistant of insect and disease problems, with outstanding fall color. The Frontier Elm tree should be on everyone’s street tree list.
Jim Barborinas
ISA Certified Arborist #0135
ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #356 CLICK HERE FOR MORE TREE PROFILES
Certified Tree Risk Assessor #PNW-0327
The U.S. National Arboretum presents Ulmus 'Frontier', an elm tree of moderate stature with attractive red fall color. '
Frontier' hybrid elm combines a high level of tolerance to Dutch elm disease, moderate resistance to elm leaf beetle, small leaves, and a lovely red-purple autumn coloration. It is perfect for use in smaller landscapes, along city streets, and under power lines. 'Frontier' blazes a trail for elms in the urban landscape
From: Sandy Smith [mailto:slsmith819 [at] hotmail [dot] com]
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2013 11:36 AM To: Subject: RE: Meeting regarding Professor Streetscape and Tree Removal The TremontGardeners do not support the loss of mature trees if any other options are available. If Frank Gehry can design an entire museum in Biloxi, Mississippi, around the mature trees that were on that site (he called it "dancing with the trees"), the Tremont Gardeners believe this new Professor streetscape can be accomplished using the same sensitivity to the existing, mature trees. Tremont is a neighborhood where old and new co-exist side-by-side; we think this ethic should apply to the streetscape, with the mature trees celebrated and embraced as part of the plan. We raise funds to PLANT trees in Lincoln Park. We never thought we'd have to try to safeguard the existing trees on Professor Street. Thank you. Sandy Smith
"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing," –Albert Einstein Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2013 11:23:08 -0400
Subject: Re: Meeting regarding Professor Streetscape and Tree Removal From: gloria [dot] ferris [at] gmail [dot] com To: HSENYAK [at] aol [dot] com Thanks, Henry!
First of all, I do not live in Tremont but spend much of my leisuretime in this beautiful neighborhood.
I live in Brooklyn Centre and am a founding member of Brooklyn Centre Naturalists.
My comment here is strictly related to the cutting down of 17 mature trees. At first, I thought "oh no" more majestic sycamores and such being destroyed, but then I read that these are mature flowering trees which also provide shelter for migrating birds and attracts birds and butterflies to Tremont.
Also, oh could "trees" not have entered a conversation about bump outs which should have certainly addressed "heat" from concrete and asphalt.
Since the argument that the trees create a safety hazard cannot be used, it must be that it is more convenient and less costly for the plan being implemented to clear cut trees rather than "save" the already existing trees.
Just because we CAN do something does not mean we SHOULD. Each time trees are "lost" in our neighborhoods they are replaced with trees that are often of inferior quality and, or there are fewer of them. Granted, 30 year old flowering trees may be reaching the end of life but remember that new trees will take much care-watering, correct planting, and proper staking.
So these are my question and I am sure many of you will have the same.
1. Why?
2. What kind of trees will be planted? Our cityscape is changing from one with large, majestic trees to one of short, flowering trees. Is this what the people want?
3. Who will maintain these trees for the 3 or more years needed for them to become established? HINT: A plastic bag tied around the trunk that is not filled with water until completely empty doesn't do it.
Thanks for letting me join the conversation.
Gloria Ferris
Brooklyn Centre Naturalists
On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 10:19 AM, <HSENYAK [at] aol [dot] com> wrote:
Hello All:
Local businessman Tom Leneghan asked me to forward this email out to you all regarding a very important meeting tonight about the Professor Ave. Streetscape. See message from TWDC below.
As a person involved four to five years ago I do not recall any details mentioned about Tree removal. Again TWDC is basically a intermediary here and is nor responsible for the implementation of the plan or the money's this id county NOACA money utilized.
Cory had told me yesterday that 17 mature trees will be removed along Professor and then be replaced with over 40 smaller trees within the new streetscape. Hopefully detailed plans will be available this evening.
No matter what anyone's opinion over this is, I would hope you would attend and let your voices be heard. I feel this effects many stakeholders and residents in all of Tremont.
Henry P. Senyak
Tremont Resident
Professor Avenue Streetscape Construction Timeline Public Meeting
Thursday, April 11th, 6pm at Press Wine Bar located at 2221 Professor Avenue
The City of Cleveland has announced a public meeting to discuss the construction schedule, expectations and to address individual concerns with the project team.
If you have any questions regarding this project's construction timeline or any other concerns, please call Cory Riordan at 216-575-0920, ext. 101.
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Gloria Ferris
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