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tremont west development corporation will include and send guy templeton black proposed amended by-laws to members - see copySubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Wed, 12/07/2011 - 15:27.
tremont west development corporation will include and send guy templeton black proposed amended by-laws to members as was voted on december 5, 2011 by twdc excutive commmitee - i said and posted that i would sue in court if not allowed to include and send my amended by-laws as has happen last year - see post and by-laws typed better as you scroll down tremont west development corporation & most board members will be sued in court if they don't allow & include amended by-laws
Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Fri, 11/18/2011 - 02:42.
CORRECTION: tremont west development corporation and most board members will be sued in court if they don't allow and include amended by-laws by members namely guy templeton black in twdc amended by-laws mail out to members although twdc will send their amended by-laws to members -and this potential civil rights violation - since last year guy templeton black included his amended by-laws in the twdc mail out at twdc cost and two years ago twdc refused to mail out my amended by-law and i had to mail out at my time and cost with address provided by twdc that i had to copy about 980 addresses and this caused twdc to look really bad -so now at twdc board meeting nov. 17, 2011, most of the board members agreed that they don't have to allow amended by-laws by members and to send any members amended by-laws with twdc mail out of twdc amended by-laws to members - and henry senyak board member was the only one that spoke aganist not allowing members to present amended by-laws and sending members amended by-laws - henry said this will open twdc to a legal challenge -also guy stood up and said i will sue in court and file a complaint with the americans disabilities act - if my amended by-laws are not allowed and included in twdc mail out -also i will include in my court etc. complaint that my 13 paqe bio as a board canidate of twdc will not be included in twdc mail out to members as it has in previous years - last year twdc only sent 8 pages of mine - this year twdc rule is only 75 words of board canidates bio will be included in the mail out - and a link to twdc web page will include any other bio information of canidates - which i don't trust that they will have a link to my 13 pages -this proves the corruption - as twdc has all year thousands of pages hundreds of signs news media web site hundred of thousands of dollars of tax payer money fund raising thousands of dollars - politics - and more that we don't know about and twdc thinks its a threat to their way - to have one member guy templeton black allow and have his amended by-laws and his 13 page bio included in twdc mail out to members - twdc doesn't want the members to know the truth - truth to power - criminal and civil ricco is two or more people that conspire to violate someone civil rights or to commit crimes - conspire to have guy templeton black and others from being elected to twdc board -as i and others have challenged twdc the last few years as a canidate for the board and have effected change in twdc corrupt system of voting for canidates at the annual meeting and the way amended by-laws were handled -although the corrupt status qua side still controls the way canidates mostly are elected which are the pay to play elite corrupt business politics dishonest etc. and write in canidates at the annual meeting -which keeps any poor disadvantaged unconnected honest senior disabled minority etc. canidate from being elected -for example - twdc should have their canidates election the same way any other election is done in this country -twdc members should be able to vote by absentee ballot for the seniors disabled etc.- twdc should have their annual meeting in the month of may not jan. 29 freezing snow weather when poor disabled seniors etc. can't or its a hardship to attend the annual meeting to vote for someone that has their best interest at heart -and most of said folks don't see the corruption their involved in as its a way of life and they get their piece of the pie -" the slash and burn - take no prisoners - anything goes
is so corrosive to our democracy and we've got to
fight this because it turns people off politics in general
and leaves that space to be occupied by special interests
that determine how the goodies are to be passed out...."
barack obama, nov. 23, 2004so my friends mostly at twdc - the money is running out - any day now twdc will have no money - no more board - all over the world -and again the people will take control and build things up - and not to be taken away as in the past by corruption etc. -
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