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The Wars Come Home - Our government's failure to take care of its War CasualtiesSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Fri, 08/14/2009 - 03:10.
Undiagnosed and untreated PTSD and TBI Leishmaniasis Often undiagnosed this dangerous blood borne parasite can live in stored blood for up to 30 days and is transmitted sexually ,congentially, and by blood transfusion Superbugs Acinetobacter baumannii , MRSA , Psuedomonas aeruginosa, C difficile, Klebsiella pnuemonia Hospital acquired infections were proliferated in the overburdened military evacuation system and some strains have grown to be completely resistant to every antimicrobial available These Superbug strains were spread from the military facilities, to the VA facilities, to community hospitals and long term care facilities all across the US and any country where a contractor or soldier was repatriated via the US military. Landstuhl treated casualties from over 40 countries The winners in the battle for medical care, disability, and death benefits are the insurance companies like AIG and CNA who are paid by the taxpayer to insure the Contractors under the Defense Base Act. American Contractors in Iraq The Iraq Infections DBA Workmans Compensation A Guide for the Employee Acinetobacter baumannii in Iraq Have Joined Forces to carry our support and awareness efforts forward Please read this page and check out our sites. You can help us as easily as passing a link to this page on to everyone you know Your lives are in the balance too. ![]() ![]() ![]() Leishmaniasis viscerotropica. He unknowingly infected his wife Janyce who gave birth to two children who were infected. Janyce has since succumbed to her infection. Special thanks to Janyce for her years of dedication to her family and others by working so hard to expose the truth about leishmaniasis. . There is no sterile cure for leishmaniasis. Leishmaniasis is a blood borne parasite that can be transmitted sexually, congenitally and by blood transfusion or sharing needles. Leishmaniasis can take up to twenty years to present symptoms in an otherwise healthy person. The ban on blood donations for persons having been in Iraq and Afghanistan is only for one year. There have been thousands of diagnosed cases of leishmaniasis in returning soldiers and The DBA relieves the contract company of all liability for any reason. There is no incentive to provide as safe a workplace as possible or to take care of their employees once they've been injured. The taxpayer, not the KBR's, pay the HUGE insurance premiums which run as much as 50% and more of a contractors yearly wage The Insurance company is then reimbursed for the claims, their lawyers fees, and an administrative fee by the taxpayer under the War Hazards Act Contractors are killed leaving children Not all contractors were paid lavishly. They were put in harms way with no Now they must fight the huge insurance Acinetobacter baumannii
DJ Emery survived the bomb MRSA, and more blast but the Acinetobacter baumannii the military gave him brought him extremely close to death (Google DJ Emery) and caused the amputation of both legs. The overburdened military evacuation system out of Iraq was the prime breeding ground for these dangerous organisms. The entire military health system Contractors and soldiers from 40 Acinetobacter baumannii is now a balance Soldiers and contractors alike are returning with undiagnosed and untreated PTSD. We lost Tim Essylinck to PTSD two with the insurance monsters AIG or CNA in hopes that a court order will provide them with treatment. The impact on them, their families, and have been lost to suicide while our government ignores them and the insurance companies deny them help. There are hundreds of Truck Drivers on There are families being ripped apart. There ARE lives in the balance.![]() has repeatedly delayed plans to screen soldiers for brain injuries after deployments to Iraq or Afghanistan. The Pentagon's Most injured contractors were repatriated via A contractor must first provide medical ![]() Benefits Denied
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