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Your cell phone is soaked. How to save it? - What do you do when your cell phone falls in water!!??!!?Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Sun, 12/20/2009 - 01:50.
What do you do when your cell phone falls in water!!??!!?It's all wet????? what
Best Answer - Chosen by Askerthis happened to mine. whatever you do immediately take your phone battery out. the reason why our phones stop working after its in the water is because you try to turn it on again without letting it dry and the battery shorts the phone. now u have to be patient this si the ONLY WAY. u have to put ur phone in a bag of rice..i know this sounds crazy but the rice sucks up all the moisture..leave it there for 2-3 days...WITHOUT turning the phone off..that is crucial. and then try to leave it on something warm like a tv...i did this and i turned my blackberry on and it works PERFECT. i swear it was even sitting in water for over 30 secs. GOOD LUCK.. and whatever you do..DO NOT CHECK TO SEE IF IT WORKS...wait at least 2.5 full days. good luck Source(s):without turning the phone ON** is what i meant to say sorry
This is incorrect. It is NOT the only way to save a wet phone, I dropped mine in water so I took out the battery and used a blowdryer to dry it out. Works perfectly. I dropped my cell in the commode... I immediately took the battery out and put it in a bag of rice....for two full days. Its been working for months!
Quick, put in a bag w/ instant rice, and then put it in the microwave for 5 minutes!
That should do it. Throw it away and go buy a new one.
My cell phone fell out of my pocket and into the toilet . I picked it up removed the card and battery towel dried it and ran a blow dryer over it for a few mintues, then I put it all in a bowl filled with rice and left it there over night.. My phone is still working , I think better than before .
by a g'zone like i did years ago. you can leave it in the bathtub for an hour(i have done it) and just picik it up and answer it. i never buy a nont water proof phone anymore.
my phone never drop no where
Putting your cell phone in rice really works. My phone was lost outside for 2 weeks, in this time it had rain for a few days. When I found my phone it had so much water in it that it was floating around inside the screen. I put it in rice then I put it in front of my fireplace. It works fine.
here is what you do I went swimming with mine it was submerged for like fifteen minutes. Did the rice thing and even used a vacuum cleaner to suck out the water form the sides but in the end it was dead. so I went into the store and explained very nicely got a new one for free. Being NIce works
The rice trick works on just about all electronic devices as long as you do not try to turn them on. Blow driers work too, but the trick again is do not turn it on until you are absolutely sure all moisture is gone.
If you have a radiator leave it on that for a day or so and it should dry out and be fine.We did that and it worked.
The same rule goes for watches do not spoil good rice place it on top of the TV.
It should dry out fine. Take your penis out and slam it into hot water. Let it burn for 5-10 minutes. Now jam it into a light socket. Now let the phone dry for 2 days in your *** crack and tuen it on.
who uses a fire place now?
You might try using a hair dryer, DO NOT LET IT GET TOO HOT .
My Blackberry just fell in the dog's water the other day. I took it out quickly, removed the battery and let it sit overnight. I put the battery back in the next morning and it worked fine. So far, it has worked perfectly and it has been 3 or 4 days.
beware that if something else happens to the phone and it is still under warranty or insurance that the liquid indicator in the phone still might show that there has been water damage and if the liquid indicator that you see show no water damage there are at least 2 more indicators in the phone
The fastest way to dry any electronic device dipped in water is to throw it if the refrigerator overnight, the water dries off in the fridge pretty soon, but please do make sure to take the battery off and do not try to check before its completely dry.
this has happen to me several times. Quicky take all removable parts offf such as battery and whatever else. dry the phone as best u can and then place the parts seperately infront of a fan or something to dry. even after removind drying device leave it for a while before putting them back together
is the rice cooked or not?
I have a verizon boulder model phone, it is made by Casio, it can be submerged for a half an hour at less than ten ft. I regularly clean it by running it under the faucet, there is a new model coming out in Feb, called the rock
Yeah, after you retrieve it from it's "bath" and remove the battery, you could also try putting it in an isopropyl alcohol "bath" which SHOULD displace the water and dry even faster. I would still let it sit out for at least 4 hours in the sun or a similarly warm spot for the alcohol to evaporate.
Some electronics will be permanently damaged fromt he water in an unnoticeable way. Leave the phone off for several days as listed without power. Bear in mind though that the device should be viewed as unreliable after the accident. Some times it's fine, some times it's fried. Good luck.
1) take the battery out 2) rinse it in distilled water 3) put the phone in a bag with paper towels in it & whip it around your head like an old fashioned sling shot, the force will make all the water come out. Do the same for the battery. Also put it in the oven on warm for a little bit. It works.
I had my Verizon Razr M3 go through my washer, twice! And the blue tooth headset. Each time, each item, I took them out, and let them sit for about 3-4 days. The phone I took out the battery. The first time, the phone worked perfect. The second time, the #4 is a little iffy, but still works! Blue-T2
**When I said rinse it I mean rinse the phone AND battery :)
take battery out and place phone and battery in bag of rice It really works
MY question is pretty funny.... How can 2.5 days be full days?? LOL!! Sorry, just had to throw my.02 cents in there...
All right all you MacGuyvers... Cell phones have a moisture strip/power cut off in most phones so they turn of when moist... So if you want to fix it like the pros' get a bag of silica salt(found in most vitamins, beef jerky.etc) put it in a ziploc for 24hrs and presto.. Phone works!!!
#1 Remove the battery and SIM card as quickly as possible.
#2 While still wet buy distilled water, fill 6 glasses with distilled water. Dunk the phone in one glass, pull it out shake the water off, dunk in the second glass and so on through all 6 glasses. Pat dry. #3 Dry with rice or on TV as noted If the phone was on when it fell in the water, then it might had short the battery and the entire circuitry out and so the damage was already done. No point in drying a dead phone, you lose nothing trying though. Only if it was completely shut OFF that this could be able work and revive that phone.
The rice works. I had a friend save an iPhone by doing this.
water damage phones put in bag of rice of course will NOT work AT ALL. Other wise you will see all cell phone stores in the world are selling bad of rice in their store. I don't know who came up with this idea, but totally will not work.....
instant rice or regular cook rice?
Ok, im confused in think, if your not supposed to have the Battery in it. how do you not turn it on? i have had this happen once(toilet)
I dropped my phone in a swimming pool. I had to go get my mom back her car so I took it apart as much as i could and drove down the road with it out the window for bout 20 min drive and it worked. Did the same with my new phone I got this summer I dropped it in the beach still worked.
My wife's phone went throught he washing machine. We did not think about rice, but I took the battery out and laid the phone in a warm, dry place and left it alone for a couple of weeks (with the compartment lid off). It has been working very well for the past several months.
i had this problem not long ago and the 1st thing i did was to bring to cell phone repair shop. it cost me about $45.00 and its worth the money i paid for. i thought it was more than that. i'm indeed so happy. my cp happened to be the "blade" type.
Here's another solution. It has worked roughly three out of four times I've tried it. Instead of rice, I use a handful of silica desiccant gel packs (little white bags that come packaged with electronics). Put cell phone in ziplock with a handful of desiccant packs for 3 or 4 days. Presto!
Take the battery out but don't turn it off. Makes a lot of sense!
I accidentally left my cell phone in my pocket and placed it in the washing machine. It did get wet, but I took apart with the battery and cover out and let it air dry for a week. Luckily it managed to pull a Lazarus.
Ok I get the rice thing and its sounds like it would work, but what butt head says throw it into the microwave to dry out--I dont know about anyone else,but mine is METAL!!!!!!!!!!--my question is-everyone says DONT turn it on till done drying, but what if its turned on when it falls into the water?
I wonder if this works with game-boys, Nintendo DS', etc. Well hope it works.
i had a phone put in the wash, and i remember i saw on tv that before throwing the phone away or getting a new one. u shud instantly take the battery out then blow dry it for a few minutes.after that take a zip-lock bag & put the phone in there, and then place it on top of the fridgerator a few dayz
I have good luck using these guys for my water damaged iphone that would power up.
I think the rice may be an unnecessary step.
I've done this about 3 times or so (always in a pool) and all you do is take the battery out, blow dry the parts of the phone throughout the day and wait until the next day to put it back together. Should work perfectly, just be patient! Have dropped in toilet twice. Slow learner. I put it in a food dehydrater at 120 degrees and left it there for a day. After cleaning it with some hand santizer it keeps on ticking. And it does not smell like rice (or anything else)
My motorola razor went through the washer and I did this (didn't put it in the rice though) and apart from the screen messing up occasionally, it works fine. it probably messes up because i tried to turn it on immeadiatly. i hadn't read this lol.
the best way to fix a wet cell phone is too take the battery out as fast as you can. put it in the dash of your car and let the sun dry it out . ive did this 3 times it works. the copper inside be dammaged from water exposure but you will get you useage out of it. if the water doesnt hurt your batt
wait 2 hours if ur in mexico hola
The corrections states 'without turning the phone ON' Hello-is anybody home? How can you turn it on if the battery is removed? Rice 'possibly' helps? So does waiting, irregardless as to whether or not rice is present. 'Possible' and 'probable' are not the same. Is this string a practical joke?
This also works.. if you removed the battery right away and soak in rubbing alcohol for a few hours then let dry for a day or so.. ive had great sucess with this many times..
Dial your number from another phone and when Captain Nemo answers tell him to give your phone back.
HAHA! Some of these solution are highly imaginative. You basically need to take it apart and dry it in the fastest way possible before any vital circuitry is soaked...If it is submerged in water too long, you will loose it not matter what wives remedy you use. Take the battery out and take a bath towel...wrap just the phone in the bath towel and stick it in the oven on low...only for a couple of minutes and the water dries up and the phone works fine!
there 2 types of water salt and fresh.
1.fresh water doesnt damage the cell all u have to do is take out the battery shake it really hard few times and use a blow dryer on it will work no problem. Here's what I did when I left my phone in my swim trunks and got into a hot tub - take the battery off and pat the battery and the phone dry with paper towels. Then put the phone and battery, still separated, into the fridge, and leave it over night - not sure why but its worked two for two!!
Verizon will replace your phone for free. That is if at least ONE of your sensors on your phone is white (not pink).Pink=water damage. Usually one sensor is on the battery - the other is on the phone under the battery. Both of mine were pink so I switched out my battery with a friends!! it worked!!
yes, this worked for me like magic!! Try it any time.
I have laundered 2 cell phones kindly Verizon store associate suggested a bag of rice. Battery out! Before putting handset and battery in bag with in rice seal it, wait 4 -5 days, charge with screen set allways ON for 1/2 hour back into the sealed up rice bag, repeat until your screen is wow! CLEAR!
and thats a cell phone, look up my screen name bnutzbcrazy on fixya my flat screen monitor quit working i had no knowlege really on how to fix or what could have been the prob, so I LEARNED. and to date have approx 100 or so emails from people my fix worked for.
My iPod went through the wash, I put it in a bag of rice for a few days and it works fine.
My God, a bunch of little kids with a fear of getting down and dirty and trying to fix something properly. first of all, RICE might get the water out eventually, BUT anyone should know that there is a lot of copper inside that will be damaged if the water is just left to evaporate.
really when my phone fell in the water it was there for at least 10 minutes. all i did was turn off my phone take the battery out make sure its completely dry and put the battery back in and BOOM! it worked fine. Forget about that stupid rice ****
The rice real dose work.i have had so many cellphones fall in the water so this is what u do take out the battery,fill a zip lock bag with somerice,put the cell into the baggie,leave it in 4a few hours. the rice should suck the moisture out of the device,u dont have to put ur bag in the sun but idid
I accidentally got my phone stuck in my rectum and the hospital told my it would work after it was surgically removed probably. I went to an electronics person and they told me to soak it in rubbing alcohol. 12 hours later BaBaam, it was ready for another go of intimacy....oh yehhhh!
Yes this Does Work! If your ipod doesn't turn on putting it in a sack of rice helps too! My phones r n love w/ water...I take it out the water, turn it off, take the battery & sim card out. Then I blow dry it. I give it time to cool, cuz I blow dry it on high. My data & everything is still n there. I'm a txt-a-holic & goin w/o a cell phone 4 a day is way 2 long.
how do you leave the phone ON...AFTER you remove the battery?? anyone else see this? this BEST answer has a major hole...
take it apart theres no boogieman in there the battery is sealed but you can pat it dry with a paper towel. this is how you learn people, quit being scared of things, if this were your car broke down in a blizzard with your family would call "tech support" or try to find a solution for yourself?
This is NOT the way to fix your phone! Your phone is an electronics device and if you were lucky enough for it not to short out when it was exposed to water you should take the battery out immediately. Then, place it in your oven at a low temperature of around 100 to 125 F for 8 hours.
I've used rice to dry out my husbands I Phone as well as my sons DS. The I phone fell in the toilet and my son dropped a Wendy's size cup on his DS. I immediately placed them in bags of uncooked rice and let them sit for 2 days. They work fine.
take it from me who worked for verizon for 5 years and was with a cell phone company when digital did not even exist. take the battery off. put the phone and the battery face down on the dashboard of your car and park your car in the sun for about 3 hours. will work perfectly.
To save a phone if its wet:
1) Take it out of the case 2) Dry off phone 3) Take out battery, if battery sealed then let it run dead if on, if off even better 4) Put in a tight air lock container or plastic viplock bag 5) Put shoe gel packs in said container or sticky rice 6) Wait 48 hours 7) Try it When my phone got soaked all I did was immediately dry it on high with my blow dryer for about 10-15 minutes and it worked fine. I also didn't try turning it back on immediately.
If you just take the battery out and let it dry for a few hours to a few days (depending on how wet it is) it will work just fine. Rice, blow-dryers, ovens, microwaves, lawn mowers, George Foreman grills, magic crystals, witches spells, etc, might help though i've never tried any of those methods.
Rock Salt. If you have a container of Rock Sea Salt. Wrap the cell phone in a papertowel after removing the battery and leave it in there for 24 hours. The Rock Salt will pull any mosture out of what ever is in there.
Mine went in the lake when my catamaran blew over and it fell out of the bag. It made me think...just how many phones are already down there? The rice, hair dryer, or other heat source works with anything electronic. I have done this with a handheld scanner and 2 hand held Ham Radio's.
Immediately immerse phone in alcohol, as alcohol displaces water. Then put in bag of rice to remove any humidity left. Good luck.
Heck yeah the rice thing works. I sent my phone through the washer. Did the rice thing and it works.
Rice & a hair dryer is good, don't get it too hot. Plastic parts inside won't like it. Don't use alcohol, also some of the parts won't like it. NEVER, put it in the microwave. A LOT of the logic circuits will not like it. It's an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP). Open the case & let air dry 2 days.
First I must say that to just dry out your phone could still destroy it. It depends on the type water it was dropped in. If the water is soapy or otherwise oily you must after removing the battery flush it with a pure water. Get distilled water. Then flush it. Now dry it. Wait 2-3 days.
My Blackberry was submerged overnight and a bowl of rice and a day later it worked. After I seen a pulse I let it sit in rice 1 more day and works great!
i saved one of my phones after finding it when the wash was done. also saved some random persons phone that i had to pull out of 4 ft of water at a lake. saw him later that night and it me, follow my instructions above and you will save your phone. just 2 scenarios
wait what do u put in the bag of rice......the battery or the actual phone?
Close answers but not complete. First remove the battery. If the item was in salt water, you want to place it in fresh water and let it soak. Then place the item in Rubbing alcohol. This prevents rust from forming as it dries.Do it for 24hrs or so.THEN proceed to dry with with a desiccant, rice, etc
all u need to do is take the battery out and break down the phone into pieces. after that use a blow dryer,now all the water should be gone,put everything back together and done.
i always get devices wet, thanks i will use the tips
This works for anything electronic, My daughters leapster was left in the back of my husbands truck for 3 weeks and 5 rainstorms, once we found it, we put all the games and leapster in bags of rice for 3 days, fired it up and it worked, a two dollar bag of rice saved over $100 worth of stuff!
My dad actually washed his phone in the washing machine. He didn't discover what he had done until putting the laundry in the dryer. He removed his battery, left the battery cover off and put it in a baggie of rice overnight, It worked and has not given him any problems,
So if you put the phone in rice, do u put the battery in there too??
Also, try not to drop your phone in the water in the first place. :)
What the hell is Rocky talking drinking, you immediately take the battery out, put in bag of rice without turning the phone off. What kind of phone you got that works without the battery.
Yes take the battery off and do not try to turn on Cell. BUT if you do not want to wait 2 days using the rice - use your oven. Do not place battery in oven. Low setting check every 2-3 minutes - keep oven door cracked open- Dry Heat - If you ever been in Arizona and exit a pool you know what I mean
I'm a Pool guy and have dropped my cell phone in the water to many times to count. All I do is Pull the phone apart and put all the parts on the dash of the car then turn on the defrost with heat. Give it about 30mins and your good top go.
omg. im keepin this one in my head. but what if i drop it a lot?? how do i save it??
Take the battery out of the phone, wrap both in a small towel(for padding). Put in the dryer, preferably with other DRY clothes(to cushion each thing). In 30 minutes, both should be dry. I did this after putting my phone through the wash 3 times in a month, when a got a new smaller phone.
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