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Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce launches “Brain Drain to Brain Gain,� with Rebecca RyanSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 08/14/2005 - 14:30.
08/29/2005 - 16:30 Our community is being challenged by the migration of homegrown talent to other areas. Join area business leaders Aug. 29 as Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce launches “Brain Drain to Brain Gain,� a major economic development initiative poised at retaining and attracting young talent for the Stark County community. The Chamber has hired Rebecca Ryan, economist, futurist and president of Next Generation Consulting Inc. to lead this effort. Next Generation is a talent cooperative that helps communities uncover the “best of what is� in the community to retain and attract the brightest young talent. In-depth research is conducted to make this happen. Be a part of the solution; ensure the community’s future. Start by attending “Brain Drain to Brain Gain,� a free presentation. Light complimentary refreshments will be available. Monday, August 29, 2005 Location: Location
Cable Recital Hall, Cultural Center, 1001 Market St. N, Canton
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