Important Notice: REALinks, LLC, document retention for legal discovery

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 07/16/2006 - 12:27.

Because Peter Holmes and Jones Day have refused to address legal and financial crises they have caused REALinks, LLC, the staff of REALinks, LLC, REALNEO and many third party stakeholders harm, it is now necessary to begin formal discovery of evidence of the actions of all concerned parties. As such, and explained below by former REALinks, LLC, attorney David Sloan, of Jones Day, it is important that "everyone who has possession of property or records or information relating to REALinks, LLC, and its business, operations or affairs must preserve them and keep them available. This includes records, files and information of all kinds, including, without limitation, hard copy documents and records, electronic files and e-mails, and all materials relating to financial matters and communications with third parties with whom or for whom individuals associated with REALinks performed work or provided goods or services related to REALinks' business." I place this notice on REALNEO to keep all REALNEO stakeholders and the public informed on matters impacting the community. I will directly contact anyone of whom information will likely be required in the future. You may thank Peter Holmes and Jones Day for causing this intrusion into your lives, which I must now address with great sadness and deepest apologies to all who are impacted. I will do all I may to protect everyone associated with REALinks, LLC, friends and associates from unnecessary burdens resulting from this pathetic situation.



Friday, 23 June 2006 16:21
"David W. Sloan" <dwsloan [at] jonesday [dot] com>
"Peter Holmes" <semloh [at] apk [dot] net>, "Norm Roulet" <realneo [at] inbox [dot] com>, "Lawrence Dempsey" <lawrencedempsey [at] mac [dot] com>, others
tcv [at] vandb [dot] net, "David Thomas" <dthomas [at] apk [dot] net>

As we have stated and Norm has correctly reiterated, it is important that
everyone who has possession of property or records or information relating
to REALinks , LLC and its business, operations or affairs must preserve
them and keep them available. This includes records, files and information
of all kinds, including, without limitation, hard copy documents and
records, electronic files and e-mails, and all materials relating to
financial matters and communications with third parties with whom or for
whom individuals associated with REALinks performed work or provided goods
or services related to REALinks' business.

David Sloan
David W. Sloan
Jones Day
901 Lakeside Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44114
216-586-7233 (Tel)
216-579-0212 (Fax)
216-408-5498 (Mobile)
dwsloan [at] jonesday [dot] com

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how did this end up?

Legal battles are a pain I know. Wondering how this one ended up? Betty

The problem is, America is NOT a Democracy - it is a Republic! As our Founding Fathers established, can we keep it?