2014 Bah Humbug Award goes to Cuyahoga County Public Library Board and Director Sari Feldman!

Submitted by Fran on Wed, 12/24/2014 - 23:14.
Telling Mansion designation as an Ohio Landmark

I know you only like people to say nice things, but naughty is part of the season, too...

The 2014 Bah Humbug! Award goes to, tada!

Cuyahoga County Public Library Board and Director Sari Feldman for selling Telling Mansion.

Telling is an Ohio Landmark and was OWNED and paid for BY THE PUBLIC for 60 YEARS. What is the justification for selling it, against the community's wishes, to one rich man, Dick Barone?

Follow the Telling Mansion saga--it's not over-- at the Save the South Euclid-Lyndhurst Mansion Library Facebook page.

Happy Holidays, Elves!







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