This story is buried on the last page of the Plain Dealer business section today.
One of my comments was deleted and another comment in support of an investigation was also deleted-my one comment that still shows:
The Plain Dealer buries this story on the last page of the Sunday print edition. Frangos' own brother, Lou Frangos, owns a number of properties in the "Gateway" District. Frangos and his staff may, or may not, get PERS (I am guessing they do).
The former Cuyahoga County Budget Director slammed the former County Treasurer Jim Rokakis for the numbers on this "quasi-governmental agency." Gus Frangos was Rokakis' right hand man in county government, serving as his deputy director. There was also the question of Frangos appointed crony Gary Paulenske on the Board of Revision during the Rokakis-Frangos era of property management at Cuyahoga County. The Land Bank is a massive fraud and taxpayers are being fleeced. See the many stories at REALNEO
Jarboe, or her editors, deleted a lengthly comment about the YMCA deal.
I sent this email to County Council Representative Yvonne Conwell - she represents Cuyahoga County Council District 7. A council seat being challenged by DSCDO puppet Kris Harsh - intended to maintain the status quo. I will be sending this email to all County Council representatives including newly appointed Michael Houser, who represents District 10 - where the evil ARCO Noble Rd dump poisoned East Cleveland residents for several years and which was just cleaned up at taxpayer expense- Cheryl Stephens, formerly of the Cuyahoga County Land Bank is challenging Michael Houser.
Dear Council Representative:
I am asking you to work with your colleagues on Cuyahoga County Council to vacate and reject any proposed transfer of the Cuyahoga County Land Bank parcels on 3873-3881 Pearl to the Cleveland Housing Partnership (CHP), formerly the Cleveland Housing Network.
There needs to be a county prosecutor led investigation into the demolition contracts and land transactions under the Cuyahoga County Land Bank.
The proposed transfer of 3873-3881 Pearl to the Cleveland Housing Network aka CHP will generate NO tax revenue for the City of Cleveland and Cuyahoga County. It will tax existing police and community mental health services. It will also destroy the economic potential of the Cuyahoga County Green Print plan, currently under public process and development.
Cuyahoga Land Bank moves their offices
This story is buried on the last page of the Plain Dealer business section today.
One of my comments was deleted and another comment in support of an investigation was also deleted-my one comment that still shows:
The Plain Dealer buries this story on the last page of the Sunday print edition. Frangos' own brother, Lou Frangos, owns a number of properties in the "Gateway" District. Frangos and his staff may, or may not, get PERS (I am guessing they do).
The former Cuyahoga County Budget Director slammed the former County Treasurer Jim Rokakis for the numbers on this "quasi-governmental agency." Gus Frangos was Rokakis' right hand man in county government, serving as his deputy director. There was also the question of Frangos appointed crony Gary Paulenske on the Board of Revision during the Rokakis-Frangos era of property management at Cuyahoga County. The Land Bank is a massive fraud and taxpayers are being fleeced. See the many stories at REALNEO
Jarboe, or her editors, deleted a lengthly comment about the YMCA deal.
I sent this email to County Council Representative Yvonne Conwell - she represents Cuyahoga County Council District 7. A council seat being challenged by DSCDO puppet Kris Harsh - intended to maintain the status quo. I will be sending this email to all County Council representatives including newly appointed Michael Houser, who represents District 10 - where the evil ARCO Noble Rd dump poisoned East Cleveland residents for several years and which was just cleaned up at taxpayer expense- Cheryl Stephens, formerly of the Cuyahoga County Land Bank is challenging Michael Houser.