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City Club -State of the County 2016Submitted by lmcshane on Sat, 04/16/2016 - 05:06.
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Will Budish shut down Land Bank? #STOC2016
I will give Budish some credit, that so far, he suspended third party tax lien sales initiated by the Rokakis-Frangos outfit.
Stay tuned Northeast Ohio. Dimora-Russo were nothing compared to the Greektown con artists.
About Us
When Cuyahoga County found itself at the epicenter of the nationwide foreclosure crisis starting in 2006, a collaborative group of minds, including then Cuyahoga County Treasurer Jim Rokakis, current Land Bank President and General Counsel Gus Frangos, Senators Tim Grendel, Bob Spada and chief legislative sponsor Tom Patton, State Representative Matt Dolan, Cleveland Council Members Jay Westbrook and Tony Brancatelli and members of the county's non-profit and academic community came together to do something about it. These efforts resulted in innovative approaches and policies and the formation of the Cuyahoga County Land Bank as a separate non-profit, government-purposed entity tasked to:
communities, governments, lenders, and individual property owners;
The Cuyahoga Land Bank is funded by a variety of sources. The primary funding comes from the accumulation of penalties and interest on collected delinquent real estate taxes and assessments. Because much of this particular funding results from the addition of penalty and interest on collected delinquent real estate taxes, very little if any primary levied taxes are used to fund the operations of the Land Bank. This primary revenue stream is supplemented by grants from the Cuyahoga Land Bank’s partners, the Cuyahoga Land Bank’s sale of acquired properties to qualified rehabbers and housing developers, as well as the donations and recoupment of funds from various banks.
The Cuyahoga Land Bank has the ability to acquire vacant and abandoned foreclosed properties from a variety of sources, including those held by banks, by government sponsored enterprises such as Fannie Mae, or by federal and state agencies, such as HUD, as well as real estate lost to tax foreclosure and donated properties.
Each city in Cuyahoga County is a major partner regarding decisions about the future of Land Bank-owned properties within its borders. For example, the Land Bank’s partnership with the City of Cleveland, which has its own land bank, includes handing over title to all vacant land after completing demolition. The goal of the Cuyahoga Land Bank’s partnerships with local municipalities is to promote collaboration, spread risk and to make joint code enforcement and nuisance abatement operations possible.
Anthony Brancatelli (Chair), Council Member, City of Cleveland
Brad Sellers (Vice Chair), Mayor, Warrensville Heights
Dan Brady, Council President, Cuyahoga County
Armond Budish, County Executive, Cuyahoga County
W. Christopher Murray II, Treasurer, Cuyahoga County
Thomas J. Fitzpatrick IV, Esq., Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Kevin M. Kennedy, Mayor, North Olmsted
Bobbi Reichtell, Executive Director, Campus District
Ed Rybka, Chief of Regional Development, City of Cleveland
Gus Frangos, President and General Counsel (bio)
gfrangos [at] cuyahogalandbank [dot] org
(216) 698-8616
William Whitney, Chief Operating Officer (bio)
bwhitney [at] cuyahogalandbank [dot] org
(216) 698-8636
Robert Rink, Vice President - Legal Affairs (bio)
Public Records Manager
rrink [at] cuyahogalandbank [dot] org
(216) 698-8754
Jacqui Knettel, Executive Assistant
jknettel [at] cuyahogalandbank [dot] org
(216) 698-8772
Douglas Sawyer, Special Projects and Policy Counsel
dsawyer [at] cuyahogalandbank [dot] org
(216) 698-3543
Lilah Zautner, Manager of Special Projects and Land Reuse
lzautner [at] cuyahogalandbank [dot] org
(216) 698-4696
Dennis L. Roberts, Director of Programs and Property Management (bio)
droberts [at] cuyahogalandbank [dot] org
(216) 698-8653
Ian Ahern, Housing Manager
iahern [at] cuyahogalandbank [dot] org
(216) 698-6626
Bernard Moore, Housing Specialist
bmoore [at] cuyahogalandbank [dot] org
(216) 698-8926
Kristin Holzschuh, Programs Assistant
kholzschuh [at] cuyahogalandbank [dot] org
(216) 698-8843
KC Petraitis, Real Estate Officer
kcpetraitis [at] cuyahogalandbank [dot] org
(216) 698-2311
Cheryl Stephens, Director of Acquisitions, Dispositions and Development (bio)
cstephens [at] cuyahogalandbank [dot] org
(216) 698-8658
James Maher, Field Service Supervisor
jmaher [at] cuyahogalandbank [dot] org
(216) 698-8791
Kimberly Steigerwald, Acquisitions Manager
ksteigerwald [at] cuyahogalandbank [dot] org
(216) 698-8802
Rosemary Woodruff, Property Specialist
rwoodruff [at] cuyahogalandbank [dot] org
(216) 698-3013
Jennifer O'Konski, Acquisitions Assistant
jokonski [at] cuyahogalandbank [dot] org
(216) 698-6691
Jane Larson, Dispositions Assistant
jlarson [at] cuyahogalandbank [dot] org
(216) 698-8729
Deidre Lightning-Whitted, Demolition Inspector
dwhitted [at] cuyahogalandbank [dot] org
(216) 698-2576
Steven Billington, Property Specialist
sbillington [at] cuyahogalandbank [dot] org
(216) 698-2472
Paul Williams, Demolition Inspector
pwilliams [at] cuyahogalandbank [dot] org
(216) 698-4278
Rich Shaffer, Demolition Inspector
rshaffer [at] cuyahogalandbank [dot] org
(216) 698-2195
Michael Schramm, Director of IT and Research (bio)
schramm [at] cuyahogalandbank [dot] org
(216) 698-8777
Anurag Saxena, Compliance and Information Specialist
asaxena [at] cuyahogalandbank [dot] org
(216) 698-6607
James McGuire, GIS and Research Technician
jmcguire [at] cuyahogalandbank [dot] org
(216) 698-2816
Charlie Kamen, Information Specialist
ckamen [at] cuyahogalandbank [dot] org
(216) 698-4608
Michael DiMartino, Director of Finance (bio)
mdimartino [at] cuyahogalandbank [dot] org
(216) 698-7004
Gina Finney Johnson, Accounts Payable Manager
gjohnson [at] cuyahogalandbank [dot] org
(216) 698-8778
Joseph Barr, Staff Accountant
jbarr [at] cuyahogalandbank [dot] org
(216) 698-8865
Vatreisha Nyemba, Compliance and Monitoring Manager
vnyemba [at] cuyahogalandbank [dot] org
(216) 698-2820
Michelle Gomez, Office Assistant
mgomez [at] cuyahogalandbank [dot] org
(216) 698-2204
Summer Smith, General Office Assistant
ssmith [at] cuyahogalandbank [dot] org
(216) 698-2815
Jason Knauer, Land Reuse Program Assistant
jknauer [at] cuyahogalandbank [dot] org
(216) 698-8336
Michael DiMartino, Director of Finance and Treasurer of the Corporation has been with CCLRC since August, 2010. Mr. DiMartino has attained his Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and Certified Financial Planner (CFP) designations, as well as his Masters in Business Administration degree from Cleveland State University. His undergraduate degree was a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from St. John’s University in New York City. Mr. DiMartino had been in the for profit accounting/finance business arena for over 30 years, serving in such functions as Corporate Controller, Division Controller, IT Manager and Tax Manager. He has worked for such companies in the past as Ernst & Ernst (Ernst & Young), Demag Cranes Corporation, and Cleveland Range Company. Mr. DiMartino has had a small accounting, tax, and financial planning practice for over 30 years. He and his wife live in Solon, Ohio. media outlet shut down investigation of Frangos
NEO Media Group - Plain Dealer - reporter Leila Atassi contacted REALNEO in September 2015 - she was given the green light to investigate Gus Frangos based on a REALNEO post dated May 2013. I put her in touch with Lily Miller, who deserves the credit for shutting down third party tax lien sales and for the research concerning the Land Bank, Rokakis and Frangos. The basis of the investigation is summarized in the email to Leila Atassi from Lily Miller sent - Friday, September 04, 2015 10:45 AM. Subsequently, Leila Atassi interviewed Gus Frangos for an accounting of how this transaction occurred. Her editors determined that while the incident could be interpreted as mortgage fraud - they would not pursue the story, because "they didn't want to destroy the guy." Here is the bulk of the email from Lily outlining the case:
Pimping Poverty - job creation for $100,000 + parasites
The NEO Media Group won't blow the whistle on Rokakis-Frangos, because unlike the job creation made by Russo-Dimora - low level county cogs making > $30,000 - Rokakis-Frangos' unique talent has been to feed the poverty and housing industry fuelled with BIG federal $$$. So many fake philanthropic agencies in Northeast Ohio. Is it any wonder, we are deemed the most distressed city in America? Centers for Families "CEO" makes $300,000+ and fake green outfit that hired Rokakis and Westbrook, "CEO" makes $300,000+ . Use - check for yourself. The truth is out there :)
Wake up People!