Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Thu, 09/10/2015 - 14:42.
cleveland city officials - all - you sorta know me our esp etc. - as we had no water for 24 hours is a omen sign of no water for all - we are a messenger -
without stating state secrets - do you know or can you find out how long the city water can pump water to us with no electric power and running on back up generators - how much gasoline for the generators how long can they run -
and can you help get much more gasoline stored for the generators since the gasoline companies will not be able to supply gasoline because of no power etc.
can you have solar wind etc. power to keep pumping our water to us -
don't be scared prepare -
cheers - sophia and guy
anti-speciesism - Quest, ministries - gofundme - please donate