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Good morning Councilman Joe Cimperman I am writing you today in hopes of refreshing your memory of my son's murder in TremontSubmitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Sat, 01/16/2016 - 23:05.
This is from a mom and the family of a young man that was murdered in Tremont. Police have done nothing in the past to solve the case. Anyone with any information please contact the police. Auburn & Lincoln Park Block Club To joecimperman [at] gmail [dot] com Today at 10:33 AM Good morning Councilman Joe Cimperman, I am writing you today in hopes of refreshing your memory of my son's death in Tremont, July 26th, 2011, and in hopes of getting you onboard with my continued efforts for Justice for Brandon. From the onset, I have been very proactive in the investigation of Brandon's murder. Last summer, I was provided with new evidence that could potentially lead us to the killer(s). This evidence is very specific in naming people who have stated in front of others that they did it. I am also told that not only do they still reside in the community of Tremont, but they are repeating similar crimes. I cannot wrap my head around the fact that this information has been ignored, and that you may have killers on the loose in Tremont that could be pursued and removed from the street. I am aware of your plans to leave your position soon, and would love the get the interest and cooperation of who ever will be replacing you as councilman of ward 3. I will be attending the next Monday night City Council meeting and would love to meet you. Perhaps we could briefly chat further about how you could help us.
Erich Hooper shared Auburn & Lincoln Park Block Club's photo. anti-speciesism - Quest, ministries - gofundme - please donate or
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