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Moral Claims Paid By the City of Cleveland in February 2010Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Sat, 05/01/2010 - 22:45.
Ord. No. 7-10. By Council Member Sweeney (by departmental request). An emergency ordinance authorizing the Director of Finance to pay as Moral Claims the sums opposite the names of the claimants.
Whereas, this ordinance constitutes an emergency measure providing for the usual daily operation of a municipal department; now, therefore, Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Cleveland:
Section 1.
That the Director of Finance is authorized to pay as Moral Claims the sums opposite the names of Claimant: Claim No. Amount Division Fund Public Safety Department – House of Corrections
Bolser, Jean 12151 $ 500.00 City Jail 01-600701-672000 Bonds, John 12159 1,000.00 City Jail 01-600701-672000
Public Safety Department – EMS
Guthrie, Charles 12173 $ 250.00 EMS 01-600402-672000
Public Safety Department – Fire
Harper, Geneva 12167 $ 250.00 Fire 01-600302-672000 Marcotty, Andreas 12169 500.00 Fire 01-600302-672000 Felicia McCreary 12180 500.00 Fire 01-600302-672000
Police Public Safety Department – Police Department
Limpert C. Daniel 12145 $ 226.82 Police 01-600202-672000 Parker, Douglas 12153 2,273.93 Police 01-600202-672000 Whitaker, Michael 12160 500.00 Police 01-600202-672000 Henry, Dwight and Brenda 12161 500.00 Police 01-600202-672000 Perry, Lucinda 12162 250.00 Police 01-600202-672000 Stewart, Tainya 12163 250.00 Police 01-600202-672000 Ross, Roxanne 12186 250.00 Police 01-600202-672000
Department of Parks, Recreation and Property – Park Maintenance
Johnson, James 12148 $ 49.00 Park Maintenance 01-701205-672000 Harris, Sheryl 12185 172.41 Park Maintenance 01-701205-672000
Department of Parks, Recreation and Property – Urban Forestry
McCoy, Tawanda 12165 $ 250.00 Urban Forestry 01-701204-672000 Dalton, Debra 12170 500.00 Urban Forestry 01-701204-672000 Hayes, Shade’ 12179 500.00 Urban Forestry 01-701204-672000
Department of Parks, Recreation and Property – Vacant Lots
Appling, Deonte and Mary 12149 $ 250.00 Vacant Lots 01-701205-672000 Cleveland Housing Network 12168 250.00 Vacant Lots 01-701205-672000 Chevrolet, Patricia 12171 342.25 Vacant Lots 01-701205-672000
Department of Public Service – Division of Streets
Fuentes, Nivia 12183 $ 200.00 Streets Division 01-400609-672000
Department of Utilities – Water Pollution Control
Raynard, George 4616 $ 248.00 Water Pollution Control 54 SF 001 Benci, Loretta 4651 $ 750.00 Water Pollution Control 54 SF 001 * Jacobs, Charles and Elsie 4897 $ 328.50 Water Pollution Control 54 SF 001
*4897 Jacobs award is split between Water and WPC. Department of Utilities – Water Division
Smart, Robert 4361 $ 500.00 Water 52 SF 001 * Jacobs, Charles and Elsie 4897 $ 328.50 Water 52 SF 001
Section 2. on a City-approved written acceptance by the claimant of the City’s offer to pay this claim within six months from the effective date of this ordinance. That the authority of the Director of Finance to pay the amounts in this ordinance is conditioned Section 3. vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to Council, it shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and approval by the Mayor; otherwise it shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. Passed January 25, 2010. Effective January 27, 2010. That this ordinance is declared to be an emergency measure and, provided it receives the affirmative February 3, 2010 125 The City Record 21 the following claimants and charged against the fund:
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How to file claims with the city of Cleveland
A complaint form enclosed in this link provides guidance to file claims against the city. When I googled the "moral claim" item-this was the first link that popped up. Good info.
Frank G. Jackson, Mayor
Department of Law
Robert J. Triozzi, Director
601 Lakeside Avenue, Room 106
Cleveland, Ohio 44114-1077
216/664-2800 – Fax: 216/664-2663
March 31, 2009
Claim Instructions
Dear Claimant:
Enclosed please find a claim form for you to complete, sign, and return to the Claims Section
of the City of Cleveland, Department of Law. We cannot begin an active investigation into
your claim until the completed claim form and requested documentation are received by us.
If a portion of the form does not apply to your particular situation, please mark not applicable,
i.e., N/A. It is important that you provide the time, date, and exact address of the incident so
that we may accurately investigate your claim.
submit the following documentation:
1. A copy of your automobile title is mandatory; no auto claim will be
processed without this.
2. Insurance coverage information, including a copy of the declarations page, is
3. Two (2) estimates of cost for repair, or an itemized repair bill are mandatory.
4. If you are claiming tire damage, the age of the tire and tire tread
measurement are mandatory. Tire tread measurements can be
obtained from most service stations.
5. A police report or incident report, if applicable, is very helpful.
6. Photographs of the damages to your vehicle or tire(s) and of the alleged
defect that caused your damages are very helpful.
7. Any witness statements are very helpful.
If your claim involves damage to an automobile, you must
1. Items 2, 5, and 7 above. Regarding item 2, please include automobile
insurance, medical insurance, homeowner’s insurance, and/or property
insurance information, as applicable, including information regarding the
2. Copies of all medical reports, bills, and receipts, including those for doctors,
hospitals, and pharmacies.
3. Any photographs of what allegedly caused the injury.
If your claim involves personal injury, please include:
property damage other than automobile damage, please submit the following:
1. A copy of homeowner’s or property insurance policy, including proof of the
deductible amount.
2. A separate itemized list(s) of property damages.
3. A description of each item on the list, including brand name, serial number,
quantity, date of purchase or age, purchase price.
4. Attach all bills, receipts, and estimates concerning the described property.
5. If you claim is for property damage to your business, please submit proof of
business ownership and/or lease rights and responsibilities.
6. Any photographs of either damaged property or what allegedly caused it.
Please mail or deliver all the needed papers and your completed claim form to:
The City of Cleveland Department of Law
Claims Section-Attention A. Jones
601 Lakeside Avenue, Room 106
Cleveland, Ohio 44114-1077.
If your claim involves
damages. A municipality, such as the City of Cleveland, may reimburse the deductible;
however, the City is not required to pay for damages that could possibly be paid by an
insurance company. (See Ohio Revised Code Section 2744.05).
The standard claims process may take up to twelve (12) weeks to complete. The process
includes researching information, gathering and reviewing documentation, taking witness
statements, and making a decision. You will be advised of the City’s decision in writing.
You may e-mail the claim form with scanned documents attached to
Remember, your claim cannot be processed until we receive a completed claim form, and all
the needed attachments. If you have any questions or concerns, please call me at (216) 664-
Where there is insurance, individuals must use their own insurance policy to coverajones [at] city [dot] cleveland [dot] oh [dot] us.
Alexis Jones, Claims Examiner
Department of Moral Claims for the City of Cleveland
Search: "moral claim"Don't see your question? Make a suggestion!
Search: moral claim
How long will it take for my claim to be decided?
It depends on the type of claim and when it’s filed.Moral Claims are presented at the Moral Claims Commission in May and November. They approve or deny claims by majority vote. You will be notified of their decision in writing. Legal Claims take up to twelve weeks. This includes reviewing, researching, gathering documents, taking statements from witnesses, and rendering a decision. You will be advised of the decision in writing.
My vehicle has been damaged by a hole in the street. Who should I call?
Call 216.664.2671. This is the Department of Moral Claims which will review your claim and determine if you are entitled to a damage reimbursement.