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Red WagonsSubmitted by lmcshane on Sat, 02/28/2009 - 11:12.
![]() Thinking spring and flowers...Richardson's Greenhouse is located on Schaaf Rd. in Cleveland, within spitting distance of Brooklyn Heights, the former greenhouse capital of the United States.
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Think SPRING!!!
Thanks for featuring MY photo today :) I am soooo excited to be mentally
planning my GARDEN!!!!
(Thanks Bill for your kind words...the friend is lost in the mists of time...but I may rediscover her via Facebook or REALNEO...Ruthie Mayer...the flowers are for you today :)
they have lovely roses-
and decent prices.
I have featured Richardson's--here are some photos today from Rosby's.
Both family-run garden centers are conveniently located on Schaaf Rd. off I-176 at Spring Rd.
Lovely Sonia Jakse LEED AP certified landscape designer is pictured here.
She is working at Rosby's and can answer your plant/design
questions. Better yet, hire her at 440-773-4928 or jakse.s at to green your home with edible landscape ideas and flowering fruits.
Sonia will be putting out content soon at an online publication to be entitled Earth Too Online.
Rosby's is carrying some unusual seed selections from Italy pictured here. For the
gourmand gardener looking for really Italian arugula and broccoli rape.
Also shown--Ziggy's market where robust tomato plants in containers can be had for $11.99 and you can catch up on the latest news from Serbia.
please don't forget
It was the Rosby's daughter who was murdered by Hough on July 4th a few years ago. They are a beautiful family and they sell excellent product and service.
God bless them, they've come through the tragedy.
Death cannot steal anything gained by the soul.
Highland garden
I should clarify that Rosby is leasing to the Highland Garden Center family (name Stone?) for the greenhouse portion of the property.
The Rosbys still plan on having the raspberry picking season. I don't personally know the family or the Wygonskis who run
Richardson's, but I know that these families have endured a lot and work hard to survive in a difficult business. I did not want to
revisit the fireworks tragedy, but my sympathies go out to the Rosby's for the loss of their daughter. So senseless. If it is any consolation,
the flowers that can be found at these tranquil places remind us that beauty is a fleeting joy. Every flower is a tribute to a lost soul.
maybe, laura, but having lost a child I can tell you one of the worst things is everyone tip toeing around it. i understand people feel uncomfortable acknowledging the tremendous burden and they often don't know what to do or say. On the other hand, it gets irritating when people ignore on it. but then, I can't speak for the Rosbys. I only meant to say, we should keep them in our thoughts because its a real burden to work through.
should we be more apt to patronize their business? yes, we should. should we show them more than ordinary love? yep.
Right again
There is a natural inclination to want to heighten the joyful experience of good weather with loud music, alcohol and fire.
It is also natural to want to celebrate youth and exuberance just as the young adults, who were killed two summers ago, were doing.
But we also have to observe some civility living in the city. I have my own personal experience of losing a friend to gun violence in the city.
No one should have to die over noise.
(This is not an easy topic--thanks Bill, again, for listening to a couple of women :)
The post did start out with flowers...we do get sidetracked a lot. But flowers do help us heal...
I am also reflecting on the article today written on Judge Alison Floyd and wondering just why it is so important for the Plain Dealer to profile her in such an ambiguous way? I know that I feel for the kids/young adults in my neighborhood. They start off at a disadvantage and no one is making them understand the consequences of bad decision-making. I am not making excuses, but the justice system shouldn't just harden these kids into adults. We have to help kids to understand their role in society better.
Ladies, Thanks For Your Nice Thoughtful Commentary
My thanks to you both for your useful, kind & thoughtful sharing comments, and commentary.
It is through the well expressed comments/notes/poems/literature of others that some of us manage to grow beyond the small shells of our personal experience to (for a very short time) maybe glimpse into what it might be like to walk in the shoes of others, who's lives are not the same as ours, but are just as much real (neo?).
By refusing to deal honorably with others, you dishonor yourself.
no sweat
laura and i see each other out all the time. unlike some others, we don't hide. and we also respect the integrity of dissent.
We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. When the loyal opposition dies, I think the soul of America dies with it. Edward R. Morrow