Submitted by Quest-News-Serv... on Mon, 02/02/2009 - 00:49.
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tim russo's coat sniffed by yogi at twdc meeting - may have had illegal or legal drugs
Submitted by questministries on February 1, 2009 - 2:31am.
as we we'er walking friends out of the tremont west development corporation said meeting - yogi stopped at tim russo's coat - whom i didn't know at the time and started sniffing and yogi esp and body language communicated that tim russo's coat had drugs or gun(s) or explosives in the coat and or was around said items - my secret video audio camera and tims video camera which he was video tapping the meeting - shows tim russo in aggravated tone " get the dog away from sniffing my coat all over" and since yogi didn't have enough time to sniff more to be able to be more precise - it was probably drugs - illegal or legal. - yogi and guy
Submitted by Tim Russo on January 30, 2009 - 11:34am.
Video here. This "community" has some serious growing up to do.
SPECIESISM: 1. A PREJUDICE OF ATTITUDE OF BIAS TOWARD THE INTERESTS OF MEMEBERS OF ONE'S OWN SPECIES AND AGAINIST THOSE OF MEMBERS OF OTHER SPECIES. 2. A WORD USED TO DESCRIBE THE WIDESPREAD DISCRIMINATION THAT IS PRACTICED BY HOMO SAPIENS AGANIST THE OTHER SPECIES. SAVE OTHER-OUR SPECIES SOS-FRE FROM RESEARCH EXPERIMENT QUEST, MINISTRIES, GUY TEMPELTON BLACK, PASTOR, and YOGI YOGA BEAR, SERVICE K-9 (guy's partner) 753 BRAYTON AVE., CLEVELAND, OHIO 44113-4604 USA, V:216.861.7368, F:216.861.7368 UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES VETERAN (VOLUNTEER) PEACE, ANTI-WAR, DEFENSIVE faith based non-profit corporation no. 389646, 501(c)(3), SINCE 1965, http://www.geocities.com/questministry ADVOCATING FOR A NATIONAL WAR DOGS MEMORIAL http://www.wardogsmemorial.org DONATE TO QUEST, VIA PAYPAL: (CLICK) questministries [at] netzero [dot] net&return=http://www.geocities.com/questministry/questministries">http://www.paypal.com/xclick/business=questministries%40netzero.net&return=http%3A//www.geocities.com/questministry/questministries
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what took you guys so long?
you finally read my blog!!!!
A coat of many colors
I was the one being escorted out by Yogi and Guy. I did observe how fast Tim Russo reacted to Yogi sniffing his coat. I did hear the anger in his voice over this incident.
Yogi is trained to protect and serve. Yogi does not have an ego. He does not pick and choose the owner of an object.
Since this site is "Dedicated to citizens", with love....I know you all will love this.
I believe this is common knowledge in the world
The Plain Dealer made this front page news quite a while ago and it is the basis of Tim's Blog so it should not be news to anyone who follows local media, and Tim is up front saying he made a mistake and is sorry. All people make mistakes of different types in life and life goes on... I don't know any details about Tim's life but I don't see why anyone should attack him for his past, unless they want to do so to his face and for a reason - here is not a place to screw people over for their mistakes... I believe TWDC is doing a good job of that for everyone.
I was watching a movie about how the "US government" gets its oppositon to kill each other, like in Iraq, rather than to kill people directly... I believe some of you are slaves of the establishment, fighting among each other rather for truth, peace and justice - hurting anyone but the enemy, as far as I can see.
Disrupt IT
well put, Norm.
well put, Norm. And may I add this - watching last night's Super Bowl (I grew up watching Mean Joe Green and Lynn Swan from my granpap's knee - sOrry!) and watching Harrison make that AMAzing interception (he had it TAgged!) and run 100 yards (no small feat for a linebacker) I was filled with such happiness for him!
And then... a short while later I watched the replay of him punching out the Cardinal's player and it was like - his amazing, record breaking touchdown run was erased by his violent mistake. Something to think about?
Norm you refocused back to
Norm you refocused back to the real problem.
I really think individuals on this blog need to understand Mr. Black.
We need to work with people that are disabled and handicapped to make them feel inclusive.
From being on this blog for a month or so, it seems besides for one person, and several other anonymous posters all have to same mindset what is happening in Tremont. Just pointing out most of the private emails from the leadership of RealNeo.
At a TWDC annual meeting you have a roomful of very like-minded people, mostly the newcomers that have bought into the new housing starts in Tremont over the last few years.
Is there anything wrong with this, no not in their minds, but in the big picture yes. Community Development is supposed to be a inclusive process, but when a group of powerful rich people push there way to power, it disenfranchises the rest of the people.
In Tremont the average resident is afraid to speak out, afraid that a inspector will show up on their porch. They will not participate in fear of retribution by others.
I had seen people pointing and laughing at Mr. Black when he left the premise is that fair to a do that to a person with a handicap? I am sure when they went back into their new beautiful homes no-one lost any sleep over Mr. Black. What a shameful society.
Should anyone condone someone making fun of a person that is in wheel chair, on crutches, speaks with a lisp or stutters, that is deaf or blind, lives in poverty, or is just different than you?
Is it right to continue posting anyone’s criminal records on this site, I think it should not happen on both sides. A policy should be made. This back and forth takes the focus off the real topic, Development Corporations, and the use of our tax dollars.
Fact these newer individuals in Tremont want you to come up to there standards versus people that claim to be understanding diversity shun people that are not up to their standards.
Yes Houston we have a problem, but when the organization that is promoting diversity does not really practice what they preach, well at least for over the last five years it has become futile to ask for fairness for most people like Mr. Black.
Mr. Roulet, I think you really see the trouble, I really hate to preach and tie up your blog with this, or the others now anonymously attacking a small band of people that have a right to speak, I think that what our country was found on.
I would ask everyone to open this link, it should start to load a PDF of the current legal charter of TWDC. This was setup in 1969. In 1979 the original name of the organization was changed to TWDC.
The question is this organization following the mission stated in these Articles? Or are they following someone else’s plan and the gentrification plan will continue.
I agree completely, Henry
Before the flame war started, I was going to comment about the TWDC election process that is designed not to have diversity on the board - it is a popularity contest. If each block club could choose a representative, and there could be a few representatives from other stakeholder groups, or "ad hoc" popular people, then the board could be representative of at least diverse pockets of the community's interests.
That one group of cendidates each got basically the same number of votes to win the election shows the same people voted for all the same people, which is statistically controlled. The election was "rigged" by design and worked, but to change the design would require having some reprentation on the board, which was rigged to exclude that.
Best to hit TWDC where it hurts, which is their money. Attack the funding sources and tell them not to fund TWDC - don't attack each other.
BTW - the funding source of TWDC is Obama and the federal government, and TWDC is part of a conspiracy to take all the federal money meant to help rebuild urban areas and will instead give it to the developers who are ruining Tremont with their lame-ass projects... $10s millions not going to the right people and causes - it is very serious and a critical concern for citizens in all parts of greater Cleveland RIGHT NOW, before the federal funding starts to flow here - the foundations have cast a very wide, tight, corrupt net of elected officials they control, using them to route the money to their interests... God help those who try to stand in their way... God help us all!
Disrupt IT
Cleveland 1934 and 2009
reposted from another thread today - apt for this discussion as well -
"What is to be the end of all this? Perhaps I ought not close this sorry tale without offering a suggestion. All this disorder and damage is but the logical result of the notion which has guided the growth of American cities. A city is a dwelling place of men and women. Their security, their happiness, their comfort, their varied objectives all require certain services at the hands of the city. Supplying those services makes up the functions of the city's political and social and economic organization. If those functions are to be seized, under the forms of law and with the aid of the money belonging to the people, by a small group of adventurous men to be used for their own purposes the city will suffer. Not only will it lose the benefit of those functions, but it will be victimized in many other ways. Yet this is precisely what happens. And it happens because our people look with complacence on the kind of disloyalties and betrayals by which the resources of a great city were forged into weapons for inordinately acquisitive men. I repeat here what I have observed before; that America has a job to perform in civilizing herself." - The Betrayal of Cleveland by John T. Flynn Harper's 1934
Check out Milwaukee
Non-Profits Q&A
this is just rich, senyak
senyak, you lead this pack of hounds into battle, and then try and claim some moral high ground?
give me a fucking break. no wonder Adam Harvey gave up on Tremonter.
guy templeton black is a threat to the neighborhood. he doesn't need to be understood, he needs to be helped. he carries a concealed weapon, a rottweiler, and a mental illness, and displays them all, regularly, in a public park for god's sake. that means he's a danger to the community. if he doesn't get help, he will hurt someone. period.
aside from your foul poisoning of the TWDC process, his posing such a threat to the community probably kept that meeting from reaching a quorum. who the hell wants to be in a room for 3 hours with a person packing heat, whose posse acts like you act here?
and you just use him. you use his instability to throw the postshots you're too cowardly to throw yourself.
you make me ill.
this isn't an online "community", it's a pack of wolves.
Tim, if Guy is a threat to
Add sender to Contacts
puppet master? that's a good one.
sweetie, i've been in bigger rodeos than this little pissing match. you've been warned. do yourself a favor, pick up some pork rinds, and get those sausage fingers away from the keyboard.
I was told by several
I was told by several individuals to be careful of Tim Russo, he's a real a---h----. and since I have been working very hard over the past several months on the side of the long time less advantaged homeowners that are being pressured and put under the thumbs of those behind the stepped up housing code enforcement as well as flush out the trail of large amounts of federal, grant and model block funds funneled into this area, I have been cruicified and basically tarred and feathered.
My 20 year old public record was plastered on NEO trying to bitch slap me into staying away from the annual election meeting and it didn't work - the day after, the attacks continued and in an attempt to feel out Mr. Russo to see for myself what kind of person he was, I posed a question to him on his blog regarding this information and as you can read, I got my answer in spades.
Take you email to the Second District
Jerleen, I would file a menacing report. He has no right direstly or indirectly threaten you or anyone else.
menacing? here's jerleen's "feel out"
if this is "feeling out" i'd hate to see what jerleen thinks is feeling UP.
i think Adam Harvey and I just got a better understanding of each other.
feel out? HAHAHAHA
attempt to "feel out"? lady, you left another threat on my blog in the comments, that's what i responded to by email. i deleted the comment. i don't let flamers flame my own blog, that's a policy for other blogs.
you and your posse deserve each other. go grab yourself some cheetos.
you rock
spell it out for us please
Thanks you for returning us to our regularly scheduled discussion of the business of concern for Tremont residents and those concerned about Cleveland's future. Might I prevail upon your time to deconstruct these articles and provide your thoughts on just how the current activities of TWDC do or do not align with these stated objectives? No rush.
the pastoral ministry type, at it again
You might know it would be some pathetic dickhead who dons the mantle of Christianity and claims to be a pastor and have a ministry [to what, or to whom, you may ask] who would--in a very un-Christian and never-forgiving way-- trot out the Tim Russo importuning political frame-up and try to use it as a weapon, again.
How old is this material, Mr. QuestMinistries? Personally, I think I've been watching people drag it out and play with it since some time in 2005. Usually, it seems to me the ones who try to make hay with it are themselves the most whacked out of our species. Go back and google the whole matter and see who crops up most--Matt Naugle, Heights Mom, and so forth.
What does this have to do with anything now, today or even yesterday? How can this be productive or useful to the community going forward?
And foremost: How dare you get off topic with this sort of cheap shot? Who's the real sicko perv here, Quest?
Mr. Ferris. What is going on
Mr. Ferris. What is going on here is the deflecting of the real subject. The CDC, you for one know all about CDC's.
I was at your party for OBCDC, I had my press contacts cover this for the Plain Press, and helped with the Sun News also.
Guy Templeton is really a non-issue. Mr. Russo started this with us, I will not even directly respond to him.
I recall how upset you and your wife was with your CDC, and I am sure just bringing up the name Bruckman will get people to raise their hair.
We have issues with our CDC, just as you had/still have.
Tremont West had a meeting and election without Quorum, not in compliance with their by-laws, this is the issue. Amongst other violations.
When I went to you OBCDC meeting, your fellow members we well versed in the OBCDC By-laws, you all forced change. The members of TWDC just wanted to vote, but it was not clear to them that they participated in a election that was against their by-laws.
But its not right for Mr. Russo, who does not even live here to come to a meeting stick camera's in peoples faces, and then tries to make fools out of them.
Mr. Ferris, people are being taken advantage in Tremont, and the money is not getting to the right people. As you know Cummins took some of the money away from OBCDC and put in the hands of the Associations with that new group started. You and your group set things in motion all over the west-side. I respect the fact that you all created revolution in OBCDC, give us our rights in Tremont to do the same. It will take more time because we are fighting the people with all the money and resources, and contacts in the City Administration to cause alot of trouble for the regular working man.
Take Care.
senyak you made a fool of yourself
that's pretty clear. you shit all over a process, made threats in writing on this blog and others, then participated in the process, then came back here and claimed the process was illegitimate.
then you use a mentally unstable concealed carry permit holder to lob your bombs for you. for you to claim that people are being taken advantage of, and then turn around and use that person to do your dirty work, you should be ashamed of yourself.
you're an embarrassment to Tremont.
In the world there is nothing more submissive and weak
In the world there is nothing more submissive and weak than water. Yet for attacking that which is hard and strong nothing can surpass it.
Lao-Tzu (c. 570B) Chinese philosopher
thanks for the calm waters, Henry
now we're quoting chinese philosophers?
to claim henry senyak is a calm water?
i think i just spit out my coffee.
good; let's talk about the CDC
Henry, I couldn't agree more with the fact that we should be talking about the CDC and not trifling with an old importuning charge that has little to do with anything at this point.
Your particular CDC has a history of dirty dealing that goes back years.
This latest thing with Giglio ought to give everybody some leverage to get rid of it. As you may recall, our friend Jim Rokakis refused to fund the Crossroads Development Corporation/Brooklyn Centre Development Corporation years ago, and it was mothballed. You might consider doing the same over in Tremont. The straw that broke the camel's back with BCDC was their losing a lawsuit in which they were most obviouly at fault, and dumb, and arrogant. I think there are parallels here, somewhat.
I wish I was in Hooterville
Hi Tim,
Several of us talked with a attorney this afternoon. We have to put some thought to the options to take. We have really a loaded gun that was handed to us. One way I want to try to make peace, but on the otherhand I want to snap their necks with my boot because they have a take no prisoners way of doing things at TWDC.
Do you know they refused requests for their membership list, then they come up with over 200 new members from the year before, knowing full well they would never reach quorum. Did they boost the numbers for additional funding?
I found out today that since legally they are "Trustees", not as they brag "Directors" they will have significantly more liability if they appoint a term expired board seat not in compliance with their by-laws.
Just very very frustrated that you would even have to go to these measures to even be able to address the matter. I have been working on helping another member that wants to file a TRO, I just do not know if its best to wait until they make appointments on Thursday night that would not be in compliance with at least four sections of the by-laws, not to mention ORC 1702. Also it is a good possibility if these appointments are not in compliance with by-laws and law that their Directors Insurance policy will not pay for any legal matters that come out of this matter.
This is one of the toughest decisions I will have to make on behalf of the poor and undeserved in the Tremont Community.
We are also thinking of have a fundraiser, people from four Tremont block clubs have committed. Give me the name of the attorney that helped our mutual friend Debra Zeleny. I may also call Avery in the morning.
Tim thanks for the response my respect for what you and other did is immense.
Some old interviews in Tremont (Things don't Change)
you dont nEEd the caffeine.
I think it's time for all of
I think it's time for all of us to say bye bye to Tim. It is apparent he can dish it out but he can't take it. As far as growing up, he needs to get in line with everybody else.
I did take Henry's advice and save his e-mails though.
Debra, will contact you later, have some really good info to fill you in on.
heres My big dilemma....
what should I make my husband for dinner....?
invite tim russo for dinner
753 BRAYTON AVE., CLEVELAND, OHIO 44113-4604 USA, V:216.861.7368, F:216.861.7368
faith based non-profit corporation no. 389646, 501(c)(3), SINCE 1965,
ADVOCATING FOR A NATIONAL WAR DOGS MEMORIAL http://www.wardogsmemorial.org
(CLICK) questministries [at] netzero [dot] net&return=http://www.geocities.com/questministry/questministries">http://www.paypal.com/xclick/business=questministries%40netzero.net&return=http%3A//www.geocities.com/questministry/questministries
Guy, Tim only wishes he
Guy, Tim only wishes he could be the man you are. Only a warm, kind and gentle soul would have compassion for the Tim's of this world. Think maybe he's a little jealous - don't be too hard on him. You are so much the richer man.
Tonight, it's pollo con arroz with a big salad followed by a night on the couch watching 24...of course, nothing compared to the drama here at REALNEO. Goodnight Tremont :)
good night lmcshane
good night lmcshane
Good night John Boy
lets call TWDC and see if we can nominate John Boy Walton
let's see, well, mac and
let's see, well, mac and cheese sounds good - but I can't eat mac and cheese - being a diabetic - I have to kinda watch it. Although, ever once in awhile I feel like indulging myself - got any ideas?
it was La Habernero
on west 117th between detroit and clifton....
i know - you would think from the name - no way, but it was late and we were tired... it was FABulous! I highly recommend #26 combo - insanely good - food for three - and they boys there know to give the lady the best and biggest of the margheritas... say what you want about latin macho cultures - they KNOw how to make a girl hAPPy!
Quest - Just a thought from an older "ministry"
Dao De Ching » Chapter 7
Translation By Robert G. Henricks, 1989
This why reality TV is
This why reality TV is so popular? You could not write a more colorful script or cast a of characters.
for once
we are in agreement, Oengus! : )