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VOTE NO ON SIN TAX CAMPAIGN ON ELECTION DAY: MAY 6, 2014!Submitted by Satinder P S Puri on Tue, 05/06/2014 - 22:47.
VOTE NO ON SIN TAX CAMPAIGN ON ELECTION DAY: MAY 6, 2014! The Sin Tax was listed as issue 7 on the ballot. Sin Tax is a regressive tax levied by Cuyahoga County on cigarettes and alcohol. It was first approved by the voters in 1990 for construction and upkeep of the Cavaliers Basketball Arena and the Cleveland Indians Baseball Stadium, and then again in 1995 for the construction and upkeep of the Browns Football Stadium. If approved by the voters, the tax will last for another 20 years starting, August 1, 2015. The Sin Tax is expected to generate $260 million for the upkeep of the three sports facilities. I left home around noon with my traveling cart and VOTE NO ON SIN TAX signs. I have been demonstrating against the Sin Tax – since March 3, 2014. So far I have demonstrated for nearly 90-hours which is the equivalent of walking nearly 300 miles in all kinds of weather – both in my Jefferson Park neighborhood, downtown Cleveland, and in the neighboring suburbs. I enjoy demonstrating – it is an excellent way for conveying your message. The signs are seen by thousands – and then there is the multiplying effect – where the observers go home and talk to their family and friends. And it is also very good exercise – I come home and sleep like a baby. Today, I walked along the streets and avenues – waving my signs -- on my way to the polling station located on West 145th Street – north of Lorain Avenue in the V.F.W. Post 387. It was like a ceremonial walk. The sun was out in full glory – but it was still a little chilly. I was well dressed for the weather. When I got to our polling station I saw a gentleman sitting on a chair holding a VOTE YES 7 sign – a message from the proponents of the Sin Tax – a group consisting of the owners of our three teams and supported by the political and business establishments and aided by our compliant and spineless media. I knew the gentleman – he is an elected representative -- we chatted for a short while – gave him a copy of our 2-page flyer – and took a photograph – as shown – titled: GOLIATH (hiding behind sign) FACES OUR CAMPAIGN, FINALLY! The struggle between the proponents of the Sin Tax and the opponents –has been seen by some as a “David vs. Goliath” fight. The gentleman did not wish to be photographed – so I asked him to cover his face with the sign.
BAD NEWS/GOOD NEWS AT THE POLLING STATION! Bad News: Good News: I went home – demonstrating along the way --brought a utility bill with my name and address – walked back – and filled the papers for the provisional ballot. Once I got the ballot – my first act was to look for the infamous Issue 7 and fill the bubble for NO. As soon as I did that my heart burst in untold joy. It took nearly 90-hours of demonstrations – the equivalent of walking nearly 300 miles to experience happiness in a polling booth.
SHORT CONVERSATIONS ON ELECTION DAY, 2014 IN CLEVELAND, OHIO! Today, May 6, 2014 – I was out in the afternoon for nearly 3.5 hours. I demonstrated, waving my VOTE NO ON SIN TAX signs -- as I have done many times over the past 2-months. In addition to casting my vote – I also visited the local Giant Eagle and Marc’s. I spoke with fellow residents as they walked past me – both outside and inside. Every one who had voted – had voted NO! Then there were some – who did not vote. And they had all sorts of reasons – I am not a citizen, I am not registered, I can’t vote, -----. And some completely ignored responses to my question: “Excuse me, did you vote today?” – and walked along as if – nothing important was happening today – in the world’s greatest democracy.
EARLY RETURNS: The first Sin Tax passed in 1990: 51% to 49%. The second Sin Tax passed in 1995: 72% to 28%. The proponents are very formidable – have tons of money, unlimited resources, and a very well oiled machine that literally knows how to drag our non-participatory voters to the polls considering the fact that 85% of the voters choose not to vote in May elections.
REFERENCE LINKS: TWO YOUTUBE VIDEOS FROM THE VOTE NO ON SIN TAX CAMPAIGN: PART 1: Slide show, with music, covering the campaign.. PART 2: Demonstration at the corner of Lorain Avenue and West 150th Street. Video was filmed on April 7, 2014. As of May 6, 2014, there have been nearly 90 hours of demonstrations on the west side, downtown Cleveland, and neighboring suburbs.
*Website for CAST -- Coalition Against the Sin Tax: *CAST -- Coalition Against the Sin Tax site on Facebook: *VOTE NO ON SIN TAX ON MAY 6, 2014 (Anti-‘Sin Tax’ Group on Facebook):
*IT’S A SIN, CLEVELAND (Anti-‘Sin Tax’ Group on Facebook): *Satinder P. S. Puri’s blog on REALNEO:
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Thank you Mr. Puri for diligent, enthusiastic efforts re: sin
If anyone across the country is looking for a template on how to go about a political action effort, your reports here on Realneo are an excellent template.
You kept your sense of humor the entire journey.
You highlighted the hypocrisy.
You convinced me to never buy another alchoholic beverage in Cuyahoga County.
Thanks for your efforts!
Best, Jeff