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Ward 14: Channel energies&resources...request for flack jacket?Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Mon, 08/03/2009 - 00:26.
ATTENTION REAL NEO: ESPRIT DE CORPS! 1) Everyone has absolutely awesome input! 2) I think that we have all found our voices here...and better than that...we found people who know, expect, want and are willing to work to overcome the history of our Ward's gerrymandering, CDBG funding issues, and the total neglect we have experienced under Joe Santiago. 3) Let's all unite, share our wisdom, map out a plan of attack, and conquer our community at large in order to inspire civic action by all the residents...or at least a great majority of them. 4) Let's not allow the greed of money, the unethical issues, and the things we complain about to consume any action we commit ourselves to. 5) Let's promote unity throughout Ward 14...and the City of Cleveland as our arms reach out. 6) Let's be the leadership that trains the block clubs, that empowers the citizens, that promotes healthly quality of living progress, that embodies the truthfulnes & the spirit of what all other agencies have failed to do for our community. 7) Let's be the protectors of people's rights and let's not allow the City Hall Regime adversely manipulate our residents another day! 8) Let's be the ones who step up and hold our leadership of all these agencies accountable, without fear of their retaliation. It appears that we are the few who may have actually read the bylaws, the HUD CDBG Funding requirements, and who really refuse to watch our funding be misappropriated. Since no one else appears to want to be the OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE (citywide)... Let's effectuate that... 9) Let's promote legislation for the city that supports the Federal/State guidelines so that we may hold our people accountable. 10) Planning & Development Issues...the citizens rights to be involved are being annihilated by failure to properly notify residents of different issues. Let's provide oversight to that...accountability....and legal action against those who are committing fraud, failing to follow the rules, and abusing the system. Let's be the checks & balances effectuators! Let's not get disempowered again! Let's not give up. Let's not allow another politician to undermine our awareness. They have awakened the best in all of us... Let's use our passionate voices to disrupt all of their corrupt regimes! (I know...time for me to run and hide from the mafia that lives outside these walls.....Anyone got a flack jacket I could borrow?)
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Where do I sign your proclamation
Well put - I agree.
Thank you for leading this movement forward!
You dynamos of Ward 14 are what real NEO has been lacking for some time - neighborhood activists.
You do Ed Hauser proud.
Disrupt IT
REALNEO Proclamation...
Well, let's put it into a word document and make room for everyone's signatures...
Does anyone herein have the legal power to put this into proclamation format?
Where's the lawyers in this forum???
I have a youthful attorney who's really eager to make some legislation.... how to we take up funds to pay him to support our cause? He'd probably get stonewalled and blackballed for participating with us.... that's so sad!
Barrier Wall Camouflage
Angel--one of the first agenda items for Ward 14 should be a verbal commitment from the current council representatives--Joe Santiago and Brian Cummins--against the I-71 barrier walls.
Joe Santiago has said publicly that he is not in favor of the walls. Brian Cummins has not voiced his opinion, prefering instead to vacillate and say that residents are "apathetic."
This went to a community vote in 2005 and the barrier walls were rejected. Now, it is being shoved down our throats again, under the pretense that the preferred option of lowered access roads has been pulled from the table.
Truth be told--ODOT just waited until residents were further compromised and disempowered. Knowing full well that the current Ward 15 and current Ward 14 has a constant influx of immigrant residents and, by design, a shrinking base of homeowners.
Brian Cummins needs to vocally oppose the barrier wall proposal. If he does not--I can guarantee you that if the run off in September pits him against Santiago. Santiago will use the barrier wall issue against him.
Nelson Cintron Jr. Supports Residents' Wishes/Wants w/ODOT WALLS
Noise barriers
I wouldn't say that the noise barrier walls were rejected in 2005. What is more true is that the residents were expecting the access roads to be lowered to the same level as the freeway and sloped down so that the noise would be lessened. Residents preferred this option over the noise barrier walls.
But, that plan was scrapped so we are back to the drawing board about how to mitigate the noise from the freeway.
I am still waiting to receive my mailing from ODOT that was supposed to be sent out to all the residents who live near the freeway. I called ODOT today to ask why I haven't recieved it yet.
For the record, I am FOR the noise barrier walls. And my home abuts the access road between W25 and Fulton. I can tell you that the noise is too loud and incessant. I would welcome the wall.
Thanks for coming on to say your piece. It is always good to hear where a candidate stands from his/her own mouth (or keyboard).
Nelson, I think that most in
I think that most in Ward 13 and 14 are not impressed with the sound barriers but it is always good to hear that someone is willing to stand up and fight for the wishes of residents. That does not happen very often in Tremont.
Earlier, I posted that I was thinking of throwing my name into the ring to fill the current vacant seat on the TWDC Board. However, consesus is that if you want to be considered for this position, you cannot, will not and shall not speak out against the organization. That sounds peculiar, for if you find nothing wrong, or if you see nothing that needs changing, why would I or anyone else see the need to be appointed/elected to the board?
My question to you would be, where do you stand on trying to regain control and/or call up an accounting of the monies which were allocated for Clark Metro/West 25th Street and contracted to TWDC? I do believe that reasonable minds would see and believe that all parties involved in the signing of this contract were nothing short of greedy, and just outright robbed that area of funds that not only were rightfully theirs but badly needed in that community as well.
Now, understanding that speaking my mind and telling it like I see it will for sure kill and behead any possibility I might think of having at getting nominated for the vacant seat on the board. Let's just say that I see a need for change and a need for some type of representation of all the poor under privileged people in these communities that are passed over and left suffering at the hands of the leadership in some of these community organizations. Don't you think that the money TWDC made of with that belonged in Ward 14 should go back to Ward 14? I do.
Nelson Cintron Jr will request an Indep. Citizen Review Panel
As soon as I am elected, I will call for an accountability of the funding for the years 2005-2009. Upon receipt of the information, I will be happy to publicly share it with the residents of our community. I will create an independent citizens elected group to examine the files. In support of the independent citizen review panel recommendations, I will work to react effectively- supporting the community at large's recommendations. If our citizens wish to pursue legal action, then I will support the wishes of my residents.
CALL: (216) 939-8101
TWDC board
Jerleen--I was run off the board for asking too many questions about finances and reporting. I was subjected to a preposterous tribunal. I showed up one day to a board meeting and was subjected to the "burn the witch" treatment. Emily Lipovan was asked by Mary Jo Marvis to leave the room, because the board had a serious board matter to discuss. Then, in a solemn tone, Mary Jo announced that the integrity of the board had been maligned by a sitting board member. My name was never mentioned but it was alluded and easy enough to determine by the reference to a meeting, which only myself and Dave Sharkey had attended. Nothing changes in Tremont. And, I am fairly sure that the same drama happens at pretty much every CDC in the City of Cleveland. Throw your hat in the ring, but if they nominate and accept you, be ready for a hell ride.
Laura, they've already been
Laura, they've already been after me with a whoppin' stick. They've ambushed me at the Block Club, Chris Garland, the Executive Director sent me a letter on TWDC stationary saying how dishonest and reprehensible he thought I was, they've posted every personal thing they could find on the internet. I did trace one of the assumed names to TWDC.
I'm throwing my hat in anyway - all they can do is throw it back out.
CDC drama....
Bureacracy 101...get rid of the folks who hold you 100% accountable, get rid of the one's who expect you to follow the the ones who expect legitimacy "CRAZY", and then go about your unethical administration of business once you get rid of them from your Board of Directors...
I am humored.... not by you Jerleen...but by the people who think they have the right to violate the community at large's rights by neglecting them, abusing their demographics, and misappropriating their CDBG funding to afford paychecks to less than concerned representatives for the community...
Look, these overpaid jerks...yep, know, the ones who hush you, the ones who are passifying you with their psuedo charismatic communications about our community-they all need a good old fashioned whipping of humiliation!
Screw them all...they are lifelong liars, conartists, and manipulators...hiding behind the CDC's....
Anyone who calls out someone who requests accountability that sits on a BOD for the organization should be put into question themselves. That's absurd! It's a reflection of how corruption wins...
They try to make the folks who are expecting answers to their questions appear to be disruptive to their efforts to treat us all like idiots. When that doesn't work, they work to annihilate our credibility to the public.... when that doesn't work...they sick the code enforcement officers on us...
THE bottom line is that in corrupt America...anyone who asks questions, expects transparency, or wants accountability is dubbed as "crazies!"
So, let's give three shouts out for all the "crazies" and all of their efforts to conquer these "jerks" with some good old fashioned humble pie!!!!
The truth will come out sooner or the disadvantage of our city at large. Assessing our goals to "hold the history accountable" vs building tools of prevention and accountability that protect our folks into the future is my consideration.
I am positive that complaints have been filed and investigations will be ongoing for years to come against EVERYONE associated with CDC transactions in the City of Cleveland. I anticipate a long line of folks getting their behinds handed to them on a silver platter in the public venue.... we've waged a war against them...and we have several concurrent battles going on right now....
Historical transactions....
Current transactions...
Providing a Checks and Balances System for the future....
and then...the FUTURE ITSELF!!! (CNDC downsizing!)
Trust me...there's a lot more to the story than we can begin to imagine...but the biggest part is how they can make these planned transitions without cutting staff that have become codependent on those jobs that they hold so precious!
We are talking about years of work to overcome this world of CDC's.... volunteer work, investigative work, and community dedication!
Where's it best to put OUR (REALNEO) energies?
Trust me when I tell you that I am well aware of the way it goes as you stated...been there, done that, and got that T-Shirt....humorously! The pen and facts are more powerful than the sword!
They don't appreciate complimentary adversaries.... people who just want the truth and to know that they are participating in something ethical...they just want to look pretty to the philanthropists who support the dog and pony show of what they are doing!!!
Angel: To reiterate, you said:
I am positive that complaints have been filed and investigations will be ongoing for years to come against EVERYONE associated with CDC transactions in the City of Cleveland. I anticipate a long line of folks getting their behinds handed to them on a silver platter in the public venue.... we've waged a war against them...and we have several concurrent battles going on right now....
Historical transactions....
Current transactions...
Providing a Checks and Balances System for the future....
and then...the FUTURE ITSELF!!! (CNDC downsizing!)
Trust me...there's a lot more to the story than we can begin to imagine...but the biggest part is how they can make these planned transitions without cutting staff that have become codependent on those jobs that they hold so precious!
Good people have been co-opted into the bad CDC and local government machine. It is my hope that some of those good people at CDCs realize that there is no future there and that they collaborate to model a new accountable form government.
The current proposal to reform Cuyahoga County will not work and NEO is not the only region that will have to transform itself. It will need to be a national effort and the unit that makes the most sense for everyone to consider --would be the watershed unit. The closest government that takes water into account would be the Minneapolis-St. Paul model. Cleveland-Akron share the Cuyahoga River watershed along with smaller communities that produce the goods and services we need to lead more local and sustainable lives.