Friday, July 11, 2008

10:00-11:30 a.m.
The Place: Confluence of West Creek and the Cuyahoga River
6411 Granger Rd./Rt. 17, Independence OH
From West Creek Preservation Committee: Celebrate with us as we kick off the return of West Creek at its confluence with the Cuyahoga River. Witness the start of the demolition as we reclaim the site from its current condition as a vacant warehouse and parking lot to make way for a beautiful 10-acre riverfront park. When completed, West Creek will return to its original meandering flow into the Cuyahoga River with natural wetlands to reduce flooding, clean our drinking water, and restore wildlife habitat. The new park will connect the West Creek Greenway to the Ohio and Erie Canal Towpath Trail, provide new access to the creek and river for all, and lead to economic revitalization of this part of Independence.
Project Partners: Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, City of Independence, Cuyahoga County Commissioners, The Trust for Public Land, The George Gund Foundation, NRAC of Cuyahoga County, State of Ohio--Clean Ohio Fund, Ohio EPA, Ohio DOT, Kurtz Bros, Inc., and Independence Excavating.
Special thanks to US Senator George V. Voinovich, US Representative Dennis Kucinich, and State Senator Bob Spada.

Press calls: 216-401-4734
West Creek Preservation Committee