in sustainable design is popping up everywhere including our region’s
college campuses. On Tuesday, March 15 we will create a dialogue
between those in academia (administrators, professors and students)
and those in business to discover how they can assist each other
on the journey toward sustainability. This discovery process will
focus on how they can work collaboratively to implement sustainability
principles in their respective buildings, processes, products, markets
and organizational cultures.
can professors and students bring new resources to entrepreneurs
and business leaders to help them with product design, market
planning and organizational development?
How can business leaders help university administrators implement
sustainability in their buildings and operations?
does the investment in a sustainable quality of life help us to
attract students and professionals to the region?
representatives from Northeast Ohio universities will share their
stories and efforts to catalyze a sustainability driven economy.
Others will share their projects at display tables. Afterward we
will invite questions from business and academia on how to more
effectively work together.
"Sustainability is an economic, environmental
and community design strategy that starts by transforming buildings,
businesses and products
and ends up transforming our community."
and businesses are invited to reserve an exhibitor table.
$100 for a whole table, $50 for a half table. Current Business Members
receive a 50% discount. Contact stephanie [at] e4sustainability [dot] org">Stephanie
Strong by email or phone 216 509-9776 to reserve your spot today!