CSU Black Alumni Association and other black professional organizations are putting on the 2nd annual State of Black Cleveland Event on Saturday, Feb. 4, 2006 CSU's University Center Room 1 8:30am-12noon
Some of the many topics to be discussed include:
1. Regionalism
2. Election Year
3. Community Redevelopment Activities
4. African-American Financial Entities
5. Poverty Economics ( Activities that rob community economy)
6. Presence of Blacks on civic and government boards that make decisions
7. Falling membership in black organizations
8. Increasing gaps in our community and how we relate to each other
9. Stabilization of education process
10. Identifying next big innovations.
If you would like to attend this event, please contact Eric Johnson at upbeatcleveland [at] hotmail [dot] com or 216.374.3498. Please help spread the word.
Event Details: Find out what's happening with an informative panel discussion and bring in some of your own solutions for the breakout group sessions.
If you would like to be a panelist or have an exhibit table for your organization please contact Eric Johnson at 216.374.3498 or email upbeatcleveland [at] hotmail [dot] com by February 1, 2006.
I just spoke to Eric this morning. His vision for the program is for it to be a form to bring current issues to the African American community, discuss these issues, and then develop next step initiatives. I did not attend the program last year, so I don't know a lot about how the agenda for the day is set up.
I will be attending this event. One of the breakout sessions I will be participating in is Entrepreneurship in the African American community.
I believe Eric is still looking for panelists. If you know of someone, please feel free to contact him.
Details on State of Black Cleveland
This sounds interesting - even if it is on a Sat. morning at 8:30AM!!
Does anyone know more about this event - is there more info somewhere on-line?
When I looked for more details, all I found was at the CAAO website at http://www.caao.net/eventDetails.asp?id=27&Date=2/4/2006 which adds:
Event Details: Find out what's happening with an informative panel discussion and bring in some of your own solutions for the breakout group sessions.
If you would like to be a panelist or have an exhibit table for your organization please contact Eric Johnson at 216.374.3498 or email upbeatcleveland [at] hotmail [dot] com by February 1, 2006.
Re: Details on State of Black Cleveland
Hello Norm,
I just spoke to Eric this morning. His vision for the program is for it to be a form to bring current issues to the African American community, discuss these issues, and then develop next step initiatives. I did not attend the program last year, so I don't know a lot about how the agenda for the day is set up.
I will be attending this event. One of the breakout sessions I will be participating in is Entrepreneurship in the African American community.
I believe Eric is still looking for panelists. If you know of someone, please feel free to contact him.