Green Acres

Submitted by lmcshane on Sat, 01/26/2008 - 10:43.
03/03/2008 - 09:00
03/03/2008 - 17:00

BE a farmer or pretend to be one--it's the place to BE:

The Cuyahoga Valley Countryside Conservancy, based in Peninsula will be holding a four-class session starting on March 3. Cost for the course and workbooks is $100.00.

For more information, contact Beth Knorr at 330.657-2538

farmersmarket [at] cvcountryside [dot] org or


2179 Everett Road Peninsula OH 44264
United States
Farmers Market.jpg356.72 KB
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Just bragging grandmother knew the Gabor sisters!

Here are some more farmland LINKS.

John Sawhill

Basil and shrubbery

  I was especially intrigued by the potential for picking up plants via the plant swap at the Tremont Market.  Now, I have some tomatoes and always perennials for dividing.  My basil is not sprouting this year--I also am in need of some quince or privet to create a small hedge in my front yard.  So--look for me on Tuesday and let's get hooked up--plantwise, that is :)