Today, a city worker I know said--if other cities are doing it--then wait 30 years for Cleveland to catch up...
Creating and Sustaining Communities of Choice: Greening Northeast Ohio’s Neighborhoods Wednesday, February 6, 2008 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs Atrium Glickman-Miller Hall 1717 Euclid Avenue
Presented in partnership with The Cleveland Foundation
I ditched you at the last minute. I hope you don't mind. When I saw that Cleveland Metropolitan School District was staging'Carmen' I was sure you would understand! The boys and girls were phenomenal and it brought back memories of my own glory days on the stage of Douglas McArthur Elementary. 'Rain drops keep falling on my head,' was my stand-out performance, complete with twirling umbrella!
Sorry Frank
I ditched you at the last minute. I hope you don't mind. When I saw that Cleveland Metropolitan School District was staging 'Carmen'

I was sure you would understand! The boys and girls were phenomenal and it brought back memories of my own glory days on the stage of Douglas McArthur Elementary. 'Rain drops keep falling on my head,' was my stand-out performance, complete with twirling umbrella!