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I-Open Tuesday: Workforce Development Forum No. 2Submitted by MaryBeth Matthews on Fri, 08/19/2005 - 05:44.
08/23/2005 - 05:00 Please join us next week for,Workforce Development Forum No 2: Building Innovation & Entrepreneurship in NEODate: Tuesday, August 23 By working together collaboratively we can promote a stronger workforce and a more prosperous regional economy. We are building the open economic networks we need to work faster and smarter. Connect with our County, City and Workforce Investment Board representatives and learn about updates from research and policy leaders. Let's build next steps to accelerate regional innovation and entrepreneurship to create quality jobs and workforce development. Contributors: Tom Buescher, Ohio Department of Job & Family Services, Labor Market Information Section Moderator: For information about Workforce Summit 2005, visit: or call the Summit Hotline number at 216-987-3322I-Open Forums Coming Up… Monday, August 22: Free Seminar: Network Weaving for Community Effectiveness 1:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M./Maple Heights Library/FREE. Featuring two internationally recognized experts: June Holley, President and Founder, Appalachian Center for Economic Networks and Valdis Krebs, President, Orgnet, (WWW.ORGNET.COM) developer of internationally recognized social network analysis software. This seminar is aimed at the beginner in network thinking and building, and it will include many great stories and practical steps that anyone can take to improve their connectivity and capacity to innovate. For more information, visit: http://www.i-open.orgTuesday, August 30: Developing Quality, Connected PlacesBuilding Sustainable Communities through Collaborative Planning for Our Waterways and Greenspace6:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. Maple Heights Library FREE  Questions? Contact: Betsey Merkel, Network Development Location
Shaker Heights Library
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