Submitted by CPL Fine Arts on Mon, 08/10/2009 - 12:43.
09/19/2009 - 14:00
09/19/2009 - 15:00
Avast ye mateys! The Cleveland Public Library Fine Arts Department is pleased to present the next event in our "Music at Main" series on Saturday, September 19th, 2009 at 2PM in the lower level of the Louis Stokes Wing. September 19th is "International Talk Like a Pirate Day" and to celebrate, the pirate duo The Rambling Sailors will perform traditional and modern sea shanties and ballads of the sea. There will be pirate activities for the kids and refreshments. Be sure to dress and talk like a pirate! This event is free and open to all ages. Aaarrrrrrr!
Next Saturday, September 19th , 2009 at 2PM in the lower level of the Louis Stokes Wing, CPL will be celebrating the yearly "International Talk Like a Pirate Day" with activities and refreshments (pretzels, pirate "ale", coloring, make-your-own pirate hats/eye patches) for the kids and a concert by the group "The Rambling Sailors."--
International (!) Talk Like a Pirate Day
Next Saturday, September 19th , 2009 at 2PM in the lower level of the Louis Stokes Wing, CPL will be celebrating the yearly "International Talk Like a Pirate Day" with activities and refreshments (pretzels, pirate "ale", coloring, make-your-own pirate hats/eye patches) for the kids and a concert by the group "The Rambling Sailors."--
SEE posting above and live dangerously.