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Ohio EPA Extends Public Comment Period for Cleveland Public Power’s Proposed Gasification PlantSubmitted by lmcshane on Wed, 01/25/2012 - 19:13.
02/23/2012 - 13:00 02/23/2012 - 13:59 Etc/GMT-5 Ohio EPA Extends Public Comment Period Regarding Draft Air Permit for The public comment period concerning a draft air permit for a proposed municipal solid waste gasification plant in Cleveland has been extended to February 23, 2012.
After receiving numerous requests from the community and Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson, Ohio EPA agreed to extend the comment period an additional month to provide concerned citizens more time to comment on the draft permit. Cleveland Public Power is proposing to construct a waste-to-energy facility at 3727 Ridge Road. The facility would house four municipal solid waste gasifer processing lines to produce syngas. The syngas would be burned in a furnace to produce heat, which in turn would be converted to steam in a heat recovery steam generator. Citizens may submit comments in writing to: Cleveland Division of Air Quality, A decision on issuing a final permit will be made after considering all questions and comments submitted by Feb. 23.
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