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Support FOBCSubmitted by lmcshane on Mon, 02/02/2009 - 07:37.
02/06/2009 - 09:00 02/06/2009 - 11:00 Etc/GMT-5 As many of you know, FOBC members have advocated for the Lower Big Creek Valley Greenway Redevelopment & Restoration Plan, the study to develop a master plan and an economic revitalization strategy for the Lower Big Creek area between Brookside Park and Jennings Rd. The LBC plan combines information contained in past planning studies by NOACA and others. It is funded with support from the Ohio & Erie Canal Association, Cleveland Metroparks, Ward 15 Councilman Brian Cummins and Ward 16 Councilman Kevin Kelley, and the City of Cleveland. Floyd Browne Group is the consultant under contract to the Old Brooklyn Community Development Corporation. The plan presents "a new vision for the Valley Greenway. The creation of this vision incorporates detailed future land use, public access, infrastructure, ecological restoration and environmental regeneration, open space and trail linkages and economic development concepts." A Lower Big Creek trail alignment, when combined with a potential Big Creek Greenway Trail Alignment and Neighborhood Connector Plan -- the study currently underway in Brooklyn to develop preferred alignments for a trail expansion that will connect the Metroparks Brookside Reservation to the Big Creek Reservation south of Brookpark Road -- will enable users to access the amenities of the outer reaches of the Big Creek Parkway on one end, and the Towpath Trail and other destinations via the other. Tom Collins, Old Brooklyn CDC Project Manager of the LBC study, has informed us that a significant event for moving the plan forward will occur on Friday, February 6.
The plan will be presented to the Cleveland City Planning Commission for adoption and insertion into the update of the city master plan (Connecting Cleveland 2020 Citywide Plan). This will help secure funding for the easement, engineering and construction phases. George Cantor, Cleveland Planning Commission and Robyn Sandys, Old Brooklyn CDC will introduce the presentation by Dennis Mersky, Floyd Browne Group. Showing strong buy in from the community is essential to the presentation. Visible and consistent support for this plan is important when it comes to securing funds. A strong base of community endorsement is heeded as the project moves through the budgetary process. Many of you attended the public meetings during the planning process.
If you are able, please join FOBC for the LBC Plan presentation and show your support. The City Planning Commission meets at 9:00 AM in Room 514 of Cleveland City Hall, 601 Lakeside Ave. Please attend, sign in for this agenda item, and stand in support when the chair asks who is here for this item. Parking is available in the City Hall parking lot accessed from Lakeside Ave immediately West of City Hall.
If you cannot attend please send an e-mail stating your support and why you believe this is important to Cleveland, the Brooklyn Centre and Old Brooklyn neighborhoods and to the Big Creek watershed. Send your message of support to George Cantor (gcantor at and your communication will be inserted into the meeting record. If you prefer you can send a letter to the Cleveland City Planning Commission, c/o George Cantor, 601 Lakeside Ave. #501, Cleveland, Ohio 44114. This plan is a major step towards advancing similar efforts throughout the Big Creek watershed and throughout the region. We greatly appreciate your continued interest and support. Learn more about the LBC Plan at Location
Cleveland City Hall
601 Lakeside Ave
Cleveland, OH 44114United States
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Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
From Ohio Canal Corridor:
Subject: City Planning Commission Reviews Big Creek Valley Greenway & Trail - Friday, February 6th @ 9:00 am
Cleveland: The Cleveland Planning Commission will review the Big Creek Valley Greenway & Trail Plan this Friday morning, February 6th at 9:00 am at City Hall, Room 514. The Plan is a product of a multi-phased process that has evaluated future land use opportunities within the Big Creek Valley, concentrating on the area between the Cuyahoga River to the east and Brookside Park to the west.
The most significant feature of that future is a connector trail from the Towpath Trail to-and-through the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo and Brookside Park. The Zoo is the most visited single family tourist destination in greater Cleveland. A successful trail connection would provide new access opportunities for NE Ohio. The Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad plans a major boarding station at the lower Harvard Avenue/ Towpath Trail junction; a wide trail would allow trams to transfer passengers into the Zoo, a short 1-mile trip.
The Cleveland City Planning Commission will consider the Plan for adoption and insertion into the update of the city master plan (Connecting Cleveland 2020 Citywide Plan) – a necessary step in the process to secure funding for the easement, engineering and construction phases.
The Big Creek Trail is one of a series of connector trails that is being planned and built in Cleveland. It will join the nearby Treadway Trail, the Mill Creek Trail and the future Train Avenue Trail as “branch trails” connecting to the trunk Towpath Trail. It is noted that Cleveland’s grand vision is a network of such trails connecting to both the Towpath Trail and Lakefront Bikeway in a manner that 90% of all Cleveland residents would live within a short ten-minute bike ride from an off-road trail connecting them to Cleveland’s finest assets: the lakefront, zoo, downtown, University Circle, and most importantly to every other neighborhood in the city.
Kevin Cronin
Can you go? I work...MTB folks, mostly kids, already use the outlaw trails in the post-industrial Big Creek valley for riding....makes sense to make it happen for REAL.
Lower Big Creek Greenway Plan
The Lower Big Creek Greenway Redevelopment and Restoration Plan is available for review before this meeting at the Brooklyn Branch of the Cleveland Public Library, 3706 Pearl Rd. Cleveland.OH 44109 until 2/7/2009.
The copy provided by Old Brooklyn Development Corporation will be sent down to Public Administration Library on Monday, February 9th to be cataloged and added to the collection. Please call 216-623-6920, if you have questions. The entire file is large, but can be viewed on line at:
Good News
From the CCPC blog:
06 February 2009
Big Creek plan approved
The Cleveland City Planning Commission today unanimously approved the Lower Big Creek Valley Greenway Redevelopment & Restoration Plan (PDF, 79.1 MB). It calls for investments of nearly $11 million in a trail network and environmental restoration projects. The new trails will connect Brookside Reservation and the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo with the Towpath Trail.
Now give us the "esplanade" on along the Brooklyn-Brighton bridge first!
Let's WALK Cleveland, shall we?!
Join the Lovefest
Our councilman Brian Cummins talks about the little lovefest here in Brooklyn Centre. Let's make it a BIG LOVEFEST! I can see Steven Litt in tie-dye now :)
Lower Big Creek Greenway Plan wins approval from Cleveland City Planning Commission
Posted by slitt [at] plaind [dot] com February 06, 2009 17:12PM
The PD posted my comments today ! I am BBC2. Yeah!