Recent posts

TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast CommentPostedsort icon
EventRock and Roll Couture: Music, Fashion, and Modern Style Evelyn Kiefer018 years 18 weeks ago09/06/2006 - 16:38
EventCleveland Institute of Art (CIA) Faculty Show Opens Norm Roulet018 years 18 weeks ago09/06/2006 - 11:26
Blog entryClevelanders come together to celebrate peace and lives of John Jackson and Masumi Hayashi Norm Roulet818 years 19 weeks ago08/25/2006 - 00:04
Forum topic? of the Day: Dear Plain Dealer, is this the "street culture" you hope to kill? Norm Roulet018 years 19 weeks ago09/05/2006 - 06:12
StoryPrelude2Cinema launches Video i-pod contest prelude2cinema018 years 19 weeks ago09/03/2006 - 22:42
Blog entryInteresting site with Cleveland roots and heart... Cold Bacon Norm Roulet018 years 19 weeks ago09/05/2006 - 00:35
Blog entryA step in the right direction for dealing with blight: good work, Judge Pianka Norm Roulet218 years 19 weeks ago09/04/2006 - 16:19
EventFood Cooperatives: Why Have Them and How to Start Norm Roulet018 years 19 weeks ago09/04/2006 - 23:15
EventBike4Peace Coming to Town! Norm Roulet018 years 19 weeks ago09/04/2006 - 23:08
Blog entryGrowing up from tragedy: for 2005, plant 55 community gardens, and 10,000s of trees... more than that for 2006 Norm Roulet218 years 19 weeks ago09/02/2006 - 23:04
Blog entryMaking Cleveland a healthier community by supporting bicycling Norm Roulet018 years 19 weeks ago09/04/2006 - 17:18
Blog entryWhat about: Allen T. Jones, 23, of Montgomery, Ala., who died near West 48th Street and Detroit. Norm Roulet018 years 19 weeks ago09/04/2006 - 15:45
Blog entryDaily Struggle lmcshane118 years 19 weeks ago09/04/2006 - 09:02
Book pageArt for all time: John Jackson, rest in peace Norm Roulet218 years 19 weeks ago08/18/2006 - 15:46
EventJohn Jackson and Masumi Hayashi Peace Garden Dedication Norm Roulet118 years 19 weeks ago08/21/2006 - 19:21
Blog entryArt of the Day: Tie-dye Evelyn Kiefer018 years 19 weeks ago09/03/2006 - 23:44
Forum topic? of the Day: How often do you notice the pollution in NEO in your neighborhood? Norm Roulet218 years 19 weeks ago08/31/2006 - 23:55
StoryServices for Detective Jonathan "A.J." Schroeder Waiting for Carnot018 years 19 weeks ago09/01/2006 - 10:45
Book pageVigil for Detective Jonathan "A.J." Schroeder Norm Roulet018 years 19 weeks ago09/02/2006 - 21:37
EventFundraiser for "Meet the Bloggers" features local poets Norm Roulet118 years 19 weeks ago09/01/2006 - 15:30
Book pageSending your kids off to school to eat their daily lead? Norm Roulet018 years 19 weeks ago09/01/2006 - 17:26
Event09/03/06 green: a vegan and vegetarian potluck :: every sunday! Norm Roulet018 years 19 weeks ago09/01/2006 - 16:48
Book pagePoet of the day Norm Roulet018 years 19 weeks ago07/11/2006 - 22:49
EventMass for slain Detective Jonathan "A.J." Schroeder Norm Roulet018 years 19 weeks ago09/01/2006 - 14:08
EventViewing for slain Detective Jonathan "A.J." Schroeder Norm Roulet018 years 19 weeks ago09/01/2006 - 14:02